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Everything posted by AmandaA

  1. Hello everyone, So I very recently began practicing meditation and becoming more mindful. I can begin to see some small changes in my daily lifestyle, which I am very happy about. One reason I wanted to start adopting these practices in my life is because I react emotionally to situations in life instead of respond, and it really sets me back. I have practicing steps like repeating emotions in my head, recognizing to them, taking steps to respond, and so forth. One time I received harsh criticism from a friend, and before I would begin to get emotional very quickly. However, I was able to recognize I was I was upset, respond to the situation and everything moved on. Yet, after using these techniques for a couple of days, I find myself triggered by such small situations and sometimes I feel like I could burst out in emotion, or begin to just cry, over something so small. It feels awful, like all of a sudden Pandora's box is opened and I am flooded with emotion. I know I must be doing something wrong- how could I be mindful of my emotions for a couple of days, and then all of a sudden just burst? Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to what might be going on, any guidance, or suggestions as to how I can make these overwhelming waves of emotion subside?