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Everything posted by Sevi

  1. Don't be worried this much, she'll be happy to provide safety and peace of mind for you, especially if she really is your mate as you sensed so. But in order to comfort you and make you happy; she has a right to know that you are stressing this much. Open yourself gently to her so you both can start to build something solid and healthy together. Also the reason she had said so to you, might be not to cause you unnecessary tasks since in your case it's not a necessity.
  2. 'Leo is losing and we are all fucked' in which context, right:) ? There are 650 to 850 muscle groups in human body, you can decide to improve '1', which would take relatively short amount of time; and of course would be helpful to the person in some format, but then is it really serving the whole organism the most efficient and effective way? On the contrary it is likely to create imbalances in the body that way. But deciding to improve all the muscle groups altogether will demand a very different type of investment and strategy: a very different time frame and pace Winning is about praising and feeding the ego the way it requests. Who has the balls to put his life on the line to put some seeds for a better civilization 3000 years from now, so to speak? It would be a long term project, wouldn't it? They would not even know who the fuck we were.. Or what we were.. Why care? It's not our lives or conditions.. at the end of the day.. And also nothing wrong with feeding the ego by the way, it's a crucial need to be fed. A child needs his mother to grow up, and he also needs to behave like he doesn't need his mother: that's an actual need to be met on the way to be a fully grown individual.. only after establishing an ego there comes the deflection of the ego for the better. Or think about a male orgasm: to fully experience that, the male needs his erection; we cannot say: oh the moment he experiences his orgasm he is softened, so before the erection he is already soft; so therefore there is no need for erection.. Well, it's not like that, to fully embrace the deflection, first you need the inflation. A society is not so different than one organism.. It's a unit, it needs its egoic stages. That's okay. Yes there are some really valuable spiritual teachers out there, but do we see someone else putting his efforts to interconnect all the necessary principles all together and letting one section of consciousness know about completely different section; let's say epistemology and enlightenment or quantum mechanics and islam.. It's a real embracemet of the service to holism. He is like the nerve system of the society. How would we like to measure such a value? Previous civilizations did a functional service by discovering money.. As 'today's civilization' we can do better than just doing the follow through on that. So it's not 'we are fucked and Leo is losing' it's actually 'we are fucked because we don't get what Leo is doing'
  3. "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music" Nietzsche
  4. "Somebody said once or wrote, once: 'We're all of us children in a vast kindergarten trying to spell God's name with the wrong alphabet blocks!' " Tennessee Williams (Suddenly Last Summer, Catherine)
  5. @Key Elements ❤no worries:) have a good night?
  6. @Key Elements oh! No no.. My 'sigh' was for my own joke which was in my previous post, I was making fun of myself.. Nothing related to what you've said, I'm sorry for the confusion.. Actually I was agreeing with you, and also I highly respect some of the principles blue stage brings; it's the wisdom of dharma. An arranged marriage can perfectly be a consciously chosen option. In most of the cases if we look at the stage blue societies, they are healthier than lost broken individuals' gatherings, since they have the natural tendency to value community; the point is all about our capability of producing the delicate organic balance between the individualistic major need for freedom and the vital urge for belonging and safety. Sorry again for the misunderstanding!
  7. Ahahah! NO! I'm gonna transcend this stage deservedly.. (Ahahah!! do you see the ambition?!!.. My burning desire! Ahahah) and also while the context of the competition in this case includes Leo.. well no way I'm giving up? stakes are too high you know P.S I cannot believe myself that I'm doing this in the yellow stage thread:) ( but see, there is this a bit of a self-awareness happening here does it count?? :)) )
  8. Sigh.. Ok whatever. I was gonna reply @Key Elements anyways.. I was gonna say that in most of the cases the stages are already about where the consciousness level is rather than how the situation looks or free from the manifestations in display. As if, take the example of committing suicide. If you look at the same act from turquoise stage it is a complete different story versus where everything turns into offense whenever what guru says is completely misunderstood because of the mismatch of the consciousness levels of the related parties. History is full of examples of what the enlightened beings are through while trying to awaken the society.
