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Everything posted by furashido

  1. Yes. I got panik attacks and my body started vibrating at a high rate. It's a special experience. When i went through this, there was nowhere to turn and get information or guidance from. It was scary, because i had never heard of anyone ever talking about this and it totally collided with my view on life, existence and being a human. And yes, it truly feels like dying. A piece of you that you formerly identified with is now gone. But back then, i was ready to die anyway so i welcomed it no matter what the outcome would have been or how frightning it was. The insights i was getting came at a rapid pace, so much that i couldn't even handle it all. But i couldn't do anything else or even stop it because it started happening everyday without any exertion, so everytime the panic came creeping up on me i buckled up for a ride. It's a magical experience to dive into the unknown. Enjoy and Keep going
  2. yes. But know this, before you even get to the ceccation of thoughts, you have to face whatever it is that’s locked in your subconscious that is causing the depression. You have to open up the floodgates and allow whatever is there to come up to the surface and deal with it, come to terms with it and learn from it so that it becomes neutralised. And you have to be strong and willed. Gradually as you face all of your personal demons one by one you will feel lighter, untill you are completly free from them . When you have reached that point the continued meditation and awareness will make you able to recognize the issues in realtime and deal with them immediatly so that nothing gets locked away again. And untill you have dealt with everything that’s there, no matter if you think your depressed or not, you can’t move on to the next step. There are no shortcuts. So yes, you can be free from depression with meditation. The question is, how bad do you want it?
  3. It depends. What’s your defintion of happiness?
  4. You are questioning things. Maybe they seem meaningless at this point. But endure and keep questioning. Life aint that long. You will die either way. So why not see this ride out? And why hurry? It's almost like the times we do things without expectations, like deciding to go out with friends in the last moment. Those nights turn out to be the most fun. Why is that? it's because you had no expectations. You didn't go out expecting tings to happen. Now compare that to the nights you planned for and had expectations, those almost never turn out the way you want them to. So why not live life that way? Just be here without any expectations. Take the good and the bad and see this thing out. You might be in for a surprise Ask your self, why does it feel meaningless? From what perspective does it seem meaningless? Is your perspective and perception a true measurement of the truth? Could it ever be? So what is meaning? From what values do you base your view on meaning? I have been where you are a long time ago, and back then i knew only this, that no matter how i feel or what happens, i'm gonna see this thing out and understand. Also, you are not suicidal! You are just confused about life, it's completely normal. Intelligent people tend to think bigger. They try to understand things and analyse more than others. The problem is that you can only understand according to your own level of understanding. So when the answers you seek don't come immediately it causes confusion and depression. Just know that it will make sense later. So be curious and courageous! Observe, and as you grow in awareness, things will make more sense. Its gonna be ok!
  5. Fear is of the mind and will lead to illusion. It can cause bigger problems if not dealt with. Work on the cause of your fear. What’s holding you from letting go? This will be applicable to any aspect of life. Be fearless.
  6. It's a big goal, because you are aiming for something you can't possibly comprehend. Work on what's most important now and deal with the issues that are clearly infront of you. You are seeking enlightenment and trying to kill your self at the same time it seems. Ask your self, can this possibly lead to enlightenment? It takes focus and willpower, and if you can't even quit with the negative substances you digest, then that will is not there as of this moment. Clean up your house before you start anything else.
  7. you don’t have to cut everything. Just choose the information you digest mindfully.
  8. Because you are here and have a chance to experience, evolve and expand.
  9. Temporary or not, this is the level of reality you are in now. Isn’t it very egoic than to abandon humanity because one feels elightend? What a wonderful trap to fall in. This is just a micro step of our development. Don’t stop here.
  10. He is a beautiful being. But that soul will continue its work. Like we all have to. He did his share of misstakes, but he also evolved rapidly at the end. When we come to acceptance of the karmic cycle and decide to pay our dept, we sence that our time here is coming an end, just like he knew his time was coming to an end. @Ether you should check his music out if you havn't. His 2 last records were mostly focused on helping those with depression.
  11. You remember your former selves as a separate beings. Like lifes on autopilot that you have observed without interfering. You feel compassion for that being and the suffering it had to experience. And yes, unfortionatly, they die. It’s hard to understand it from the opposite end.
  12. In every moment there is a choice to be made. And when you are ready to pay, your karmic dept can and will be collected.
  13. I just ment as masking it. blend it with your personality. Use it in real life examples. for someone who is a sleep, it’s impossible to understand. it needs to be directly applicable and relatable for the listener in a way that they get a sence of relief. Like how would this knowledge be applicable for someone going thru a breakup? Or for someone who feels lost in life? Or a 16 year old kid who is going through depression? This is if the goal is to help. In that case it must be digestable on many levels. Those who understand the code salut and those who don’t are subjected to it subconsciously.
