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Everything posted by furashido

  1. @Jonson Once you find the adress, the position wont matter.
  2. @7thLetter When it comes to your famly, remember this, it’s all about compassion. none of the money in the world matters when it comes to that. And sometimes in life we have to tame our ego and put our selves aside for others. Maybe you can help out the way she needs help now, and slowly help her change her lifestyle by being there, doing things together and so on for the long term change. Look at it as the inner work, how many are trying but getting absolutely nowhere? There is no willpower! So if your mother has been living a certain lifestyle for that long, how easy do you think it is to change by ones own will? For most people it dosn’t become an issue untill its too late. But You as a observer have a chance to help Now. Sometimes people just need understanding It is the desicions we make today that shape tomorrow.
  3. @Ether Cool. I look forward to following your process @Quanty I think he/she ment that u dont use any courus. Its all about building a interesting experience for the listener. Like a gift wrapped up in a beautiful package. Its kind of a big part of the experience. Reel them in because its enjoyable first and let the message sink in later.
  4. Well, yeah, there is a time for everything, and right now is time to just discover and find your way. Delivery and flow is something personal and you can find ways to make it work. But then there is the mixdown aspect, compression, limiting, eq and reverb etc to glue everything together and make it sound cohesive. 1 what key is the track in? find the root note and keep everything in key. 2 work on delivery 3 use a good song structure / arrangement to keep the listening plesant and interesting. 4 mixing here is a arrangement tip. intro 4 bars- courus 8 bars. verse16 bars- courus16bars bridge8 bars- verse 8 bars courus16 bars- outro 4 or 8 bars. But nowdays some artists go intro verse courus outro Basicly, just find ways to make it a fun listening experience. What Daw do you work on?
  5. @okulele If you wan’t it bad enough, you wouldn’t need anyone to light a fire under your a**. What you discover on your path, you most likely wont be able to share. It’s very scary but one must be determined to walk alone thru the darkness and never give up. There is basicly no other option, even if you are stuck in the dark night of the soul. Walk, remember and keep walking.
  6. @fireworld Change is extremly hard, that’s why not so many are interested. It’s like dying in a sense. (it is dying) What are the resoults you’re looking for? Stop looking for anything and start giving up everything.
  7. I am a producer for artists aswell as film and tv. In my experience, learning in music is no different that being a student under a spiritual master. You come in believing that you are done, and that you are already enlightend, until you get your ego tamed by the master and are humbled. To have a seasoned producer who understands songstructure, harmonies and what works in a song can bring out the best of you and speed up your process drasticly. You can go by your self as well, but why reinvent the wheel? I have listend to a few of the songs and they are all sincere and come from a true place. But the flaws in delivery and harmony make it sound amatuerish. This will ultimately make the listener loose interest. I agree with Nahm and think that its solid advice. I also agree with Markussweden that everyone is unique. But i say all of this because i can hear that you have an important message that you need to get out, and that is the most beautiful mission right there. Take this serously and do what ever you need to do to perfect it. Oh, also, my first 5 years in music, i was that person who rejected help and thought that i already was there. But hey, its just like the path to awakening. A shift in perspective,
  8. @nour-cha93 Go all in. Meditate on the nonexistence of your physical self and death for 1 year minimum.
  9. @Just Do Nothing #Facts
  10. @zoey101 Hey Its great, go for it. I would love to hear the music for this. what genre / tempo / key? I shortened some phrases and changed / removed some words. I don't know what genre it is, but the simpler, the catchier i think. Good luck! What's this feeling inside? Can't get you off my mind Never thought that love would feel this good Your tender touch You know I can't hold a grudge 'Cause I could never see life without you By my side Chorus: So let's run away, run away From this place We can get away, get away From this craziness Come follow me, follow me On this melody, melody We'll be happy, happy Once we're finally free!
  11. @Saumaya I don’t how long it takes, but for me it happend december 2010. And it took all the way to the end of 2017 to settle in. Its a journey.
  12. @Saumaya I truly appreciate how you have written. Even in the strangest situations, you are totally aware, no matter how stressful it might seem. There is no physical pain. Or rather, there is but you just dont identify with it anymore and are not bothered by it. First time i noticed this was when i broke a leg in an accident. Second time when i had a few teeth fixed without anesticia. Its like you just observe the physical sensations and experience it like any other experience, without beeing attached to it or suffering by it. And just like you, i returned to regular life afterwards. allthough, my transition was not easy, as it came about thru a life time of self inquiry as well, but the final stages came thru immence suffuring as i reached a point of the willingness of giving up my life, and accepting my death, and the death of everything that i ever was and could be. And within that moment, i became free. When this happend i didn’t know about mystical death or about the concept of dying while you are alive. And i started reading heavily afterwards to understand what was happening. Its funny that the way society looks at those who are natural self enquierers from an early age as abnormal, or depressed because they don’t fit in the mold that has been placed around us. The being yearns to be free.
  13. @Saumaya Yes to everything! And life just flows on beautifully. Things just keep happening and everything just works out, because everything is what it’s ment to be. No hard feelings, expectations or demands on any situation. Everything just is. It is truly beautiful. And sense the feeling of space and time is gone, it is like all there is this one point, and like everything else is moving, but you are allways where you are. The days feel infinitly long compared to before. You can look at everything and everytime it is like it’s for the first time. And tears of joy come regularly just by being given the gift of existence and experiencing this. And even though you are very aware of death in every moment of the day, there is never any fear, just acceptance and grattitude. And like you said, it’s like you have died already, because you have. One foot in existence and one foot in non existence.
