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Everything posted by AlwaysBeNice

  1. Btw, some people react different to pain, I can withstand really a lot of sensations, including high degrees of pain, how painful is pain without fear or identification? You don't know the life situation it arises in, you don't know what follows after, what happened prior, etc.
  2. I had to think about this a lot during an ayahuasca trip once and it just freaked me out, will I live this same moment an infinite amount of times? If you go from A to B in infinity, there's an infinite amount of ways to get from A to B, so you could say you never arrive at A again (seems most correct). But, if you have an infinite amount of time.. It should be that you get to that point, again, right? So maybe you will. Don't think so, but I don't know. ----.... In any case, it doesn't matter, because it's not your experience that you experience everything as the same thing, you see, when you try to get down to it, it just becomes indefinable, it's magic.
  3. Oh it's hugely off putting, but is that what he means? ;')
  4. The concept of heaven is quite flawed. Are women in heaven? Would be boring without. Can they reject you? Is it still heaven then? Can they get pregnant? Can the baby, piss and shit over what ever ground or house your standing in?
  5. This 'you already have' and 'you got bored with that', is just nonsense, the light is not bored and it is not born. I don't like this presumed enlightenment talk of yours to be honest.
  6. Ya'll need to watch out with this stuff or you might end up like this guy
  7. Ur a frequency space, within a frequency space. Even the gravitational burp of a black whole flows through you, and effects you, also dna, conditioning, natural preferences. So how much of you, is separately is making a choice, none. - And things appear spontaneously, dreams appear out of nothing, there is no creator god in that sense, which would also just appear. Doesn't everything just appear? - idk, feels like sometimes, there's some creative intelligence, but idk, not as a separate you, and some enlightened people say it can be realized it's all only spontaneous, seems right.
  8. Path of least resistance is the default path, I think it's more like the opposite, but it depends on what environment you grew up in, I always found compassion to be quite natural (aside from the fact devils or angels are of course subjective judgments).
  9. Luckily that can change as practice goes deeper. And guided meditations on youtube may also help with this, maybe music or advaita style: Mooji has many, also Ribhu Gita, Ashtavakra Gita. Reoccurring alarms.
  10. Meditation can be made easier if it's found that it's too hard. If sitting still, straight up, is too hard, don't try to force too much of it. 'Better' to do 1-2 hour lying down meditation, than 20 min sitting, I think, maybe combine both. Simply lying down, can be just as effective if not more. Because surrender/relaxation or self-discovery isn't about effort, it's just about aware relaxation, intention to discover. A certain amount of effort should be necessary to not make lying down into a pure sleep/dream session probably, keeping the mind not too scattered, focused on Self (discovery), and if the desire for self-discovery/peace-freedom is frequently applied enough, strong enough, it will probably go on during dreams (and make them more conscious). Why this isn't well more known or applied.. I don't know, maybe for me lying down meditation is easier and useful as I've done already a lot of meditation and experience a certain wakefulness that persists easily in (semi)-sleep states, or a big reason is that people don't talk about it because it doesn't look as 'cool', 'spiritual', or 'productive' to say you like spending time meditation in bed, negative connotation with laziness.
  11. A common trap seems to be the mental holding on to the idea of being enlightened, just a little better than everyone, just a little bit above all of life. You also don't know the position of all beings, who says they suffer, ironically, insects, animals, children, simple men, good women etc. may be in perfect happiness, because they don't put themselves on the imagined responsibility throne of the so called world.
  12. Gautama Buddha: “Cessation of lust, of hate, and of delusion is the Unformed (Unconditioned), the End, the Taintless, the Truth, the Other Shore, the Subtle, the Very Hard To See, the Unweakening, the Everlasting, the Undisintegrating, the Invisible, the Undiversified, Peace, the Deathless, the Superior Goal, the Blest, Safety, Exhaustion of Craving, the Wonderful, the Marvellous, Nondistress, the Naturally Non-distressed, Nibbāna, Non-affliction (Unhostility), Fading of Lust, Purity, Freedom, Independence of Reliance, the Island, the Shelter, the Harbour, the Refuge, the Beyond.”
  13. Use the disease for self-transcendance, stress-transcending. Disease is always caused by stress, if there is no stress there is ease, even if there is disease but no stress, there is no real disease.
  14. 'Becoming' 'of' But self-obsessed crap is just some functioning,, so you mean,, you can live in such away that's very free of 'mind problems',, okay, but that's not complex.. .. 'Becoming aware' .. 'of' .. 'nothing' and 'everything' .. 'Realizing how' 'God''''' 'WORKS'' THROUGH - Sorry I am being a bit facetious, but you see how silly this all sounds, this, working for 'insert dualistic concept'.. is the mind problem of becoming and gaining, sorry, you can't reinvent life, it's already done.
  15. 'Each realization'? What do you think I mean with realization? It's about seeing you are not in anything, it's absence of self-obsessed crap. You have no idea if a mule is not aware of God. Why wouldn't it be a normal day?
  16. Realization is akin to magic powers, witches and evolution now? It's said that after realization, you realize it was always already the case, so you we're enlightened at birth and after and now. Illusion falls away, you don't gain anything.