Chrissy j

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About Chrissy j

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  1. Actualized Academy - An inspiring vision!
    Actualized Academy - An inspiring vision!
    Running and managing a healthy high-consciousness institution is a full-time job. More than that, it requires the commitment of one's whole life. It's not an easy thing to do well and requires enormous levels of development.
    I am not developed or conscious enough yet to do this. Nor are most people here.
    I recommend you focus your energies on developing yourself before you get too carried away with transforming the world.
    The videos are designed to be an efficient and cost-free way of learning. You don't really need a brick and mortar self-actualization institution. What you really need is do the inner work. Which of course no one wants to do. Going to a school and passing tests is not it. The whole trick with this work is that it's so delicate and personal it cannot be easily institutionalized.
    It's good to have a sense of life purpose that inspires you, but you must also be very careful not to get ahead of your skiis here, or you will easily create a cult which will hurt lots of people.
    I have deliberately held off from growing into a big institution. The impulse to do it is always there. But my higher wisdom says No. Making a big organization leads to unconsciousness and devilry.

  2. What's wrong with being happy but unconscious?
    What's wrong with being happy but unconscious?
    You say this now only because you happen to feel good right now.
    Let's see how you feel when your dog dies, when your Mom gets cancer, when you lose your job, when you get into a car accident, when someone steals your stuff, when you start to age, when your health deteriorates, when you run out of money, when you have to face death.
    You have no idea yet just how much life will make you suffer. You feel good right now, but that will definitely not last.
    Wake up!

  3. What's wrong with being happy but unconscious?
    What's wrong with being happy but unconscious?
    This is a total lie.
    That person in actually unhappy 95% of the time.
    Be ware of how you are so miserable in life you are too unconscious and scared to even admit your own misery.
    It is impossible to be unconscious and happy. Period.
    Ironically, it takes consciousness just to realize you are unhappy. As but one example, notice how you constantly live in fear. Every day of your life you have a constant cloud of fear and insecurity hanging over you. Fundamentally you feel incomplete and incapable of facing life. Fundamentally you feel broken, not good enough, and unlovable. This is not something that happens occassionally. This is the theme of your entire life!
    Just take a look, if you dare
    Do not fool yourself into thinking that any external material acheivement will ever change the above sitution. No matter how much money or sex you get, you will still be afraid, broken, and miserable. And eventually you will want to kill yourself because nothing you try will fix it. That is, unless you know about spirituality.
    The devil lies to himself that he is happy being a devil. Therein lies his tragedy. If only he would admit he is a devil, there would be hope. But he is too blind and arrogant to see it. So he continues living in his own self-created hell, calling it heaven.

  4. How to feel masculine when your sexual market value is zero?
    How to feel masculine when your sexual market value is zero?
    By that logic you cannot do anything in life, because there is always zero evidence to support something until you do it.
    How do you know you can become a millionaire? By doing it.

  5. Frustrated when girlfriend doesn't want sex
    Frustrated when girlfriend doesn't want sex
    @Emerald Sounds like you've never been with a guy who knows how to turn a girl on. Most guys suck at sex, so it's understandable.
    But a guy who knows what he's doing can give you an amazing orgasm just through text messages, never mind in person.

  6. List of Role Models for Every Spiral Dynamics Stage
    List of Role Models for Every Spiral Dynamics Stage
    Yeah, I agree. I challenge people to hit the clubs for just 1 night, alone, and meet people. No friends and no permission to go home until 5 a.m. either. No safety net. No group to go back to. You either talk to people or you're seen as the weird loner guy. 
    I've done that once, and I'm gonna do it again in the future. A real transformational experience.
    People are gonna learn more in that one night about themselves than they have learned in years. It's like putting a mirror on your insecurities. And if you can push through it, and have some success, it feels like a million bucks. It's the feeling of leaning just beyond your edge, as David Deida puts it.