  14. its possible that a song focused on spiritual viewpoints is a hard sell if its too detailed. For an averege listener who is asleep it might become off putting and uninteresting since the spiritualty and factual part is its main focus in a way. Those who do understand on the other hand already have that the interest and are already on their path. The only reason i can see for music with a so detailed narrative is to get the aproval of others on the path, which in turn becomes unneccecary sence there is no need for aproval. If your goal is to help others have insights and life changing ephiphanies, then target them as you would a marketing campaign. Understand your listeners. Give them what they want and make it interesting and distable, but place the message there in a subliminal manner to make them use their subconcius rather than the active mind. Make it non judgemental and share your being so that it comes forward as the prominent base of the music. Make me as a listener trust you and belive your words. Also, i loved Promised land. Did you make the beat Ams?
  15. I really enjoyed tha last one!
  16. Incorporate it in your life in such a way, that when you actually sit down to go deep into meditation, it is as a constant flow with little to no resistance. During the day, try to be aware as much as you can. Find a way to pull your self into the moment. Observe that you are observing. you could create a key sentence that you use to do it. For example "here i am observing", and try to observe without judgement or values based on preconceived notions. Do this to detach from your thoughts and become grounded. This way, you will prepare your self and soon find your self in a meditative state through out you day, and when you want to go deeper, there is less resistance. If you find it still find it difficult, just observe your thoughts. As they start to dissapear new things will start to happen without you having to interfere. Sometimes, we discover truths that are hard to understand or even accept, as your view of reality expands with knowledge, there are reactions that happen which leads to us taking a step away from the work, and this is also a part of the journey as you are actually contemplating and accepting. So when you are ready, you are naturally drawn back to continue where you left off. You can do it.
  17. @Star Net What you do or don’t do is up to you. We all have to take responsivility for our thoughts and actions one way or another, and nature has a good way of dealing with it. It’s hard living in that state and fear. Don’t be so attached to life. its not in your control anyway. If your mind is consumed by the thoughts of being hurt and how to hurt others, think about how to become free from that instead. If one of those things you have mentioned happens to you, you will get all your answers. Because under that kind of your stress, its hard to keep ones awareness and not succumb to the primitive ego.
  18. @Star Net you are not forgiving the person. in this case forgiveness symbolises understanding. Understanding the causes behind the actions. What lead to it happening. the psychology of the individual that caused you that pain and so on. And once you understand that you have been hurt by someone unaware of their actions and not in control of their own mind, what good would revenge or hurting them do? Do you get mad at a wolf for beeing a wolf? Or at a turtle for being a turtle? So you forgive them because they are trapped, and you on the other hand have been given the gift to see. and you have the ability to see outside of the hamster wheel. Once you understand, nothing no one ever does can effect you. Enjoy the ride.
  19. Would you go on living miserably because you didn’t get to hurt them back? Forgivness is an art. When you carry hate it just darkens your own heart. Forgiving actually makes you lighter in life. I say this because in my life i have been in that situation more than once. I choose to look at it this way, i dont think of it as someone has done something to me. Instead i look at it as an experience from things that happen. life is a series if things happening. And sometimes difficult situations can act as gurus, or a spiritual sparring partner as you will. It is what you learn from it and how you respond that helps you grow. its not all about meditation. One has to find lessons from every facet of existence, including life.
  20. @D13g0 Hi! "People are not gonna follow me or buy my coaching because I'm not saying anything new" -It dosn't matter how many have said it before you. The important think is how you say it and who it resonates with. Maybe the way you explain is more relatable for some people. Also, who YOU are and your personality is a big factor. Think about it this way, if there are people already talking about it, why not one more? Im sure more people will come along who say the same either way. "The second belief says that I'm not good enough to make videos about something I haven't mastered yet." -I don't know what the subject is. But instead of trying to tackle the whole subject, focus on parts. Break in down into pieces and learn one piece every week and do a video on it. You will master it as you explain it. Make a plan, lay out the information and make a schedule. "I'm also afraid of looking stupid in front of a camera and what my neighbors might think of me(really thin walls and English is not my first language)." - Worrying what others think should not be a factor if you know in your heart what you need to do. Don't let fear of what others think hold you back in life. The key is content and consistency .
  21. @WaterfallMachine with basicly anything where there is a possibility to feel supperior than others, there is the option to take advantage of the opportunity. Pretty basic human trait. This is the ego holding on so that it wont die. Its basicly like you have multiple bodies and all of the exept one can live. But when you start giving in to the ego you start loosing your way, and your gifts will be taken away. It takes control over you again. It’s interesting that during the awakening process we feel that we are special, but soon realise that we still ain’t shit. Pretty humbling imho. We are just tapping in to the real reality like so many others have. No biggie.
  22. @EvilAngel yes, it’s clear that there is a lot of pain waiting to be dealt with. It wont be easy, but you have to unlock those doors and let it come out. You will feel lighter and things will become clearer once you get past that step. Happy travels
  23. You as in your personality dies. This is why we must die while we are still alive.