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Everything posted by Svartsaft

  1. You dont. You just dont hold back the urge to kiss when it happens.
  2. Try meditating alot. You will sooner or later see how not attraktive it realy is. You know what im talking about i bet. You buy a game. Get kinda exited. But real soon. Your just doing and the enjoyment of this new cool experience is gone. And how fast that happens. But you keep playing. Dont worry. If its not right for you you will see that given time. I remember how depressing that was to realize the bullshitting towards myself i noticed with how i so love to play video games. My only real intrest. I given up on everything else already. But keep playing. Dont even worry about being aware. You will see. And looks like you kind of do. But if you actualy feel happy playing games. Dont be an asshole and stop it or even try to.
  3. Thanks. I know im very neurotic. I just hope that will solve it self with enough meditation. Im doing the letting thoughts go to so its not down to nothing. In a comfy position. I have some serious problem with life right now. I just stopped a serious drug addiction. Thanks to the meditation i bet. And im at a point were it all comes into light. My horrible nasty behaviours and all. Its alot of pain going on. I realy feel like i messed up in a unforgiveable way. So i will try and compensate anyway possible. But thanks for replying it means alot comming from someone i realy look up to.
  4. will it autocorrect if i brute force those 45min? Just worried becouse it pain all the time now. Or will that solve it self if i just keep going? Like mental tension? Its to painfull to just give up.