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Everything posted by Whatever

  1. Yep. Seems like he doesnt need nuggets of gold, just people looking up to him as God.
  2. Yes. Like believing you are doomed to suffer because you are stuck beliving in life or your selfhood or ego or tought of being "I". While me on the other hand believing my experience and beliefs reflect the whole truth and are not simply beliefs, they are reality.
  3. Yep. "Maybe if I stay like this, someone will plug 5meo in there".
  4. Disorientation, perverting non dual insights and loss of motivation since perversion might be along the lines "there is no one to do anything and nothing matters anyway" are common among 5meo users. If you want to work on your life instead of joining Leo's cultish thing id suggest you to not do it now. Or if you do 5meo, do it after youve taken safe distance to Leo and this forum so you are more free to draw conclusions and live in free relationship with wath you experienced. In here there is strong dogma in place on how to interpret these experiences and what is your, God's and other beings place in this picture (hence I used the word cultish). Desire that is fueled by Comparison, competition and envy is what I see in thid forum a lot. Object of desire is enlightnment, who has the deepest insight, who is a clueless child, who dares to let go the most etc. Its not really even about the desired object anymore. More about being the one who possesses this object. My view is that its smart and common sense to do your business thing, focus on being true with yourself and your loved ones. Meditate a bit morning and evening, be strict about that and let time do its thing. If you try to force your way with a ten year old rage to wisdom and nuance that is gained thru life experience, you will end up with perverted view anyway. As much as you might want to get close to God, God wants to get close to you infinite times more. You just cant hasten the seasons.
  5. One is living life heavy with importances and selfless love. As, with and among human with human shortcomings. Its purification of world of desires (instead of trying to stop desire alltogeth) from its competitive, comparing and envious nature to desire that is free from those. Its recognision of limitations as human and turning toward God, expecting everything from Him. One is getting high, coming down and telling people how cool and courageous you are for getting high like that. Trying to find a way to stay high pernanently so you can believe when you say human shortcomings dont exist. Its an obsession for me to become you (you being God here) even if it costs my selfhood (<- this is the essence of envy btw). Tried both ways. First one is far less sexy and flashy. It also opened lifes depth to me. Its not a dream, this is as real as it gets. Only a lover of dream doesnt dare to see that.
  6. Bc simply meditating you might be humbled. Its way more fun to have megalomanic fantasies and think that I am all mighty God and not see how im perverting something there due, you know, getting high all the time instead of slowly growing and gaining nuance.
  7. What do you mean by war here? Or do you mean actual war?
  8. If you referring to me, Im not looking down on being aware or different forms of spirituality. Just trying to point out selfishness, blissing out, exclusiveness and dissociation masquarating as love and non self centeredness.
  9. You dont need to feel at one with other people. There might a same source but you are you and I am me. We have a relationship. Healthy boundaries are where connection is found and vulnerabilty is made possible thru them.
  10. Sounds good. Think yhere is lot of depth to be found in what you do now.
  11. I dont claim to understand anyone else better than they do themselves if at all, nor that I know their needs. Its that I want to get to know other people as they are and that process is much more illuminating on understanding of myself too than just meditating or "becoming nothing" since different aspects of myself are present in relation to different people. Its also much more grimy, difficult and messy which I assume is an obstacle to inner peace thats talked about in here a lot. Its also what is bypassed in order to focus on spirituality that revolves around ones inner peace. Its just inclusiveness of other people generally and not taking spirituality to be some sort of solo project of seeing thru illusions. Its life lived with aspiration to love with best of my ability. But truth is, sometimes Im only able to love from quite a distance, so I go to retreat or smth in order to regain some inner peace to share with others. So I could live in the world and be an endstop to reactivity while not repressing my emotional life and being thru to others... Its a difficult fucking combination ? So in a nutshell, inner peace that is an outcome of isolating oneself from difficulty I dont see as virtuous. Inner peace shared and received thru interaction with others is realer to me.
  12. Its not that people dont care about inner peace. Its that inner peace isnt really a goal for spirituality with any depht. Inner peace is sacrificed in a heartbeat if loving and serving others and God reguires it. Saying people "dont care about inner peace" belittles their sacrifice and suffering. As if chilling in peace and priviledge is the highest virtue.. to me Its merely a resting place where I can rest, recharge and be loved to share that love with others, not to become end stop for love. Love as all good things are best recycled.
  13. So do you want to believe what you believe without being open to anyone affecting your thinking? Being untouched by difficulties of life and relationships? Way to do that is indifference. You've come to right place.
  14. Anger isnt the enemy. Misplaced anger is. Good luck with your "flow" while damning the anger with pseuso peace and fake positivity. Think this dude is spot on. Seen lot of people here acting superior and "detatched" because they have isolated themselves from daily difficulties of life and relationships into cocoon of what they call meditation. Only distractions are your own toughts to which you can simply take meditative distance to. Pinnacle of this kind of spirituality seems to be some kind of dissociation they call enlightenment. Been there too. Harsh reality came when I lost those priviledges and found myself in need of others and in fact whole world in dependence to eachother. Problem isnt sense of having a self but inability to ask, to receive, to need, to be humbled to realise I cant manage everything alone, so truly to depend on love, not mine but others, universal love acting in between all of us, connecting us. Meditation can easily become means to that tryna make it alone to be independent of anyone or anything.. talk about sense of seperation (or rather, isolation).