  7. List of Role Models for Every Spiral Dynamics Stage
    List of Role Models for Every Spiral Dynamics Stage
    Healthy Red:
    The unadultered search for dominance and willingness to compete is still useful in sports and work, given that the system you work within is designed to handle it.
    Standing up for yourself so that people don't walk all over you - which they always unconsciously and instinctively do unless you signal some sort of danger (Jordan Peterson: "the capacity for wreaking havoc") - is necessary.
    The willingness to fight ferociously for your own or your loved ones' survival is also important.
    Healthy Purple:
    Recognizing that having a healthy home base of people you trust and who you feel safe with is a precursor for doing more courageous things.
    Having something to fall back on when your venture fails.
    Rituals and sacrifices that strengthen the community - especially noteworthy now during Christmas.

  8. List of Role Models for Every Spiral Dynamics Stage
    List of Role Models for Every Spiral Dynamics Stage
    For Purple I'd add shamans (unfortunately I don't know any specific ones)
    It takes a real solid Yellow to see the healthy versions and also without judgment. @Leo Gura where would you put Immanuel Kant and Aristotle? Blue or Orange?
    Here are some off the top of my head I'd throw out...
    Stage Blue:
    Marcus Aurelius  Socrates The Marathon Monks of Mt. Hiei Abraham Lincoln Confucius Chuang Tzu Stage Orange:
    Tony Robbins Tripp Kramer (Tripp Advice) Sigmund Freud Sam Harris (he got me into enlightenment with the 26 minute guided meditation so I'll give him a shoutout for that at least) Renate Descartes Simon Sinek Stage Green:
    Ram Dass Koi Fresco/Vishuddha Das Stage Yellow:
    Mark Hyman Aldous Huxley Carl Jung (though he was peaking into Turquoise by the end of his life) Obama Stage Turquoise:

  9. List of Role Models for Every Spiral Dynamics Stage
    List of Role Models for Every Spiral Dynamics Stage
    Therein lies the trick. It takes some work to understand the healthy versions of the lower stages.

  10. List of Role Models for Every Spiral Dynamics Stage
    List of Role Models for Every Spiral Dynamics Stage
    Actually, even if you are solidly at Green it is very likely you still have lessons to learn from healthy Blue and Red and even Purple role models.

  11. List of Role Models for Every Spiral Dynamics Stage
    List of Role Models for Every Spiral Dynamics Stage
    This is what I have till now. You can add yours.
    Stage Orange Role Models
    Gary Vaynerchuk RSD Max RSD Tyler RSD Jeffy Todd Valentine Robert Greene Tai Lopez Ray Dalio Jack Canfield Bob Proctor Christian Guzman Thomas Frank  Shawn Thomas Patrick Bet-David Evan Carmichael David Goggins Jordan Peterson Tim Feriss Aaron Marino Arnold Schwarzenegger Kinobody Stephen Covey Napolean Hill Cal Newport Seth Godin Robert Kiyosaki Neil Strauss Coach Corey Wayne Dale Carnegie Brian Rose Will Smith Stage Green Role Models
    Vishuddha Das Krystal Aranyani RSD Tyler RSD Julien Bob Marley Psyched Substance   Bill Gates Neil Strauss Richard Branson Stage Yellow Role Models
    Joe Rogan Geoffrey Miller Leo Gura Jonathan Haidt Marting Seligman Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Abraham Maslow Joseph Campbell Peter Ouspensky David Bohm Einstein Douglas Hofstadter Steven Pinker Noam Chomsky Don Beck Richard Feynman Jacque Derrida Michel Foucault Leonardo da Vinci Stage Turquoise Role Models
    Sadhguru Leo Gura Mooji Shinzen Young Om Swami Adyashanti Stan Grof Ram Dass Wayne Dyer  Osho Don Miguel Ruiz Ken Wilber  David Deida Eckhart Tolle Byron Katie Marcus Aurelius Plato Epictetus Seneca Socrates Dr. David R. Hawkins Carlos Castaneda Peter Ralston Jed McKenna Alan Watts Martin Ball Gandhi Matt Kahn

  12. Is The Holy Grail Is The Holy Grail
    If you guys refuse to do empirical research, that's not my problem. I told you from day 1 that is an empirical enterprise and that none of your beliefs or opinions mean squat unless you put them to the test.

