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  1. Over the past few years and even more so in the past year I've really started to learn the importance of this and WHY it's important. We've always been told to exercise, but I feel like most people don't know why they should be and specifically what kind. People need specific instructions. Society is chronically sedentary. Most people simply just do not put their body under any sort of health strain or tension. I've only recently been educated about healthspan. I'm surprised it's not talked about more. You ask 99% of people what healthspan is and they wouldn't have a clue. Yet it's the primary reason we're supposed to be regularly exercising and doing strenuous exercise! Walking around at your job is not exercise, despite some people's belief. Most people that walk around at a job, even physical labourers, are overweight and have very low VO2 max. I've been aiming to hit atleast 180 minutes of running/biking each week with 20% of those runs being HIIT. And then the other days are weight training with more focus on functional movements and a move away from mindless muscle building.
  2. I genuinely just cringe every time I watch the video. His reputation is permanently ruined at this point. I also feel so sorry for all the people at his companies. Lots of hardworking awesome people leading the teams at Tesla, SpaceX and Neurolink. I see a lot of Tesla vehicles and stores being vandalised recently. It's an insult to those who work at his companies and just care about making great products. The Musk I knew 10 years ago is long gone.
  3. No one is claiming that Musk's products were entirely his ideas. But he was the director, visionary and manager of the teams that produced the ideas. Years ago, well before anyone knew who Musk was, I remember telling my friends that people would eventually completely forget or disregard Musk's efforts in accelerating and massively advancing the transition to electric cars. And here we are. You do not understand the monumental effort it took to create Tesla as we see it today. It is unfathomable. Truly impossible. Think about what it takes to create a company like that. Musk didn't design the Tesla battery pack, or the double cast Model 3 frame, nor the industrial grade air filtration system, but you can be damn sure the car wouldn't exist without him. Electric cars would still be a pipe dream for society if Musk hadn't directed the technological advancements we see today. Steve Jobs didn't design the Apple products. Jonny Ive did, along with hundreds of other designers and engineers. Yet we still credit Jobs as a genuis. Not for his ideas, but his capacity to bring people together, manage, direct and force his vision into existence. Saying all this, Musk is still a majorly flawed and often toxic individual.
  4. They care about getting views, because otherwise why post on Youtube? I shouldn't have used other word 'viral', but then again, why not? Would it be a bad thing for Ralston's teachings to reach a million people a month instead of 1000? I'm sure Ralston wouldn't mind the ad revenue and the book sales. The reality is that Ralston's Youtube growth will remain stagnant indefinitely unless he changes the content. It's a topic that interests me a lot, hence why I'm waffling about it. A more polished, longer-form podcast might be the right move.
  5. He recently posted a long video, maybe 20 minutes or so, and it got an enormous amount of praise and positive comments. From myself included. Maybe that was part of the inspiration for this. Everyone is just a bit tired of 3-minute clips he's been posting for years on end. I can't tell you how many times i commented to start making longer form videos that allow Ralston to riff a bit more and go into more depth. Like why cut Ralston's thoughts into 3 minute videos?!? It's genuinely tragic that so much wisdom was being condensed into such short videos that 300 people watched. Imagine if Ralston started getting 30,40,50k views on his videos. Doesn't help that Brendan, or whoever is managing the YT channel, doesn't have a clue about Youtube thumbnails and titles. Do they think they'll just one day go viral doing the same thing again and again?? Again, just tragic that so much wisdom is being lost. The best we have is Leo's interviews from years ago.
  6. I always get a big hit of nostalgia every time I hear that intro tune
  7. @Davino No it doesn't become harder to learn new skills. If anything its easier because I have a much deeper understanding of 'how' to learn, which has only come through years of life experience. Learning a new skill is also about your environment and life setup as much as it is about brain plasticity. As I've gotten older, my life setup is much more conducive towards long periods of focus and solitude - both of which are helpful if not essential when learning new skills. The motivational aspect of learning a new skill is also important. If I'm learning a new skill its because I really want to, so I'm very motivated to endure the long periods of pain and discomfort that inevitably come with it. When I was younger, you tend to just start new things fairly randomly without much risk, but the downside is you quit when it gets tough. You don't find yourself in those situations when you're older.
  8. The problem with this is that half of this list was said once by some random person and then picked up by every news site, retold 100 times and now everyone thinks it's a fact. What is the source for #3, #4? No one knows, its just been parroted by a bunch of news sites. #5 is explained by the hundreds of daily commercial aircraft coming into land and following similar flight patterns. They look like they're coming out of the ocean because of long-distance perspective. #9 is just another idea floating around with no substance or evidence. The mothership idea was speculated by a misinformed member of US government in an interview. Turned out to be complete nonsense. The problem is that all the hysteria has caused people to think any moving thing in the sky is a UAP. Literally 90% of the video footage used on news segments are very obviously commercial planes! I've yet to see a compelling clip of a genuine UAP. I've seen a few multi-coloured glowing orb type UAPs. But they could literally be anything. I want these to be aliens just as much as anyone. But there is simply no evidence to suggest this.
  9. Why would the Chinese fly a bunch of drones with bright lights on them? There's two options imo: 1) Large scale military exercise for testing defences. 2) Genuine non-human intelligence craft. It's fun to hope for the NHI explanation, but more likely just military stuff combined with a lack of cross-department communication.
  10. Firstly, there is a difference between synthetic and bufo. But plenty of people have taken bufo with very positive reviews. I personally wouldn't recommend bufo because it seems like the experiential quality is different. I've never felt the need to roll around or scream whilst taking synthetic 5-MeO. But I've seen plenty of people do that with bufo. Secondly, your negative energies and weird experiences will fade gradually over time. I used to have Infinity flashbacks and weird tingling energy feelings in my body after using 5-MeO. But they've mostly if not entirely gone now. They weren't quite as extreme as what you've described, so yours might last a bit longer. I'm very certain Leo has specifically mentioned taking synthetic 5-MeO at least once in his videos. He may not have specifically recommended to take synthetic to others, but he has definitely stated that he personally used synthetic.
  11. So I can sleep on my side without them sticking out. And they also don't fall out as easily.
  12. Just a quick word on sound proofing. Unfortunately there isn't much you can do without significant building work. To stop sound waves you need thickness and density. A concrete wall is the best option but I'm gonna guess thats not possible for you haha. Rockwool is a good sound insulator. If you can get that installed in your walls that would help a lot. Sound proofing 'foam' or blankets will do nothing. They're actually acoustic treatment, and help to defract sound reflections rather than prevent it coming through. I have noisey neighbours and I wear Bose noise cancelling headphones basically all day, and then soft ear plugs at night (cut in half) - both of these work very well for me. But ideally I want to move somewhere where I don't have to wear either.
  13. I certainly do. Been reading the blog ever since you started it. Great to see what kind of stuff you're watching, studying, thinking about. I always really enjoyed the vlog-style videos you posted on the blog - just as much as the main channel content. They kinda felt more real and personal, whereas the main channel videos are more polished and less about you.
  14. Yea I had the same experience, but after two breakthrough's on 5-MeO. Weed became something totally new after that. Some of my deepest insights were with cannabis. Haven't done it in ages though, I'm tempted to try again. Cool profile pic too