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Everything posted by Sevi

  1. @username oh, okay, thank you.. I want to do that too but first I will attend one of the vipassana retreats.
  2. @Hafiz which one are you gonna attend? @Heart of Space which one was yours? And guys can you give me some information about how you found and arrange it? I'm planning to do one this summer, I live in Connecticut, and I'm thinking to attend a closer location. In some of the comments that I found, it is said that, it's free but you donate or buy some products they have, is it correct? @username have you done one too?
  3. I mean.. yes of course that's the case.. I was trying to ask this question: Would it possible to make it happen, through programming though? Well, this guy, Gary Klein, has a very interesting book about insights, I didn't finish it yet, but there he says that he had wondered if he could have learned anything useful by studying the way people form insights in natural settings and he does his own investigation of insights through collecting examples then by comparison and statistics he kind of reaches to a formula there. What he does is quite fascinating actually. I was wondering if such a 'formula' inserted into programming, would there be some meaningful results out of it..
  4. Very well said. Made me think that as it is in chess, if artificial intelligence can sort out some useful information by itself.. I really wonder how these technology will gonna effect the human behavior in the future.
  5. Right?:) but still.. that was scary for me, especially the achievement in the facial expressions and the texture of the face.. I watched a little bit the Sophia one's first press conference vid.. this dialogue was a nice one though: "Can the robots be self aware, conscious and know that they are robots? Let me ask you this back, how do you know you are human?" Yes? Who wants to answer Sophia?
  6. By the way, this line: sounded so poetic to me ❤ It's still November 7, 2017 where I live..?
  7. Very well said @haai14
  8. Hi @Slade , I'm also in the process of doing the course right now. As it is mentioned there also, if there is an act out of the comfort zone, fear is there too to inform you about that. But in these cases fear is a good sign because that means you are opening your psyche to grow. Any path which doesn't give you this freaky feeling clearly won't bring any growth, it'll just re-arrange your surroundings, but 'you' will remain the same, so, "no growth=dying" but ironically though when you go toward such paths it feels like 'dying':) we'll all die anyways but dying without touching the real growth opportunities is the major regret that we all somehow try to find our ways out of. Fear can be related to the big picture of the goal, which makes us see ourselves so small, so immature for it. It's ego related though: "if won't be the world class in that goal that's a terrible shame that I can not bear"; that's generally one of the the most paralyzing thought processes. This is not a wrong approach about any big picture projects, but it's just outside world part of the path, that's the half of it. The other half is your inside world and inside gains. This part, when you focus on it, allows us to move little more comfortably. Because real regrets are never about what happens at the appearances but mostly about inner sensations and about having the courage to attempt something. Lastly out side world part is pretty simple and analytic if you put the emotions out: go do it over and over again, practice, act upon it, (ex: to find the right medium: call it your next big project on the way to your dream and so on) and surely it creates the results. But, don't be fooled by any outcome that you gonna get from outside world, your regrets or deep joy in your death bed will gonna be related to your inner experiences about it. Also, we shouldn't get confused about mixing these two things: fear vs deep saddening frustrations we face on the way, they are also different than each other. Sometimes you attempt to make a move and it doesn't go the way you expect, it's a different story. It is as hard as fear to take but sometimes it's just big frustrations; but you know what, as long as you are taking your journey, that's okay.. fuck it and create a different strategy, a different approach and just continue.
  9. @SFRL I just had a look at the site, yes it looks like having proper information. About the influences you get personally, it's better to have your birth chart analyzed to know for precision. But of course, by reading you'll know instantly what resonate with and your situation. I recommend the book "astrology for the soul" by Jan Spiller. Technically it's about north(&south) nodes, but it's written in a very-easy- to- understand way. In astrology, nodes give a summary of your path in this life time: Where you have been coming from and where you are going. Rather than trying to understand each planet and their effects on your own, this can be a bird eye look for you. I know some world class astrologers, if you will be interested that much, I can get you to contact with them, to have your birth chart calculated or to learn astrology from them. Just let me know. (I could help you with your chart too, but I'm out of practice for years now)
  10. @SFRL This might also refer to a Jupiter cycle. A Jupiter return is ~12 years: it completes its orbit around the sun in 11.88 years. When you are 24 years old, the third Jupiter cycle starts. So every quarter of one Jupiter cycle is equal to ~3 years. Age of 27: first square of the second Jupiter cycle: the things/projects/attempts which start at the age of 24 has their first 'test/result/consequence' per say. 30: opposition of the cycle: Jupiter is now in 180° angle to its beginning position of the cycle, it refers to the rising point as you mentioned. 33: closing square of the cycle. But you are right in the way that on those period of time there are also dominant effects of the Saturn return too. Also it's more complicated than that because there are some other interesting cycles intersecting at some stages of life of a human being, 27-33 is one of them. Your and @poimandres 's comments are describing the Saturn return in a very right way. Under that planet effects, generally the person starts to recognize that energy very clearly and even stars to know the planet itself. It is mostly very hard, heart breaking, hurting, sad, crippling kind of experiences and energy, where you clearly experience the cruelty of the life 'n' survival while there is not any mercy or affection/compassion around. But the good news is if you survive; meaning: if you literally are still alive, you start to know that you become unbreakable in the related subjects; yet a very different, soft gentle and fresh energy rises up in related areas. Of course, these are all very much generalizations, individual experiences vary depending on very wide range of variables.
