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Everything posted by Sevi

  1. @Wes Thoughts as far as I understand it, yes. This energy awakens within by itself as a response to the (semi)/conscious desire for awakening; so it might cause awakening. What I see in general, is, the conditionings are the major blocks which claim our proximity to our awakening.
  2. @Epiphany_Inspired let it be than for a while..eventually you'll get where you wanna be?
  3. @Wes Thoughts yes it is something experienceable. It's a gradual process. I haven't experienced anything bad, or anything scary about it. The desire to know ourselves -what we are- is a very natural and pure desire. This is just one of the ways to explore our true nature.
  4. @UDT yes, this is a hard case; but it is not hopeless either, first of all we should start from that point. I completely understand that. This post requires a gradual collaborative dialogues rather than one simple answer. First of all, we need to stop labeling her situation as she is behaving like a victim. It's not helping you or her. Sometimes life is much more complicated than that. The important next thing is the gender difference. You are a young man doing pd, she is a woman in pain; a deep pain. The first -maybe the major- thing a woman needs in that circumstances is to have acknowledgement from her supporters. To see those who care for her are acknowledging that what happened to her was and still is, unfair. Till she sees that she'll keep insisting on and defending her position. Generally what happens is, when humans witness something clearly heart breaking happening around them it gets even more heavier to witness it so it evokes their defense mechanism to protect themselves from the unbearable pain they feel. So they turn a blind eye or ignore partials of the case. But 'this' is generally the cause which keeps the situation and the pain alive and on going. The defensive mode of the witness is quite normal, that's what happens. But generally it's good to start the healing (in male's language: to solve the knots) from that point. If you like we can go step by step together with you. But for now this is enough to write about it. And if you can give me info/ your observations about: Also if you can take your time to write: Without any self-sensoring, or judging your wishes as a child. That would open some doors for us to shine some light into the case. Lastly, if you want, send me her full Birthday date, place of birth and the hour she born, I can have a look at her chart, maybe able to give you some practical pointers that you can use to improve the situation. Best of luck dear?
  5. I've listened one of the books about evolution, yes it sounds pretty interesting; also the background of the writer made me much more curious too, that probably supports him to bring a different angle to the subject.
  6. You're right. I mean all this context already clearly follows Leo's style. This much of similarities can not be coincidental. The guy might have been inspired by it. I mean, it's not a bad thing, on contrary it's is a very smart idea to go about it obviously.
  7. Yeah.. he seems good for foundational lay out for this work.. hope is maybe the major key to anything in life I totally agree.. but they are not comparable to Leo's work at all.
  8. @Epiphany_Inspired one of the psychiatrists, I watched, in an interview mentions that, he has his patients journal their dreams-nightmares; and he says he observes a noticeable healing simply from this exercise. And for nightmares, there is this technique that you write new endings to them. Preferably, one nice ending to your favor:) -expectedly:) To remember a dream, as@see_on_see said, the very first thing when you wake up, stay gently calm and try not to move your attention to 'reality':) right away, let the dream make its point for a second. It really helps. If you don't remember a thing and you want to do so, sometimes interestingly what works is this: say (-you don't need to believe it-) "thanks, I remembered my dream" and don't try to remember anything. Just say the sentences and move on. Anything related to your day or your consciousness' needs, will pop up. And what might work is to put some bay leafs under your pillow or your bed. Like 4-5 leafs. It might give you a crystal clear memory and they generally help dream nicely. And if you can let me know if any of those works or not, I'll be very happy to hear your experiences:)) sweet dreams tonight:)) I'll send some enchanted shinny clovers to your dream tonight:)) try to find them;)) it's really fun:))
  9. Thanks for the share. A very nice one. Yes, the presentation and the content are really neat. But I can't pass without writing it.. although I kind of appreciate the information they produce, I don't support any tests with animals.
  10. @Principium Nexus yeah you are right.. I think I made a mistake by writing being honest is good. Because I saw a lot of good guys got hurt and heart broken while trying to be honest, even when they were really caring about the girls too, where some other guys getting what they want without giving a shit.. this might be one of the reasons of the birth of the pick up culture. What I was referring to was more about being clear in his terms doubtlessly and precision in his energy. I think it's a description of the energy body and the state of mind while approaching rather than the actual personality trait itself. Sadly if you imitate that energy people most likely will receive you as an 'honest' person. In couple dancing I teach my male students a similar concept while teaching how to lead the ladies. I always say it's not about you being right or wrong as a leader, it's about being very clear, assertive and precise about the direction you want the girl to move and communicate your command in the right way. Then of course, the most difficult thing comes to 'make a decision' about what direction to move; but it's another layer.
