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Everything posted by PretentiousHuman

  1. @Aeris Thank you mate!
  2. Sleeping for more than 7 hours is hard for me sometimes because as a nurse i work on shifting hours including nights. So as long as i have the time to sleep, im maximizing every hour to get rested. After i have the Crohn's disease, i went to eating healthy.
  3. @DrewNows Thats my observation with the Wim Hof Method too. It made me aware of my emotions when pouring my self with some cold water in my body. What other biohacks do you practice to deepen your consciousness?
  4. @Aeris Yes we are all in this together. What are some biohacks that you are practising for a better health?
  5. @Aeris Kind words mate! Yes. I will use whatever alternatives available to thrive in Life. Same to you. ?
  6. @DrewNows Good thing you brought the benefits of it. Im a Nurse and my job is already stressful as it is. Since when did you utilize the Wim Hof Method? Do you have any health issues yourself?
  7. We have similar issue@DeannaDevil. I always wanted to work at UK or USA as a Nurse. But wanting those dreams had me become neurotic like if i had never met that goal what would i become? I havent continously enjoyed the now. But with meditation, exercise and work, i was able to remove myself to the monkey mind i was imprisoned in.
  8. @Soulbass Yup. This is a pain in the Ass disease. But it might be a blessing in disguise for me as i becoming more conscious with my diet and lifestyle. I'll look into it. But as for now, ill just practice the Yoga im following at youtube. Wim Hof is great over all. Thanks!
  9. @Soulbass I watched the video and its an i opener for me. I have Crohn's disease and i think this will improve my symptoms. Thanks for this. I do yoga but what is the benefits of Kriya Yoga? Can you give me any channels on youtube so i can do it on my home? ?
  10. @Hellspeed I will definitely try the martial arts breathing. Thanks!
  11. I see. Emotions get me sometimes, like if a memory of my ex gf pops up into my mind, my first reaction would be to feel sad, unease, wishing that i would have done aomething to save the relationship. So to fix or numb the pain, i would chat somebody to divert my attention to what cause the loneliness. Its a never ending cycle for months now.
  12. My 4 years relationship ended last year. And since then, i wanted to be single as long as i can be because i want to work on my Spirituality and Self-Actualization. But i have the addiction of communicating to a woman through Messenger. And since my work place are almost all married, and i am already 30 years old, or at least in a relationship, they are actually pushing to have a gf. My challenge for me is, how could i be single while i am doing my spirituality works without needing any relationship at the moment and stop my addiction of finding another girl to be in a relationship with? Im meditating, running, going to gym, reading nursing textbooks, journaling. Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
  13. @ajasatya Source of desires like sex, attention? Awareness is healing? Hehe
  14. I thought love is just for erotic Love, but after my 4 years relationship and went to being single, i started caring for my self. And realized that loving my self is more important that loving someone.
  15. One of my New Year's resolution is to avoid dairy products and coffee because i have lactose intolerance due to my Crohn's Disease. But sometimes i crave coffee and desserts that has milk on it and i give in and consume it. Resulting to abdominal cramps and diarrhea. And if my family or co-workers are consuming those foods, i tend to be breaking my discipline and indulge to the foods that is hurting me. And guilt would creep in because i was never disciplined enough to stop my self from eating things not healthy for me.
  16. @who chit Thats hard to swallow for me. But i guess many of the practices that Leo is suggesting in his videos will help me to eliminate my ego. Or at least be aware of it.
  17. @TheAvatarState Yes. I will do it. What are your practices for self-awareness?
  18. @Serotoninluv Haha. More like orgies.
  19. @Leo Gura I know i have a lot working to do. Just keep those videos coming. Hehe. And a buddy here in my place would have been better if he/she is also into spirituality. But i dont have one.
  20. @who chit I was struck by what you said that Self is naturally loving and has no need to be loved. Can i act as that? If can lived that way, does it mean that i have already trascended as to be the higher Self?
  21. @Leo Gura Thanks for the suggestions on how to eliminatey ego. I will try Kriya Yoga and self-inquiry
  22. @TheAvatarState I have already heard it but cannot fully understand it yet. I will listen to it at least 5 times.