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About Rashid

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  1. Like the title says has anyone tried nootropics and psychadelics for performance, primarily for training for athletics. And what were your results? please give me some feedback thanks.
  2. bro i want to practice this type of yoga to release this energy in my spine, what would be the best method to do so?
  3. @Arman i will use it as a learning experience for sure. Funny enough, my body feels tronger and im more entune with the energy within my body. I hoenstly don't know any energy healers in my area but ill most likely look into it, i also am planning on doing acupunture and message therapy i also might talk to a physician and ask if they know more about it. Either way i've learned my lesson and i'll probably never do that pose again.
  4. So i've already awakened.. i was doing yoga and i think the energy channel connecting from my spine to my head caused some damage to my body. This pain is unbearable.. it's been consuming me and i've basically been submissive to it for the last 4 days. I don't know exactly the reasoning for the pain occurring or how long it will take for it to go away.. but does anyone have any methods as to how to get rid of it? The experience went like this.. i was doing yoga and i was doing a position that did alot of stress to my back.. when this happened it triggered me and alot of energy rushed to my head to the point that i lost my memory momentarily.. when this happened i panicked.. but i was bread with this pain that was so painful that i had to submit to it.. i went to the doctor.. and all he prescribed me was advil.. now this pain isn't as much as it was the first day it occurred.. it's still fucking with me and its still pretty hard to bare.. please help me.
  5. So leo, why haven't you taught people about the danger of astral projection and how others can control and manipulate another beings life by doing concentrated meditation? also, why haven't you talked about supernatural abilities that are obviously prevalent in the world..that people are using to their advantage in dubious and threatening ways that can harm others..also..why haven't you said anything about supernatural beings? such as vampires, demons, voodoo, witchcraft, wizards, and other super natural entities who have used ceremonies and demonic rituals to gain supernatural powers..are you not aware of these beings?
  6. cults are a man made idea so..
  7. but i feel like thats part of the process. To seek enlightenment and than realize that the way to get it is to let everything be. It's kind of like acquiring a bunch of information and than shedding it all away to get back to who you once were, but at a different level of awareness and spirituality. I agree that making enlightenment seem like some conquest that one must overtake is stupid. For me, I just let everything be..the only reason i meditate is to zone my mind out and calm it, I never use it with the intent to become enlightened.
  8. don't fall victim to your surrounding, really it is your mind playing these stories. These people are merely living in the facade, they do whatever they please. In the eyes of the moral they are seen as obscene, but really they are just participating in acts that don't amend with societies standard. That may be wrong, from the moral perspective. But when you see things as they are, nothing is surprising and nothing seems obscene because it simply is what it is.
  9. i think actualization is always going to be more about experience, taking the theories, actually making a connection in your mind with them and trying to portray them in your daily life. Being neurotic or leaving your thoughts to dissuade won't really help you at all. Self actualization shouldn't even be seen as some tool to help you prosper. Its made for the man to dissect, understand and experience and accepting everything that comes after that, and not expecting anything before that. Meditation is useful if you use it properly, and it's also good for regaining vitality and energy and day to day life. So saying its useless is pretty ignorant, but thinking it will magically fix your problems is also ignorant and pretty stupid.
  10. so do we try to suppress these thought patterns by recognizing them and trying to dissociate ourselves, or is even thinking of doing this(a thought) would be counter productive and instead its better to simply be aware and let thoughts run through you but run you.
  11. its funny cause when i watched the video i meditated through the whole thing, and when i was about to go to sleep I couldn't go to sleep.. and i realized its cause i had to much energy that insomnia is real.
  12. i watched it, it was pretty informative but i was looking for more sources.
  13. This might be a wasteful thread, but If someone can give me more sources or information on how to acquire more awareness. I already meditate close to an hour a day, I have a pretty good control on my psyche and my emotions. I just want more information on awareness, to really show me how unaware i am and how aware i can become.