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Everything posted by Durka_Durka

  1. I've been reading Jack Willis' book on Reichian therapy and he seems to be rather vague about the types of problems that it can help. Does anyone have any experience of Reichian therapy and what it helps release? My understanding is that it helps release a lot of unconscious blocks and trauma that you may not be able to release by other techniques like talk therapy, journalling etc.
  2. Just wondered if anyone has/had been using it for a long time and would recommend it for meditation?
  3. @Freakrik Considering a lot of the responses you've had regarding manspreading etc. I think you've just been proved more and more right in this thread
  4. My thinking is just fucked. Every subconscious thought and action I take seems to drag me toward hell, and directly away from where I want to go and live. I self-sabotage is everything, even easy things. And the only way I can think to be free of all this is suicide. I just don't know what to do and my parents (especially my mum) are so fucking unconscious that they don't know that they've fucked me and my sister. But my sister is equally a cu** as well. I just don't kno what to do. Basic self-help stuff is so fucking hard for me, especially because I'm still in my family's house. Basic self-help stuff that everyone seems to be able to do and it helps them, I can't even do. Because my fucking programming won't even allow it to work. I feel so helpless and I can't deal with the world. Suicide seems like the only way to be free
  5. I've realised more and more recently that I cannot navigate this part of my journey alone. I need help. The idea of working with a psychotherapist to me seems like the best idea to get through this stage of being stuck and going round and round in circles. I've only ever been to one therapy session in my life and it was given to me for free by my university and then they never offered me another, so I don't really know what I'm doing. Does anyone have any advice on what to look for/what to be aware of when looking for the right psychotherapist?
  6. @Major Tom I've noticed that Headspace really doesn't offer a lot unless you subscribe to it, did you do this or did just check it out and then leave it? @Osm Having looked at Calm, I think this one is better personally, seems to offer more than Headspace
  7. You're not alone in needing to raise your self-esteem. I've been working on my self-esteem after years of being around people that never helped or taught me to do anything, unwilling to treat me like a human being who matters. But it does get better. Your key for building self-esteem is Nathaniel Branden. Branden's whole life was devoted to studying self-esteem and ways to raise it. This is his work I am working on at the minute which is considering his seminal work: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pillars-Self-Esteem-Nathaniel-Branden-Ph-D/dp/0553374397/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1533240988&sr=8-1&keywords=six+pillars+of+self+esteem+by+nathaniel+branden I'd highly recommend working through that book. And taking the book very seriously, it works, at least I've seen definite improvements and I imagine I'll work through it several times before moving onto something else. There is also a list of further study in the back if you felt so inclined, but this book will definitely help and you may feel like it is enough at the end. I wish you all the best and blessing for your growth
  8. @Outer Then that's not an issue of truth. Because that is a concrete, you are right and they are wrong. The belief has no effect on what is actually true or false
  9. So Truth isn't Truth if the majority don't think it. This is so dumb, it hurts.
  10. @Marks199 Can you please explain these?
  11. @smd I'm either an ENTP or INTP depending on how I'm feeling, right now definitely INTP
  12. I've been really improving my own productivity lately, and I partly attribute that to increasing my consciousness through the six pillars of self esteem but also due to the fact that I've been unemployed and looking for part time work and found myself with much more time. And I've found that I've been doing lots of things better like keeping my routines more strong than they were before. My issue is, is that I want to take the life purpose course, and during that Leo did make a good point. That doing one thing at a time is better than doing lots of things at the same time. So you can ace that one thing. If I were to rate all the recent changes that I've been making in terms of how often I do them and the quality at which I do them, it'd be something like: Changing my wake up time - 7/10 - I usually get up almost straight away Eating breakfast every day - 7.5/10 - I always eat a plate of vegetables in the morning but sometimes not much else Cold showers - 6.5/10 - I sometimes have lukewarm/warm showers but I have cold showers more often Taking care of my face and teeth - 8/10 - I now almost never miss this unless I really, really am in a rush and I always brush my teeth before bed, which I didn't do before Gym - 9/10 - I go 4/5 times a week without fail A healthy dinner - 7/10 - I don't eat extraordinarily healthy but I always have vegetables with my dinner (even if they're just salad greens) which is so much better than I did before and sometimes I would just skip eating dinner altogether Meditation - 4/10 - My meditation now is nowhere near as strong as it once was, I now hear my mind much more faintly, which in some ways actually seems like a good thing but at the same time, I'm not sure if that means that my awareness has actually reduced Journalling - 3/10 - This is almost always the thing that gets missed if I am too tired or just want to get an early night. My point being that I am juggling all these things that are relatively new to me and I'm doing well in most of them, but I could be doing great if I stuck at it. I know how important the life purpose course is and I want to fully take it on, and I would definitely take it as seriously as I could. But would it be better to wait until all this stuff is at say at least an 8 before diving into something like the life purpose course? Which I could then totally fucking smash? Thoughts would be much appreciated.