  15. Changing ones relationship to pain or generally seeing oneself and others in mercifull eyes is important. Meditation is good but not the end. How I act out and share any goodness coming from God is whats important to me. Dont think seperation between you and me is a mistake nor that its the issue. Lack of connection is. God to me is essentially a love relationship that changes people and world from "it" to "you". That love creates connection and inclusiveness, doesnt reguire to scapegoat my selfhood or yours, actually streghtens them for I become me in relation to you. So to me more I progress in path, the realer life gets, not more illusory. This is as real as it gets, pains, difficulties and sufferings and all. And the challenge isnt to sit meditating and having insights and wordplays but being humbled enought to be a human who is deeply dependent from love and care from others since day one. That is seeing God's smallness and non violence. How he knocks on the door of my heart just as far as I banish Him. Never stops knocking tho. Its redicilous how easyly that knocking is ignored and God's call to serve his will is overruled by selfish desire when out of meditation cushion.
  16. In relationship there is me and you. Focus on me doesnt allow me to really see you and thats self centerdness. All I am is my relationship to you, to myself, to world, to God. And my well being is well being of those relationships. So to love to have any depth it needs to be loving relationship to someone, not a state of niceness. Same goes for God. Its my relationship to You. God to me is "you" an eternal thou, not "it" as how people in the forum refers to God. "It" exist for me to use. "You" are not me, "you" are eternal mystery and more mysterious I let you be, the closer we are. So I spend my life admiring "you" in prayer, meditation and in the realest way in the eyes of others. Recognising that my whole existence is complitelly dependent on You. God is me but I am not God. Milk is cheese but cheese is not milk. Now there is room for me, God and developing relationship between us. Also between me and other people. All that is taken away with belief "I am God". Suddenly there is no more room for me, ego is scapegoated. Im trying to be other people, im trying to become God. Trying to become God, even if its costs me losing myself is the very essence of envy. So wouldnt stress over having toughts of me or you. Or if focus is creation or not but who to serve and how. Serving you is essence of forgetting ones selfcenterness.. and my experience is that less self centered i am, the better I feel. More time im spending loving someone or doing something out of love.
  17. Suggestion: You need to get pass me and my pleasure, highs, suffering, enlightenment. In short, self centerdness. Spirituality in this forum promotes focus on oneself complitelly, no wonder addiction issues keeps coming back. In my opinion finding a way to serve God is way more important than trying to force your way to some blissed out state and stay there. So find means to serve others, focus on suffering and well being of others rather than your own. You are different from other people but God isnt. So serving others is serving God. Serving your own ends is serving yourself.
  18. Then you might be open to idea that there are other relationships that one toward yourself. And those actually hold greater potential to strip you from self centeredness than loving yourself ever would. Love essentially isnt focus but relationship. Thats how I see it.
  19. Having no mind doesnt mean you need to whipe clean your mind all the time. Its realisation that you dont _have_ mind as something you posess. Its rather that you are mind and its movement. Another way some people get it is that you dont have mind or anything because they are gifts. But dont focus complitelly on the gift and forget the giver.
  20. Oh my god that would be lovely! I could ne complitelly independent of others and world around me. Sheltered in my cocoon of self love, not caring about anyone else <3 Let them create their own cocoon and stay the fuck outta mine
  21. "look at me! I had an experience I dont understand so now I totally get the world!"
  22. That sounds like slowly relating to pain differently. Not cure for cancer. Maybe I misunderstood and nobody claimed that definately being a thing. Other than that, I still disagree with your elitistic view on spirituality. That spirituality comes hierachically after life of survival has turned to life of luxury. If I had to guess you read somewhere about Maslows hierarchy of needs and took it on faith. First survival needs, then social, then x and then spirituality (which apparently just is me and my states of bliss and enlightenment. Others are just illusion? Not saying you think that but generally seems to be the view in this forum). There is no empiric studies made on maslows pyramid scheme tho. People with no security in life make art. People with no job or income help others. Peoole get married after quitting treatment for their incurable illness. These people actually reflect pinnacle of spirituality in my view way more than someone who thinks he is on top of the world because God hooked him up with life that is dope enought for him to finally have some time to try to solve the puzzle God made to hide himself.
  23. Yea I get that. Still dont think that people in 3rd world countries with horrible illnessess for example are best helped by saying that they should simply imagine themselves better. To tell that hungry child with empty stomach that everything yoi looking for is inside you. Especially with zero evidence on these conditions to really heal, feeling better is different from healing a condition. It seems like this spiritual elitism that I see here a lot. People doing drugs in comfort of their homes now feeling like they have tackled an issue of suffering and human condition in general, and it was simply this scapegoat "ego" that is to ne banished to habw catthartic experience. Then is all good. Think its obivious thede drug highs as smth to them but then they get perverted after so much that is debatable if its worth talking about them at all or to call what you brought back insights
  24. Im not ignoring that. Nor Im not denying that. Good mental health prevents illness. But to claim that mind is the cause and heal of all illness is based on nothing but wishfull thinkin at this point.