  11. @SFRL I'll try to write you more detailed later, if you want to. Now, one cycle is ~29 years; then every quarter cycle is equal to ~7 years. Every quarter is called a square angle, which is related to the meanings of: action/motion/ tension/result/harvest etc. At the age of 7, Saturn squares it's natal position, age 14 is opposition angle, age of 21: closing square angle of the cycle; age of 29: first cycle ends: Saturn return, second cycle starts. Age of 36: first square of the new cycle. 58: beginning of the third cycle of Saturn. *correction: Sorry, this is not quite right. Calculations of effect length is complicated. But roughly it can be said 2 years. (Planets slow down periodically, from an observant point from earth, that is called retrograde of that planet, which has correlation with the effectiveness) @SFRL I'll write shortly about your example too..
  12. @Leo Gura I found this ''; under the audio courses there was this ENB course, is it that one that you've mentioned here? If so, I couldn't find the link to that audio course, could you send the link if possible? (There were just the online courses, but not the ENB audio) And I didn't realize that you have done series of interviews with him. Have you informed the forum members about it and I missed it? Because I really would love to be informed about such work..
  13. This is correct. When the planet returns to where it was at the birth of the related situation, we call it a "return of that planet" It doesn't take that long. It's at the age of 29 or 29.5, the related effects can be observed in +&- 6 months. Most 'Saturn cycle' related ages are 21, 29, 36 and 58.
  14. Ahahah!! where was this line again?!
  15. What I really liked about this video is the way it emphasizes to pass the growth chance to others. 08:11 in : "One of the professors of the Washington University goes back to her community and creates a whole growth mindset environment there" So, rather than taking these very valuable information only for our own growth, it would be a greater mindset for us, as people who are much more involved with self-actualization, into the part of the society that is not related as much..
  16. I completely understand the challenge of showing real you. To acquire detachment and intimacy that is somehow very essential though. Because if you are not giving the essence of what real you is, to the other person, you are holding your biggest gift back in a sense. Can you not test the waters just a bit every single time to see what it causes, (in the interaction, in you)? and go just a bit further than that in every other next step, and if it feels like uncomforting at the moment, you can choose to step back to try later, which would be completely different than just giving an any random response. And also, when you come across with a situation can you take some quiet time to access into your core-self to see and feel what you think about it and make a clear game plan of how much of it that you want to share and you really can share at that time?
  17. Oh.. okay.. are you scared of their reaction? Or not to be fully accepted? @haai14
  18. @haai14 not to have sense of self while doing things or connecting with people and loose the self in others, is not about self worth; it's your capacity of selflessly giving. It's actually an extraordinary thing, but of course majority of people are under so strong egoic drive so you feel like, you are the weird one. It's the other way around. The thing here, probably you are getting overwhelmed, drained or feeling exhausted after your interactions but still it's not related to self worth. While giving try to be fair to yourself. Meaning: when you give selflessly, naturally you are forgetting that you still have a self and you are responsible of its well-being, you need to give equally to yourself your own attention too, because otherwise even if others appreciate you, it won't be enough, you'll still need your own attention and own selfless giving (I know it sounds weird but) otherwise most likely you'll resent yourself and probably project it on external circumstances inadvertently.
  19. And also: Whatever you are chasing is chasing you
  20. We can consider detachment as static and dynamic; as if in balance. Both types requires different practices. If you just retrieve and meditate, it reminds me of a practice for static balance. Life is ongoing interactions with everything, internal and external. If we cut off one thing, that's good, sometimes that is what's necessary, but I think we also need to learn to be detached on the very moments of the interactions. Then we can peacefully let the things be, I think..
  22. @Emerald Thank you.