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Everything posted by Space

  1. @bliss54 Dude i'm nearly 30 and been living with my dad for last 3 months because my career isn't taking off/providing the income I need. Also have nowhere near 240k in savings lmao. Everyone's down on the stock market, including myself. Whats stopping you from taking 30k out of your investments and getting a place for yourself whilst you get other things sorted out? 30k could easily cover bills and costs for the next year.
  2. Surprised this hasn't got more responses. We can make distinctions about what is alive and what isn't, and those distinctions are useful to make but relative to the individual, the society, culture, time, etc. Fundamentally, before any distinctions are made, everything is just one. There is no distinction or difference between what we think is 'alive' and what is not. There is no such thing as 'aliveness', or a 'thing that is alive'. These are relative distinctions we're imagining and then placing onto reality for self-survival. Where is the line between a thing that is alive and a thing that is not? At what point does a thing become 'alive'? Who gets to decide that? Who gets to decide where that line is. Well, no one. There is no point where a thing goes from not alive to alive. No point where a molecule or particle or virus, goes from non alive to alive. See how we create these distinctions?
  3. I'd say remote jobs are definitely your best bet. When you're working at a store, office, shop, whatever, you're basically working non-stop 9-5, even if you don't have work to do. Everyone knows you don't need to work solidly 9-5. With a remote job, you get to distribute your work however you want. You can easily take half an hour off here and there, even an hour off if you're not too busy. I used to take the entire afternoon off sometimes because I had no meetings or work to do, lol. This is exactly what I did whilst I was working towards my new career. I literally had a few hours of work to do each day, at most. The rest of the time I was 'online', but actually just doing my illustration work. I was actually working professionally as an illustrator quite a long time before I quit my previous 9-5 because I could distribute the work throughout the day. Lots of people are working 2 remote jobs these days. What work did I do? I worked in digital marketing. I was a Paid search specialist (also known as PPC) for a year, and a paid social specialist for 7 months, which are both similar entry level jobs. I didn't have any experience when I started. Paid search and paid social jobs require you to create and manage online ad campaigns across google, facebook, youtube, Instagram etc. Other types of digital marketing: SEO, copywriting etc. I'd suggest looking for entry level remote digital marketing jobs. Usually you'll work within an agency, can be very large (1000 people) or small (15 people) who then work with companies and brands to do the digital marketing. Or maybe you work in an office for 6 months, learn how to do the job (probably easier to learn in person tbh), and then quit and find a remote job with those skills. Definitely possible. Easy said than done of course but i know it 'actually' works as a career path because that's literally what i did.
  4. @Dorje Chang You beat me to it. Very impressed with it so far. @Leo Gura you should check this out!
  5. @Leo Gura So i'm not sure if you're referring to as a whole, or whether you mean just the website? I don't really have anything to say about the website or future courses so I'll focus on the videos. I think you've really hit a limit with the quality of your videos. As in, they're usually extremely high quality, deep, and arguably some of, if not the most profound, wise videos on Youtube. There's not much else you can do with your current content to improve I don't think. That's not to say you shouldn't continue making them and discussing new topics/insights - you absolutely should, of course. I've always felt they could be a little shorter but I fully understand why they are as long as they are, and there is absolutely an audience for long-form content these days. So its besides the point. To improve I think you could develop the brand in other ways. One of the things I think you could do to, not necessarily improve, but certainly expand the brand is to make more content for people who are just starting out with spiritual stuff, spiritual newbies or even rationalists, materialists, science people. Normies basically. I just think there is a massively untapped audience of people who need a more rational, kinda logical perspective on spirituality, and I know ultimately this work is completely illogical and irrational, but you gotta meet people where they're at. Like how would you start to explain God to a normie on the street? I'm constantly thinking about I would explain this spiritual stuff to someone who has no experience whatsoever. I think there is a huge amount on potential in this area. Because literally no one fucking gets it. There is so much ignorance around spirituality and psychedelics. As soon as someone starts to hear about spirituality they switch off - how do we change that? Even people who engage with spirituality, go on meditations retreats etc, they're clueless. I've spoken to so many people on retreats that honestly have no idea what spirituality is about. So what I'm saying it, and you're not gonna like this, but I think you need to dumb down your content and make it more accessible for normies. If someone has never watched an video, how would you explain the true power of psychedelics in a way that doesn't make you sound like a crazy guy? I'm also still adamant that engaging with other channels and online communities will be extremely fruitful and advantageous for and arguably your wallet. There's so much wisdom here, but not enough reach IMO. But again, you'd have to dumb down your stuff, cut out all the advanced spirituality, make spirituality more grounded, more relatable for normies. God Mouse is a no-go, for obvious reasons i'd hope. I think your discussions on those podcasts with Charlie Houpert and Curt were an exception and whilst they were extremely enjoyable for regular Actualize viewers, I personally don't think many people converted over from those channels. Dumbing the teachings down will also reduce the amount of criticism and flack you get from new people. Increasing your engagement with other channels more often would also require a bit of cleanup of your own image. Anyway, just my thoughts! I'd be happy with any changes, always a fan
  6. @DreamCryX It'll take years if you want to get extremely good at gaming. But is that really one of your goals? It's a great goal, don't get me wrong. 100% worthwhile. But if you're just looking for some relationship experience then you don't need to be doing crazy amounts of game every week.
