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Everything posted by Durka_Durka

  1. @Ananya Thank you!
  2. @DanoDMano Thank you! In your personal opinion, from what my post says, would you say that I am worrying too much about this? Because it certainly feels like it but I can't shake it off as I want to get better and loosen the shackles which have been socialised upon me.
  3. @The Alchemist The problem that I find is that I don't want to be wasting precious time and I don't know whether the stress is being intensified by my own ego in order to maintain homeostasis, because Personal Development does require enormous change. However the fact that I'm worrying so much about this may be unnecessary and I should just wait for time when my workload has calmed in order to do this stuff. It's so hard to know for sure
  4. I found this as well, but I usually use it as a metaphor as opposed to actual science and it can be useful if you don't take those things that he says at face value. Vibrational alignment isn't quantum physics but it's a good metaphor to use for the fact that the "energy" that you feel about yourself and the world is the "energy" that you then get back from the world, which even if it isn't completely true, it's a good mental state to be coming from.
  5. Thanks everyone for the support, I plan to keep this as a weekly journal so feel free to check on my progress/thoughts every once in a while, you're always welcome @Ananya @DanoDMano @The Alchemist
  6. You better! Otherwise Corey is going to go mad
  7. 100% "How to be a man". I was an absolute fucking pussy before this video and honestly, I think it has led me to the road that I am now taking. I wouldn't have got into Personal Development at all if it weren't for that video and the impact that it had on me at that time.
  8. I assume you've read the book too, have you read it 10-15 times and are now a 3% man?
  9. The 3% Man by Corey Wayne Corey Wayne has been someone who I have followed for about a year before I read his book and his videos were always fascinating to me and during almost all of his videos where he discussed success stories he would always say "it's because he's read the book 10-15 times". This always puzzled me and eventually, due to my own failure with women and relationships, I gave in to my curiosity and bought the book. This book on the cover looks like a frankly disgustingly cliched book of pick-up techniques and sayings to use on women. I don't know how this could be further from the truth. As a follower of Corey for 12 months I thought "there's no way he could have written such shit" and he didn't let me down. This book has completely revolutionised the way that I look at sex, dating, the genders, relationships, my own purpose and even down to what do I really value in myself and other people. I cannot explain in a review how powerful this book really is. "The 3% Man" is a book that should be regarded as the go-to book for how to deal with attraction, dating and relationships. Corey Wayne doesn't teach techniques, he teaches what he calls "the fundamentals". He stresses that the whole "pick-up" act doesn't work as you cannot be your authentic self which was certainly one of my fears when I knew I was struggling with women. I want to keep this review short as I would like to see you guys who are struggling out there check this book out for yourselves . I would like to add a warning to this review however, do not bother reading this book if you're going to "half-ass" it. There are quite often links to Corey's other work (e.g. YouTube video, article etc.) which explain the things that he is talking about in the book in greater detail, these can often come in large chunks, so the reading process can take a long time. Also you must read the book 10-15 times! I cannot stress this enough, I'm on my second reading and I'm seeing results here and there but everyone who I have seen who has benefited from this book has been a good student who has studied this book repeatedly and in depth. If you're willing to do that however then you will find attraction, dating and relationships completely effortless. I've left a link to his YouTube channel as well as an image of the book (so you see what I meant earlier). I would highly recommend this book to any man who wants to improve his dating life or relationships or to any women who are looking to understand themselves better or even to learn about the behaviours that should be happening for a healthy and fulfilling relationship to develop. Become a 3% man. 10/10 https://www.youtube.com/user/coachcoreywayne