  13. Depressed
    No, this is false. Look carefully at the present moment. It has no suffering in it.
    Suffering is ALL mind. Stop fucking around, stop playing mind games, and observe how your mind is creating suffering. You ARE doing it! Notice this. Your mind is subtly interpreting and projecting negative meaning onto the present moment. You must look carefully to spot yourself doing this. From now on, every time you feel bad, you ask yourself "How am I creating this feeling? What must I believe to feel this way? What must I think to feel this way?"
    I can tell you exactly what happened to you. You got lucky and caught a solid glimpse of the Ox because my video blindsided your ego. It hit you out of blue, thus bypassing many egoic defense mechanisms. But your mind did not have a solid enough foundation to permanently hold this insight. The ego figured out a way to reassert itself and now it has doubled its defense mechanisms. It will not allow another easy, lucky break. Now you're gonna have to work for it.
    My guess is you are depressed because you want that enlightenment back and yet you don't know how go get it back. You thought catching a glimpse of the Ox was gonna solve all your problems and make life peachy without any serious spiritual work. And now you are starting to see that was just a fantasy. This is why you're depressed.
    But the truth is, you just got lucky. It was never really gonna hold because you have not done almost any work decontructing that big fat ego. You cannot be enlightened and maintain all of your habitual daily egoic manipulations, beliefs, attitudes, etc. All of that needs to be broken down piece by piece. You need to undo yourself and your life. The way you carry yourself every minute of every day IS ego! All of your emtional reactions and thought patterns must be purified through patient observation and contemplation.
    Stop thinking of enlightenment as a magic pill. You must also become deeply conscious of your daily actions, thoughts, and emotions. Enlightnement is only likely to stick if your entire mind is deconstructed. So cheer up and begin that procees.
    Cheer up because you were even so lucky as to get a 10 day glimpse. That takes most people YEARS of work. You got it for free.
    Yes, finding God and then losing God is very frustrating. But also totally normal and common in this work. Awaking up is not like flipping a light switch, it's more like a kid playing with a light switch, flickering it on and off many many times.

  14. Depressed
    Be careful with how you throw around that word "depression". Clinically, it ain't depression until you've had it chronically for 6 months or more.
    Don't confuse an ego backlash or temporary shitty mood or some spiritual emotional upheaval with depression.
    There will be many times in your spiritual journey where you feel sad or dejected or lazy or agitated. These usually last for a few days, maybe a week, and then go away. That is all just trickery of the ego-mind. Totally normal.
    If it lasts for 3 months straight, okay, now maybe you should give it some serious consideration and stop meditation and seek some help.

  15. Advanced Members and Spirituality?
    Advanced Members and Spirituality?
    Those who are doing the work aren't here yapping about it.
    What you need to realize is that the answers are all found inside you. When are you gonna get serious about self-observation and contemplation? When you do, you won't really need this place. It'll be only for amusement and maybe sharing a resource or two.

  16. The End of the Game: Deconstructing the Portals to the Absolute
    The End of the Game: Deconstructing the Portals to the Absolute
    What people fail to get is that consciousness isn't a thing, it is nothing.
    If you think of consciousness as a thing, as a substance, as experiential phenomena, as form, or as a state, then it will seem that there is something prior to consciousness. But really there is not. If you hold that there is 1) consciousness, and 2) something prior to it, that's two things! Which is duality.
    Regardless of which labels you wish to use, in the end your ultimate understanding of reality better contain only 1 thing! Otherwise it's still a subtle duality.
    The most important thing is to realize ONENESS, and why it cannot be anything but ONE.
    Whatever you choose to call that ONE is then a matter of style.
    "Consciousness" and "awareness" are very tricky words. Be careful what you assume about these words. Consciousness and awareness are not what you assume they are. You will only appreciate that at the moment of enlightenment.
    Psychedelics help suss out what consciousness really is and how it behaves.

