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Everything posted by Odysseus

  1. There is nothing wrong with this. If you can live like this and it fulfills you, do it. Like Camus mentioned "The struggle itself ... is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy". Finally there is also no dualism between ego and being.
  2. I want to criticize you on that. Your framework isn't simple. It doesn't come from ascetic-like POV. It's judgmental and it displays a lack of open-mindedness and compassion. You may consider that you do not have it all figured out. Wish you all the best
  3. 1.) Practice. Write at least for 1 hour a day. I'd also recommend you Steven Pressfield's books on creativity. 2.) Practice. Talk to people. How? Toastmasters, debating clubs other hobbies. You got this.
  4. There are existential questions that cannot be tackled with the mind. I'm interest in answering them. I'm not interest in concepts, truth claims or debate. It's okay if you want to defend your concepts. But you'll see that you're only muddying the waters.
  5. You have a vision. The foundation is laid. It's your responsibility to create meaning. Fight for it.
  6. @Paul92 No problem, there is no need to apologize for asking questions. Anyway, I know this realization isn’t easy to handle. By saying that you just watched some Youtube videos, I just wanted to point out that your assumptions (as far as I know) come from an intellectual and conceptual POV and not from direct experience (so-called enlightenment experience). Sorry for being indirect. What I discovered in a glimpse is that everything is nothing and nothing is everything. So you are nothing and everything. Meaninglessness is itself meaningful. The “construct” does not consist of X parts but is one. Ego isn’t the ‘evil part’ because there are no parts and no evil. So there are no separate organisms, just one. Everything is an illusion but the illusion is everything. Odysseus was a great traveler. He tried to find his way home to Ithaka, just a short way, but it took him ten years. He used his intellectual brilliance to progress, just to find himself further away. He blamed a lot of people and forgot about his aims. But finally he found his way home with the help of the gods. I’m fascinated about his journey not about his destination. You and me we both are travelers in this world, as everybody is. We always want to know but we have to experience. For me the ego isn’t the enemy, sometimes a distraction, but after all it is me. It is just feels like part as long as you are searching. It doesn’t go away because it was always there, as everything is. It is really hard to explain paradox because there is no (classical) logic. I think you will find answers if you discover further ahead. I also think there are other people on this forum who can find much better words than me. Much love
  7. @Paul92 You watched some videos on youtube and tried to grasp Truth by conceptualizing with your brain? You're making logical conclusions about illogical paradox. Everything is real and nothing is. Your loved ones are you. You are your life, your mind, everyones life, everyones mind. You are loving, crying and laughing and they are too. We are one organism. We are real in every moment.
  8. "Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced." You're free to choose your values intrinsic. But it takes courage to break your inner resistance to live them. There is nothing to enjoy objectively. Your objectivity is subjective. So you can objectively create meaning for yourself. You create reality. Happiness and suffering are byproducts to this strange-loop. There might be the Absolute (the "real" objective) in the current moment but I'm not able to grasp it yet. As long as this is the case, I'll rather create than receive. And if it's not there I'll worship existence through creation.
  9. @eleveneleven Great post, great book. Thank you.
  10. Models by Mark Manson and Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton are really the the only books you need. Mature dating advice without gimmicks. Great read.
  11. You're displaying stage orange stereotypes. The only necessity to 'get a girlfriend' is the practice of self-love, which is investing and accepting yourself and being heartfully intersted in others, which comes with embracing ones self-love onto others. But you might just start with mastering the alpha-male-tactics in order to establish the understanding for stage green and above dating/relationships.
  12. For me these conversations were always hard to initiate because I didn't want to make myself vulnerable by expressing the importance to talk. But also I felt the urge to talk in the first place because I wanted her to change instead of myself, which is a problem. So always check your motives, express your intentions honestly and like @purerogue said, respect her current circumstances. Merry x-mas
  13. 9, i/enfp. How much do these two concepts correlate/correspond with spiral dynamics?
  14. @beatlemantis I'm sorry but (your) relationship is very contextual so I can't give you a clear a. or b. advice. But I have some thoughts on your post: You're living with him right now, right? You can't live together after you broke up with him for sure but why is this ruining your college career? Getting a reputation of being a cheater is much better than feeling guilty for withholding. You said in another thread that your boyfriend showed interest for another girl and you showed your body to other guys for validation. I think some people who are really close to and love you will understand your mistake. You're not an awful person, you made a wrong decision. Everybody does. Fuck morals and follow your (intrinsic) ethic: if you value honesty, be honest from now on. Don't use that as a rule to cripple you, use it like a rule of thumb. Try your best. Do not try to make him feel better. His emotions are not your responsibility. Comforting him will likely make him feel worse. He has to live his own life. It is your responsibility to invest in yourself. "Everyone goes into a relationship with the best of intentions. Most people come out of them feeling hurt and betrayed in some way. Most people come out having messed up royally somewhere along the way. There’s nothing uniquely horrible about you or that one person. Just learn from the mistakes and move on." - Mark Manson
  15. hey. my advice: 1. Read the book 'Radical Honesty' by Brad Blanton (to connect with the idea of step 2) 2. Tell your boyfriend what happened in full detail (what you felt showing your body to other guys etc.) 3. Maybe he will leave you; maybe he will stay with you. Overall you will get unstuck: you can start working on yourself (life purpose, socialising etc.) and build up a new healthy relationship or most likely you can start from scratch with your present boyfriend. He might have skeletons in the closet too. Either way, by not telling the truth about your feelings and not presenting the facts you will end up in a toxic, emotional abusive relationship. Don't waste your time living this miserable lifestyle - clinging to each other is escapism. 4. Follow the advice in the book I mentioned before. It helped me a lot with my (relationship) problems. 5. You're not a bad person. Everybody makes mistakes. Start working on yourself to detach yourself.