  13. @Hello from Russia I have been reading the Six Pillars of Self-Esteem and these come under the pillar of self-responsibility, when I get to it, I'll be covering this, although it can't hurt to watch alongside
  14. @Nahm Thank you. It was a dark day for me. I've made a plan for moving forward and I know what my next little steps are. Even those are scary but they're absolutely necessary
  15. @Raphael Why are you actually me? Haha
  16. @denydritz I think you're probably right, I've bookended my day pretty nicely. It will probably feel more natural as I keep at it. With the tasks thing, I want to leave the Life Purpose course so I can fully focus on it and smash it once I can. But I'm in my early 20's and still living in my parents' house, without an income at the minute. I want to find my purpose and passion so that I can move straight into it, but I'm also weighing up that it'd probably be better to do that once I have my own place and life free from my family. I saw @Leo Gura talk about this in another comment:
  17. Having read this over again, I should make it more clear what my question is. In my situation, or do you believe in general, that it is better to do a lot of things reasonably well and let them develop over time or should I do one thing at a time and make sure that I absolutely ace it and then move on to something else?
  18. @Ascend I think you're severely overestimating someone in red thinking. I'm in blue (moving into orange I think) and even I have some internal issues with some things that Leo says, I cannot imagine a Red coming on here in the first place, let alone sticking around. Also if it were the case that you were to subtract two then that would mean I would be purple moving into red. Sorry, I just don't think that's possible
  19. Blue-Orange I've found myself very slowly, in my thinking, moving out of my old toxic blue-tendencies and finding my own thinking becoming selfish (in a good way) and focused on myself rather than everyone else. I assume this is a symptom of moving into orange. It certainly seems that way when I look at the characteristics of blue and orange
  20. @Nahm I've been thinking that. My mate and I were actually discussing starting a woodworking side business tonight and I was far more into the into than getting a part time job. I do think I'll get a part time job but I think you're right that I'm more of an entrepreneur than an employee @Sage_Elias That sounds awesome! I hope everything goes well @Timotheus I'm of this opinion as well. I definitely don't think I want to get a job that is going to be super long term, if I ever get a full time job it will definitely be purely to supplement my business that I will be building in my free time
  21. I am job-seeking at the minute because the last job I took, I quit in a month because it was extremely arduous, boring work for something I couldn't have given less of a fuck about. I'm trying to find jobs that are potentially exciting to me but I can't seem to find anything that actually is exciting. Do I have to take a job, just to take a job? I don't want to do that at all, but if I can't get an OK-ish job which is exciting then I don't know what to do. Also should note that this is leading me to turning down offers from potentially ok opportunities but when I read them through, they just simply do nothing for me.
  22. I was just about to say something along these lines. I doubt you've reached high levels of awareness if you find it boring. I have only reached pretty nooby levels of awareness and I love it
  23. @brovakhiin Stop being dumb here, take that elsewhere
  24. @Good-boy No thanks mate, that sounds creepy and not worth my time, especially considering I just passed my test yesterday. Thanks for the suggestion though