  17. I'm confused
    I'm confused
    @Charlotte Fuck indeed. And don't forget the most important thing you know and love: yourself!
    Nothing you know about yourself is real. It's all a costume. Even the idea that you were born, is a story. You were never physically born. You arose as the story of you. One day the thought appeared: "I was born" and because this thought was never questioned, it became the basis of your entire reality. Then to that core fiction you slowly added all the rest of that you think of as yourself and your persona. In childhood, in school you built up the story of yourself and the world.
    Yes, fear, vulnerability, hurt, sadness... all of those are tools of the ego-mind to prevent self-reflection. It's okay to feel whatever feelings arise. But do notice, they are yet more manipulations. Manipulations on top of manipulations.
    Consider, if all your manipulations stopped, you would cease to exist. Which would be enlightenment.
    All this is a lot to stomach. Stay with it. It will be worth it in the end.

  18. The dark side of meditation (having a proper theoretical foundation)
    The dark side of meditation (having a proper theoretical foundation)
    I have said exactly the same thing in my Becoming A Zen Devil video and The 10 Ox Herding Pictures video.
    Most people half-ass spirituality due to piss-poor theoretical foundation. This is common with shallow Neo-Advaita style teachings.
    When it comes to theory, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. But I would rather have too much than too little.
    Technically, a Zen Devil is one who practices Zen with no theory.

  19. Authentic Orange Spirituality
    Authentic Orange Spirituality
    @Hero of Time Well, firstly you should know that the stuff you were doing at Blue which you call "spirituality" was mostly fantasy, group-think, & egotism, not genuine spirituality. So very little is actually lost by letting all that go aside from your ego taking a beating (which is precisely spiritual!).
    Secondly, don't wait to reach some Spiral stage to do genuine spirituality. You can begin it at any time (if you dare).
    For example, you could go take a psychedelic tomorrow and experience God in 30 minutes. No need to wait. And that's just one simple example.
    And finally, for me stage Orange "spirituality" felt a bit like recognizing the wonders of the universe through science and rationality. This is pretty weak when compared to genuine spirituality, but it can be exciting. Most great scientists become scientists because science is their way of doing spirituality (connecting with the wonder of nature & existence). They just aren't conscious of this yet. If you look at someone like Neil DeGrasse Tyson that's what he's doing every time he speaks publicly: he's scratching his own spiritual itch, via science.
    Spirituality is really nothing other than the exploration of yourself, the exploration of the universe, the taking in of nature in a conscious & truthful way. You are God exploring itself. The big problem with stage Blue is that it prevented you from ACTUALLY exploring yourself. Now you are free to go explore and see what can be discovered.
    Don't use Spiral Dynamics to limit yourself. You can go straight for Turquoise teachings right now! You might not be able to stomach or understand them, but you also might! So it's worth a shot. You could start doing Kriya yoga tomorrow and see huge shifts in consciousness within 3-6 months. It's not guaranteed, but you won't know till you try.