  14. @tsuki How could infinity be described with a limited language? How could you understand it if it was spoken to you through words? The only way to grasp it is if you have infinite awareness. One went to the door of the Beloved and knocked. A voice asked: “Who is there?” He answered: “It is I.” The voice said: “There is no room here for me and thee.” The door was shut. After a year of solitude and deprivation this man returned to the door of the Beloved. He knocked. A voice from within asked: “Who is there?” The man said: “It is Thou.” The door was opened for him. -Rumi
  15. @WaterfallMachine It is true, the more you know about your self, the more your intuition becomes heightened. Accept the nonexistence of your physical self. Meditate on it. As it is inscribed on the temple of Delphi “Know thyself, and thou shalt know the universe and God.”
  16. @WaterfallMachine When you are shown the true nature of God / Infinity / the absolute and have become it. If you have, you know when others have as well. But it is not the final step. Also, just as it's something one could attain, it is something one can loose if one isn't humbled. There are those who are awakened but go astray afterwards and loose it all.
  17. @Pernani Even though there have been individuals throughout human history who have been able to do it without any theory, this is not something anyone can do. The theory is there to make it easier to grasp for those who are able to receive the knowledge. You don't have to understand every thing you read or hear, and some concepts take years to grasp. But the more theory you are exposed to, the more likely it is for you to get it. Most times you just take away what you need at that moment, and thats fine.
  18. @George Paul There is no smart & dumb on an absolute level. These are only attributes and values from our end and level of comprehension.
  19. Everything we know of and can imagine with our limited minds eminated from one single absolute point that we are all a part of. It is everything that ever could be. Saying that the absolute is not intelligent is like separating your self from it. it’s not possible. We are drops separated from the ocean, and once we find our way back, we become the ocean. And once you find it, you have answers for all your questions.
  20. @steveRm Ill try to answer your questions. but what does observing really mean ? - Take a walk outside and look around you. Lets say you see a tree. look at it without placing any judgement or values on it. you don’t attach to everything you see right? Like that. same thing with your thoughts. your brain is constantly working, finding patterns in things, bringing up associations etc. Its just doing it’s job. Should i "look" at thoughts ? - The thoughts are there, just let them be. Should i ignore them ? - Just observe them and let them pass. Should i pay more attention to them ? - No how do you observe a thought without thinking about it ? - Are you your thoughts?
  21. @steveRm There are stages in meditation. First of all, let go of this idea of resoults. This only brings frustration that is counter productive. Let go of all expectations. Just observe.
  22. @MisterMan This is good. think of those who never get those moments of clarity and are in a constant state of addiction/ non awareness and on autopilot perminantly. Within those moments of clarity you can be aware of the damage that is being done. Use those moments as an adress and strive to find your way back when you get lost. Within time the intervals will be shorter and you will be able to focus on what’s actually good for your being, as you will notice even the subtle nuances of difference substances / foods / thoughts / ego / sex / relationships and etc makes on you. Don’t give up.
  23. @Nadosa I don't have any answers for you, except that i have been where you are, and just as confused. You feel totally lost in reality without knowing what's real anymore. My only advice is to find your center in all of this. Meditate on it. Find acceptance and don't try to control everything. It is what it is and you are in it. Aren't you curious to find out more about your self, life and existence? Then trust in that. If you think about it, you can still do everything you have to do, but in a free manner. If you feel separated from your self, then use it. Also, there is a time when the insights and the knowledge comes in strong waves and in short intervals, but that's just you catching up. And it will take a lot out of you, but you can take it otherwise you wouldn't get it. It will slow down eventually. Its times like this when we are put to the test. Will is everything. My master used to tell me : "you have been shown, the question is what you are going to do now".
  24. @Nadosa All transitions are scary at first, but as it becomes your new reality, this too will feel normal after a while. Its ok.
  25. I can only speak through of my understanding and limitations: Even if experiencing the absolute and becoming everything that ever was and ever will be, for a microsecond, it is beyond time and space. It is there with you always, and what happens is that from there you live in existence and non existence. The things that used to bother you become meaningless, and the things you used to strive for become undesirable. Almost as if they no longer have any effect on you. There is this pull that is always drawing you back to that place, where everything eminates from. But you are still in human form and in life as we know it here, so you are in a society where you have to deal with everyday situations, responsibilities towards others, other peoples egos and so on. And you understand that you are here for a reason, otherwise you wouldn't be. But now you live without fear, because you know that whatever you experience in life is just that, an experience, so you are no longer caught up in life like everyone else seem to be. You are weightless in the flow of life. So yes, there is happiness, if you would call it that. In actuality, it is just what is. Its more like you are just observing as life happens, knowing that your eyes are just lenses. You have more control over the outcome of your actions and can observe how all the subtle nuances in your behaviour effect the reality around you, so there is a great responsibility in being given this gift. I could go on about this, but i do not what to take up to much of your time. But lets say this, even though you have reached that state, or awareness in existence, it is just a glimpse of the magnitude of reality. What you do with that insight is up to you, because you can also get lost if you are arrogant and the ego starts making you believe that you are enlightened because of your experiences. Just because you have been shown the sea, and know that it exists, does not mean that you know how to get there at will, or about the laws of reality. If you are lucky to experience it, know that you still know nothing, you are nothing.