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Everything posted by Makkatya

  1. I have been watching his videos and I found a lot of wisdom in them. How do you guys feel about him? Anybody took the Inner Engineering course? Is it worth the investment?
  2. I was thinking about grinding out some capital, to have something to invest in my life. What would you recommend? 35$ per day would be nice to aim for.
  3. Can one love unconditionally without being enlightened? If you are enlightened what does a relationship mean to you? Why be in one? (This is more hypothetical, but if you are I'd gladly read your wisdom. )
  4. @Dhana Choko I wasn't trying to prove vegan is "bad", I was just curious am I missing something with the teeth thing. Is that a myth/dogma too?
  5. @Dhana Choko What is your take on our teeth structure? Why isn't it optimized for eating only vegan, if that is the one diet.
  6. I always love when rational/scientific and spritual come together. Although they are both just a belief at this point for me. Thank you for the feedback.
  7. Even in the old days when I didn't hear about any spiritual stuff and I was gathering more and more "knowledge" basically information to recycle in my mind, I still felt more and more stupid. The more I "know" the more I "know" how much I don't know. It's quite funny now that this shifts into I know nothing.
  8. Waking up more early would be a bit awkward for me. Because like Leo said, you should meditate when you are at your peak, cognitively. Every day life may not let us do it at that point, but sacrificing sleep for early day meditation would just ruin my day. It depends on the person.
  9. To put it simple, it's a myth. Trans fats are the big no-no.
  10. Basically I like to help out other people in various ways. Helping others with emotional problems, a blind person across the street ect.. Is this only a game which my ego tries to preserve the "mr nice guy" illusion for me? Can I help without selfishness, if I have an ego?