  7. @acidgoofy Nice, might give it a watch!
  8. Yea nothing has ever happened in the past. No birth, no WW2, no dinosaurs, no big bang - only concepts, thoughts, ideas happening now. People might say, 'Yea but obviously I was born, obviously things did happen at some point. My past experiences did happen at some point'. And the answer is no, they didn't. There is no 'past space' for things to have happened. Once things 'disappear' or end from experience, it's like it never happened. It's quite difficult to fully grasp that there is Absolutely nothing outside of this moment. It's like the space behind your field of vision. Not even nothing. Void. Can't describe it. Important for you to get this for yourself though. Don't believe anyone.
  9. @Verg0 Sounds like the substance is not particularly high quality, or maybe its mixed with something else. A 16mg dose should be pretty intense, and a 36mg dose is unspeakably profound. Either something is wrong with the substance or you just have a naturally high resistance/tolerance to it. No need for apple vinegar to dissolve the substance, just use water.
  10. Do not just flippantly diagnose people like this. Partly because the OP did not ask for a diagnosis in any way, but also because you don't know anything about the OP beyond this post. It's a dangerous and irresponsible thing to do when someone is clearly going through an intense transformation.
  11. Leo mentioned a while back that he was considering (maybe half-jokingly) sprinkling in a bunch of false claims and ideas into his teachings in order to make sure we don't just believe everything he says. I feel like Alien God is one of those - or maybe not.
  12. Musk is not stupid. He obviously understands moderation. You just think he doesn't because he's doing things that go against your values and who you think should and shouldn't be allowed access. Twitter's moderation will basically remain unchanged.
  13. I think the fear-mongering around this whole thing is so rediculously overblown. Unbanning a few questionable people? So what. We can't just ban people because of their slightly offensive or toxic views. Online moderation has taken a step too far IMO. $8 a month for a blue badge? Big deal. People will forget about this in 3 months time and it'll just become the norm. I'm almost certain it will be a successful strategy. Musk isn't stupid. He's literally done impossible things. I think he knows a few things about how to run a successful company. But it's very clear the company was a sinking ship. Musk is just doing everything he can to save it.
  14. @Tyler Robinson Stop believing random articles from 5 days ago. Journalists will go off literally any fucking random rumor. Elon has literally said $8 a dozen times in the past 24 hours. If they increase it to $19.99 and Musk confirms that then fine, but currently I see absolutely no indication of that being true.
  15. Some useful information from Security Head at Twitter:
  16. @How to be wise Can you please put some more effort into your posts rather just posting random videos. Explain why we should watch this and what useful information it can provide. Otherwise this will be locked for low quality.
  17. @ValiantSalvatore This is fairly old news. As someone who has looked at a lot of AI art at this point, this image is very average to me. I've seen way better AI art than this. I think it won the competition because this Midjourney style was very new at the time and no one had ever seen it before. So it was quite unique and special. As far as I understand the judges didn't know it was created by an AI. I strongly suspect that future competitions will be explicitly banning AI-generated images. Seems like a logical next step. Or maybe they'll allow AI images and that's fine. But competitions will definitely need to be explicit about what is allowed, what isn't.
  18. @Danioover9000 Nah definitely not. They don't hate each other, they're on very good terms. Lex has been speaking with Destiny for quite a while, as far as I understand.