  9. Oh! Maan! Damn it! Someone did this before me!! I've just seen this! Awh I felt so defeated! (--- no no no... I'm not competitive... at all..-----)
  10. I was almost forgetting to write: "Bill Meridian": (or Bill Sarubi ) Well, he is a very interesting and good example for stage yellow. Financial Astrologer & Bioenergetic therapist He is a technical astrologer (means that other than interpretations of the planetarium, he is very good at some complicated calculations of positions of the planets and their angles to each other etc, he is specifically good at maths -and he has a degree or something in finance) As far as I know he doesn't like to reveal his astrologer identity too much and known as an stock market influencer. I've been in his seminar in Istanbul while he was visiting the country as an economist. His calculations are precise. In the seminar I remember, he said once he calculated the case and it showed that there is a clear war between America and Japan, this was like 2010sh; but there wasn't even a little evidence for that in the social atmosphere... He calculated the place too; it was supposed to be a sea war... What happened that day was, accidentally a Japanese submarine went up and hit the American Navy boat. The mathematical quality of life verses "uncertainty" of it became absolutely mind fuckery for all of us that day.. He is this guy: (well of course the vid has nothing to do w yellow, but he is by being very neural, non-reactive who doesn't need to showcase his research about universe, it's kind of a nice example of someone handling complicated systems)
  11. Strange loop❤ (This stage is already self-aware, right?!) You're so different and special Leo it's impossible to not to love you❤= (strange loop×2)
  12. Also astrology is one of the models/tools in the journey of the evolution of human psyche toward self-awareness Generally speaking, throughout a Saturn transition an individual starts to recognize some sparks of self-realisation through some internal or external blockages of any kind. The very inherent inner sensation of existence, the cognition of the external world and the perception of the self start to be get disturbed. This generally causes an arise of a panic within, then either the individual starts to resist and grab on the recognized and familiar tools and ways of living -and regress- or finds a way to cope with the shifting waves which stimulates the current awareness for awakening or at least for expansion. It doesn't necessarily mean that every individual's way comes across to know astrology itself; but those important triggering moments represents the opportunities for the recognition of new layers in consciousness. This journey is of course described and formulated in different various models; astrology is just one them. A very functional and efficient tool to have. Some of the system thinkers through the methodology of astrology are: Dane Ruthar (The Astrology of the Personality; his works were very influential in the new age movement) Stephen Arroyo (The Inner Dimensions of the Birth Chart) Steve Forrest (Founder of the concept of Evolutionary Astrology) (I know him personally:) ) Robert Zoller (Predictive Techniques: An Astrological Guide to the Methods of the Sages)
  13. Lord Mansfield: British judge. Makes an important chance in history. Okay it's too long to write. I adore this movie, I have had taken my time to write down most of the lines of the movie to my journal. He adopts this black daughter; he resists immense pressure not just while adopting her but then through the Zong Ship case while giving the most humanistic decision at the court... The humanistic attitudes of Dido -her daughter, John her husband.. and the way they create a shift.. Is .. Still makes my heart pounding while even writing this.. I couldn't find his final speech at the court in YouTube, but:
  14. Adorable women.. Please take your time to know them. These ladies were not just capable of love but further more than that, they were able to transform their love into making a change and progress in mankind. They are absolutely adorable.
  15. ❤ My ever-changing warm-up song for cha-cha:
  16. Also, of course: "Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person, is a little like expecting the bull not to attack you because you are a vegiterian" Dennis Wholey
  17. Lawrence Antony: saves elephants, then after his death, 31 elephants walk 112 miles to say their goodbye to their friend; elephants stay in front of his house for 2 days and 2 nights without eating anything then they return back. It is said that when the elephants felt his death to start walking to his house he was still alive, but they couldn't catch his last breath; yet they still paid their respect by treating him as if he is one of their tribe.
  18. There is this Turkish movie; a very nice example of the struggle of the green stage with blue, and the results of their ignorance of orange where the blue needs that improvement before getting into green. In the movie the intellectuals and artists decide to move to a simple town to actualize their idealistic dreams about green life -unfortunately- without acknowledging the orange and blue stages. Naturally it's a situation comedy. But at the end of the movie there are some systematic solutions to the case. The tention rises up after they learn that the government wants to build a thermal power station there. Natives get hopeful and happy, since their farming doesn't fullfil their needs and expectations from life and they don't understand these green people at all, then the greens try to educate them without connecting to them in their level.. That was such a nice movie; was miroring the differences and creating consciousness about interconnection between stages.
  19. Apparently not in our case. You visualize it up there ambitiously where I like to surrender to what is.. So it wouldn't work between us anyways..
  20. @Ether See you up there darling, I'll be waiting for you.
  21. It helped me to set my daily habits and is still helping with behavioral changes, especially after a vid related to that. I started to keep a specific track of the weekly behavioral shifts. But mostly it helped me to set my medications in order. For a short while I used meditation app thwn it allowed me to set my habit to do my meditations the way I always wanted to do: engaging with kundalini energy, before I was so weak to handle that but step by step I started to collect enough power to handle them. But this is not because of listening his videos tho; I think because he is also doing the work himself diligently and he is open about ups and downs, he doesn't try to seem perfect so it sets an encouraging example I think.. At least it works like that for me... And also, @Ether what's wrong if people are just fucking around? Is trying to be way to strict about these practices, a really helpful thing in the long run? If you are gonna run a double marathon, you better to be gentle with yourself in your trainings. It sounds like you're bringing ambition to it, what are we gonna trying to prove here? If someone really gonna fuck around I hope they do so at least throughout self-actualizing. @Truth And that mustache really helps too. Whatever makes you committed to the work anyways.. Of course the major motivation will gonna rise up from the reptile brain.