  11. Well, I don't know, a man being straight forward and honest is never a turn off for a woman imo.. but if you put this 'I'm just into your pussy' subject in a relationship context then yes, a girl might take it on her ego easily.. I mean even then, when things come up from authenticity, most expectedly they evoke different responses than usual..
  12. I laughed good for 10 minutes! Well you made my day clearly:) I think girls are gonna love you! just keep at it:) keep meditating too surely:)) PS. Maybe you should use this sentence as your opener;) @mikeyy
  13. @stevegan928 that's great! now then it's all about writing down your resume.
  14. @stevegan928 one last note, let's create a schedule. Today was Tuesday. Can you speak to your sister this week, like Wednesday morning, then move out this Saturday? I can hold you accountable for that. It can be pretty uncomfortable but it is a very graceful action forward at the same time. What do you say?
  15. I experienced thoughtless awareness and some physical sensations which are slightly different than the norm. I could have gotten a bit of a glimpse of "nothingness" through Leo's neti neti video. What you describe seems quite beyond my experiences.
  16. @stevegan928 I would say, your sister's place could be a better start, rather than being in an environment of drug addiction. If it doesn't work at all then you can move to your parent's place. You will build your life step by step from where you are, right.. you are in a good place to start actually, you are capable of reaching this forum and helping yourself out, you have already the right mindset: knowing there is no magic pill, you care about your growth. You also have Leo's videos. That's an awesome start right there already. From now on you will grow your child-like parts up gradually on your own pace. Also consider to apply for a job on a cruise ship or a holiday resort, if you like. You can do stuff from washing dishes to administrative type of jobs in those work places. It'll give you accommodation and you can save up quicker. Wishing you the best of luck? sometimes these harsh cases can be an indicator of a very extraordinary life to come you know.. let yours be one of those examples
  17. @stevegan928 why are you still staying with her? What keeps you there with her? And any irrational/e motional reasons are welcome too..
  18. What was the very first thing which made you meditate in your life?
  19. Actually I wanna give more specifics as you did, 0-31 mins. I was very very happy. Feeling exhilarated and joyous. Then I checked the timer at 41 then 51. Still very joyous but started to feel out of fuel to stayed focused. Right after 51mins, my head started to vibrate heavily. I'm not used to concentrate on anything that long; it started to doubt me a bit, so my ability to enjoy upcoming good thoughts started to be disrupted a little. But I stubbornly continued to focus. I definitely felt very similar to this: Mine was: With a very deep grasp of the sensation "I knew that I was powerful, but I never seen it's depth like this, I really can do anything" And it cured something in me: having this pigeon-heartedness.. and gave me a drive And I 100% agree on this: But I think I need more practice to feel that one: For example, I'm training myself on this on a daily basis, for about a year now but it was not that smooth ride for me. I'll do this challenge couple of more times. Let's see what's gonna happen.
  20. @LaucherJunge I was thinking like this yesterday after doing that, I said to myself that maybe my consciousness level is not that much there yet to experience such a bliss as @heisenburger had.. But interestingly today I'm in a very different state whole day long. I enjoyed the reflection of the sunshine on the walls, sensing the wind from the gentle motion of the branches.. I haven't done a trip yet, but when the last time this type of sensation occurred in my perception was when I was testing a very low dose lsd. I'm in such a happy blissful mode for no good reason than yesterday's practice. But yesterday, it was heavy sensation on me till I sleep. @heisenburger I'll check it again, I heard others on this forum recommending it too, but this time, this explanatory vid for the challenge was the first one that I was more interested in. Thank you though very much. I'll keep doing this exercise on a daily basis. (I mean not 2h everyday -yet- ... but!... at the end of the day if you wanna become an addict, let it be to happiness, isn't it)
  21. I did the 2 hour challenge today.. First I watched Bentinho Massaro's vid about it. That was very powerful. Rather than happiness I experienced immense intensity of power and groundedness. Whole my head vibrated so strong, I felt like I'm almost about the rise up in the air by that force. Interesting experience.
  22. @heisenburger your post got me really excited! I'm going to try this tomorrow morning, I'm really curious:) hope it'll make me feel like what you felt!
  23. Acknowledging the facts as they are, is the gateway to detachment, imo. Here you are questioning an inner sensation toward something: if it can be seen as the indicator of detachment. Sensation is a sensation. If you are caring you are caring. If you are needing you are needing. Seems like if it's caring, oh! Thank God! I'm achieving detachment. If it's needing, damn it! I'm not detached at all!! Well, whatever. Just watch it. Let's say, there are some tendencies within me and I'm calling them as needing some of the things. Then -maybe- I'm attributing a negative value to that concept. Now, since I added loaded meaning to the situation, now it becomes harder to detach myself from it. So I can look at detachment as our ability to look within, without attributing any meanings or side comments to whatever the case is.