Obscure Seduction

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Everything posted by Obscure Seduction

  1. @Azrael Ok. I will try it for my self.
  2. Hey Azrael. Can you make your next trip in a complete dark room and see how that works? If you can too, make the other trip in a Jacuzzi or pool.
  3. My parents told me to take my little sisters out last saturday, so i asked them what they wanted to do. They said they wanted to watch this movie named "Trolls" at the cinema, so i was like sure, but in my mind i was like come on lets go somewhere else, this is waste of time. I was expecting the same thing from most of these types of movies, but something got my attention. I dont want to spoil anyone from this movie, so i will just get to the point. The movie is based on true happiness, love, friendship, oneness/duality and spirituality. Implicitly you will get all these messages. This has been one of the best movies i've ever seen, because it points the truths of life and how we are seeing this reality of power over love in the planet. It has been around 1 year i dont go to the movies, so yes, the universe responds to our state of being by bringing us circumstances of similarity, since i have been spending most of my time on spirituality. By this, i dont mean you must go tomorrow and watch this movie. At least for me, it was worthly because this tells me people are waking up, specially through the media. Maybe this movie can touch some people unconsciously. If you watched this movie, what you liked about it?