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Everything posted by Rakesh

  1. You edited what you wrote, and your advice made me laugh. Chill out.
  2. Someone has been watching too many sadhguru videos
  3. Thanking the world is pointless, and suffering is born out of ideas just like beauty.
  4. Watched all his videos, and am merely responding to people that are misinterpreting what he is saying.
  5. You said go not walk. That definitely makes what you said make more sense...... We are talking about people not particles by the way. This is why I like naked reality's channel. Enlightenment is about stop lying to yourself not replacing you bs with sexier nonesense.
  6. As he puts it he is nothingness experiencing the sensory based world through the human medium. What he obviously means is that the human medium can not walk through walls not nothingness. Nothingness does not even walk.
  7. I asked him a similar question via email, and his response was "Emptiness wears the human medium to experience the sensory world, like man wears a vr headset to experience the virtual world. Emptiness is infinite and has no limitations, it's expressions eg the sensory based world, and the human medium do. Any one saying otherwise is in denial, and practicing self deception." He is one of the most sensible, and least full of shit teachers I know. He made fun of leo a little bit, but do not let that cloud your judgement. He is a great teacher.
  8. Dude are you trolling or did you just go full retard?
  9. Did not ask for help haha wtf and no. His name is Rali. His channel is called naked reality on youtube. He is new.
  10. This dude I have been following for a while says "You are already enlightened, but the mind is too chaotic to realize it. Saying that to people has no effect, however, therefor practice is neccessary."
  11. To date this is the best breakdown of enlightenment I have heard. At least in words, and for the ego to digest. It is by the dude that made the response video to Leo's latest video. His name is Rali, and his channel is called naked reality.
  12. He actually even says in some of his videos meditation is not necessary, and if you do not like it you should not do it so he definitely does not cling to the way meditation should be. His view on psychedelics is also rather simple. They can lead to awakening, but awakening is not enlightenment. He always says enlightenment is not an experience. Awakening is. He describes enlightenment as more of a perspective change from the ego to the absolute or emptiness' perspective. Also his whole channel is about dropping all ideas, and he never tell people what to do really. You are just tripping because you do not like what he is saying.
  13. No misinterpretation really. Leo literally says in the video that the angels and shit are not fiction. I Just watched his video, and rewatched naked reality's, and noticed he posted this in the comment section "Hey people. Gotta go to class. Can not respond to your comments until tonight my time, but here is an update people should read: UPDATE: I just watched all of leo's video, and have to add/say a few things. First of all I apologize because later in the video he does briefly say these experiences are distractions. He also does, however, kind of say that these experiences are real. That what when your consciousness reaches a high level (whatever that means) you start to see real gods, angels and shit. This fact combined with the frequent use of the words "high level consciousnesses." which are egoic as ego can be. Point towards the fact that leo as of right now is developing a rather tricky/quite a massive spiritual ego that lies to itself about how it is indeed on it's way towards "spiritual purification" and "higher consciousness." Therefor almost everything in this video. All of the points in this video are still extremely relevant to those watching him. As I said in a response to one of my viewers in the comment section. I made this video because "I am coming at it from the perspective of someone who has been there/done that, and wasted a lot of time feeding the ego in the most creative of ways. Instead of seeing through it. This video was made to help people on the spiritual path so they do not get lost, and just create a brand new "spiritual ego" instead of seeing through the ego. As one should on the spiritual path." To summarize leo is a very intelligent man that has read/studied the right texts, abd because of that says the right words at times, but cmon bros. It is obvious he really do be tripping haha. This is a phase, that some go through, however, and sooner or later he will see through said bullshit. :)" I agree with most of what he says here & in the video.
  14. He always puts enlightenment in quotes, says it is not special, and that enlightenment is merely a pointer towards the dropping the belief in all ideas and seeing reality in it's naked form. It is implied in every video that he is in this state, but he never outright says it.
  15. He is not seeking enlightenment if you watch his videos. He teaches people how to get there.
  16. Most teachers say you are, and I was always like lol wtf I am not. This video made such statements make a bit of sense to me