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Everything posted by PretentiousHuman

  1. Day 35: Very tiring yet fulfilling day indeed. I deserve some rest and peace of mind. I will rest properly today.
  2. Day 34: A very tiring day indeed. I have to accept that coffee is not good for me anymore. Even when i am addict and very fond of drinking it, acceptance is my only way in bettering my self.
  3. Day 33: So far so good. I think i just had 5 hours of sleep. I tend to wake up in the middle of the night. Might be from my irregular sleeping pattern. Nonetheless, i will still make use of sleeping pills.
  4. The Sweetness of Rain The rattling sound on the roof has become evident, As the heavy precipitation pour down from the heavens. The sky has darkened, temperature drop significantly. Rain is God’s blessing in liquid form. Humans and animals take cover suddenly, Avoiding to get wet and dreading to catch some cold. The dry land now abundant with nutrients. All living organisms benefiting from this natural occurrence. Everything slows down, taking in more time. The oxygen is enriched, safer to the lungs. Sweet aroma of a hot coffee, bright smiles in a room, A good book to read, a life not wasted a minute. A reassuring moment over a weather that need not to rush. Priceless water for the body even just a drop. Overdo it and you will get a flood. As simple as the rain, destined to fall on the ground. -Louis Perez’ Poetry #24
  5. Day 32-B: Restful and a creative day. Will post the poem i just created this afternoon.
  6. Day 32: Thanks @Leo Gurafor the Dream Life i am living now. ❤️❤️❤️??????
  7. Day 31: A fruitful day nonetheless. I have to focus now.
  8. Day 30: I have a productive day today. I’m also starting to cut off negative people in my life. Feels liberating.
  9. Day 29: I feel energized now. Will cut on unhealthy habits and foods now.
  10. Day 28-C: Sleep now. Need some rest for your work later.
  11. Day 28-B: I have to let go of the woman i like at work. I think she’s beautiful and kind. An awesome girl, but i have a dream to pursue.
  12. Day 28: I’m excited today for I am living the best days of my life.
  13. Day 27: I am so excited of the study habits i will build for my NCLEX preparation. But i have to focus more now and avoid distractions. Simple as that. And i have to enjoy the journey for it is in the enjoyment that matters the most.
  14. Day 26-B: I cannot sleep now. Will try to read if cannot sleep.
  15. Day 26: I don’t have enough sleep now because we don’t have electricity this day. I’m having headache and dizziness. I will try to sleep on duty if I won’t have any patients. I’m trying to heal everyday that few people have known about.
  16. Day 25-C: Being a Nurse is a very tiring work, unless you’re being well compensated. Will sleep now to regain the energy i have used from my work.
  17. Day 25-B: I have a lot of patients that I attended during my shift today. I am so exhausted. And I don’t have enough time to review my NCLEX questions. I drank an iced coffee and I haven’t had any stomachache. Good thing!
  18. Day 25: You don’t have to check on your Social Medias for no one will message or try to connect you with it. So stop using it because it is unnecessary for you. Try to focus on answering NCLEX instead. And read any philosophy too.
  19. Day 24-B: I was so happy when I started reading again for Nursing. It feels like i was brought back to when i was on college. I like studying. And i will invest more of my time now reading things that give me knowledge and wisdom.
  20. Day 24: Relationships are making me suffocated. I wanna breathe. The only relationship i wanna have is the one i have with my self. I didn’t let my self down for too long now. I love my self. ❤️ I want to take each moment i have as clear and as chill as i can be.
  21. Day 23: I’m very sleepy now. I’m from an hangover, i got to gym this afternoon, I slept for hours and I will sleep now. I’m now having a mental space that is not toxic to me. I will pursue my American dream. I won’t fall in love with anyone in my country.
  22. Day 22: I’m at a birthday party now. Having so much fun. But i want to sleep now. ??
  23. Day 21: I’m at duty now. And I’m answering some questions. I think I’m infatuated with a Doctor. But i must stop myself from having intense feelings with her for i will leave the institution i am currently working, and work at USA.
  24. Day 20-C: "Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the Gods made for fun." - Alan Watts
  25. Day 12-B: Taking the day as slow as possible, did not took it so serious. No gym, no reading. Just taking one breath at a time. I still have pain in me. And whatever it is that i am going through, i believe that it’ll only make me stronger. Onwards.