  20. My disagreement with Leo Gura on the direction of self-actualization
    My disagreement with Leo Gura on the direction of self-actualization
    @OrpheusNovum You are REALLY lost in concepts.
    Everything you said above is a conceptual fantasy that your mind constructed. Time, space, physics, objectivity, depression, body, mind, inner, outer, other people, nihilism, solipsism, Aristotle, Nietzsche, ancient Greece -- are all mental fabrications.
    If you think is "nihilistic" or "solipsistic" you are really not understanding nonduality, spirituality, or consciousness yet.
    Neither focusing on the mind or the body is the real solution. What is necessary is to self-reflect and become more conscious. Consciousness is neither inner nor outer, neither mind or body. What you call "the body" is really just another aspect of your mind. And the entire domain of mind is unreal anyways.
    More practically-speaking, if you're new to this work (and it's obvious you are given what you wrote), nothing I say is against the body per se. If you are stuck in depression and you want to use a body-based approach for breaking out, like Hatha yoga, gym, cleaning up your diet, going out to nightclubs with your friends, starting a business, going mountain-climbing, etc. -- that can be a useful approach. But in the end it will not be a root solution to depression because depression is deeply rooted in your metaphysical disconnection from consciousness & being. No amount of body work will solve that. No amount of success will solve that. For that, you must deeply investigate the inner workings of your own mind and your entire identity.
    The deepest work you can do it is done in solitude sitting on a cushion. But this is advanced work. Most people are not yet ready to do that. They need a lot of external actions first. And that's okay. I have nothing against taking external action. I spent many years taking external actions. But nowadays I'm at the point in my own development where I mostly care about internal actions. Pretty much all of your external actions are driven by ego, and this is the root problem. You are not going to solve that problem through more external action. But this is not to say external actions are somehow bad. In practice most people need to take a lot of external action when getting started with personal development.
    Not only is objectivity not necessary, it is impossible! There is no such thing! You made it up.

  21. A psychedelic experience says nothing about matters of what is true
    A psychedelic experience says nothing about matters of what is true
    @DarjeelingTea This topic keeps coming up here from time to time.  It's a good topic, btw, and a very hard one to answer. Thanks for bringing it up. Remember this quote because it does cause radical open-mindedness:

    Two things to consider because it's been discussed many times and on Leo's videos.
    #1. 5meo can cause the experience of the no-self (nothingness) if done properly. This is the first argument. Work with mushrooms and other lighter psychedelics and work your way up to stronger doses before experimenting with 5meo.
    #2. Those who have not been the no-self (nothingness) will not understand what's it like to become the no-self without the psychedelics.

  22. Question to all that have exeperienced absolute infinty, Enlightment, non duality etc
    Question to all that have exeperienced absolute infinty, Enlightment, non duality etc
    @Freakrik Lol
    That would be 0.0000000000001% of what your happiness would be at the moment of full awakening.
    Try to imagine how happy you would feel if realized that death is impossible and that you are immortal and nothing in the universe can ever hurt you and that you personally own every galaxy and all of the stuff in them. And this condition lasts forever.
    P.S. If you want true happiness, stop thinking with your dick.

  23. How evolved is Joe Rogan and people like him?
    How evolved is Joe Rogan and people like him?
    Deficiency needs is a good answer, but I would also say lack of familiarity with the Spiral Dynamics model itself, and lack of epistemic inquiry. The dynamics of knowledge (epistemology) needs to be directly explored and contemplated.
    Also systems thinking. Seeing the world as a complex web of impersonal inter-related systems. Most problems are systemic problems requiring systemic solutions. Few people look at the world this way. They look at the world too personally, as if the world revolves around them and their judgments, as if the solutions are linear and black & white. Yellow is nonlinear thinking. Most people are highly linear thinkers.
    Yes, but Green still clings too much to its SJW perspective as being superior.
    Green is not able to detach enough from its own perspective.

  24. Computer / Web Programming
    Computer / Web Programming
    This is untrue. Don't limit yourself with such kinds of black & white beliefs.
    Programming is a solid way to earn a living, but there are many other ways, many better ways. You can basically create whatever career you want if you apply yourself seriously to it.

  25. Collective ego problems
    Collective ego problems
    Anonymity in large numbers creates a lack of responsibility. Individual responsibility is off-loaded onto someone else and evil behavior becomes normalized: "everyone's doing it, so it must okay for me to do it too."
    In small tribes anonymity is impossible. But in a society of millions of people, and online, it's the opening of Pandora's box. When nobody is holding you accountable it's much easier to behave like a devil.