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Everything posted by Space

  1. The things is, Leo has already given us most of the practical stuff we would ever need or want. I'm sure he has ideas for more practical based videos, but what more can he really provide? He only has so much time in a day, why would he waste time testing out other practical methods and techniques. Leo's style and strengths lie within the conceptual stuff, particularly more so now as his stuff is much more advanced than his older personal dev type videos. It's simply a result of a development of his teachings that less and less practical stuff is available to be taught.
  2. @Robi Steel I think you over estimate the effect that feminism is having on people and society as a whole. Yes, there is a toxic feminism, but this is like a minuscule percentage of society that really has very little effect on things and it is a obvious and inevitable byproduct of the patriarchy. Toxic feminism isn't going to take over the world lol. There are much much bigger problems that are causing significantly more harm and damage to society (i.e. toxic materialism and corporate greed). What's actually happening is a natural evolutionary development to more equality and oneness, which is not being caused by this small group of toxic feminists that your imagining to be out there somewhere. Traditional values and the traditional nuclear family isn't going anywhere any time soon. And if it did, this would be part of a natural evolution and growing/waking up for humanity.
  3. What would you say are the massive flaws? The UK healthcare system is quite amazing imo. Yes, there are some not so good GPs, but of course thats down to the individual not the system. 90% of my GP appointments have been exceptional, no matter how small the issue is. The only thing that should be changed is giving the damn nhs staff higher wages.
  4. @kieranperez Awesome story man! I've been quietly following your posts here and there so its great to hear its going well for you. I recently started a full-time job too, after two and a half years of not working. This job just randomly came up the other week, and it felt right. It's not the best job in the world, but it's amazing how much i've grown in the past few weeks. Being actually fucking responsible for things, and having to push myself socially and mentally have really had a significant impact on my whole outlook on life, as dramatic as that might sound.
  5. He's enlightened as fuck dude. I've spoken with him face to face and he gives legit shakipat transmissions. Must be some next level magician if he's just faking it. Can't know for sure though, I suppose. As far as I remember, he was only meditating for 6h a day for a short period of time, well after he was enlightened. How do you think he could sit motionless for 6 hours without getting up? Yea of course he's gonna say that meditation is important.
  6. Jan Essman is a fairly good example. He was basically born enlightened. Started having profound mystical experiences when he was a teenager or something. I think he has done a fair bit of actual practise but there's no doubt his level of consciousness is largely down to spiritual talent, brain physiology etc.
  7. This guys videos have been posted on the forum a few times before. Of course people are free to give their opinions and criticisms on Leo's work and thats expected. I've always said i'm surprised their isn't more people like this guy, because Leo's teachings do sound crazy sometimes, especially to someone who hasn't watched many of Leo's other videos, and particularly for people who haven't had any deep mystical experiences. I think a lot of good points have already been said in this thread. I think the main thing is that this kind of stuff can't be understood with the rational logical mind. It simply doesn't work that way. And I get a sense that that is what this guy is trying to do. He's trying to fit Leo's teachings into his model of reality and what he believes is possible. I have personally taken 5-MeO a number of times. It is no 'high'. It's not a high in any way really. It's a radical shift in consciousness. What seems like chasing a high to some people, is actually a deep desire for Truth that basically no normal people even know to be possible. Have you personally taken psychedelics and specifically 5-MeO or DPT?
  8. @Leo Gura Loving the recent videos on your Blog Leo!
  9. @John West If you're using Mac I don't believe its possible to backup OneNote on your hardrive.
  10. @ardacigin I read TMI sometime last year and spent a good 3 or 4 months working with the breath technique in the book. I literally saw no improvements whatsoever in my level of concentration. For some reason i've always struggled with breath meditation. Even if I was counting the breath I couldn't stay concentrated on it. I always fall asleep with breath meditation as well. Maybe because I use the breath to help me go to sleep at night. I can see the TMI technique being extremely effective for some people, though. It's a really excellent book for beginners who want to start serious meditation. Conversely, if it sit down and do something like Do Nothing or even if I do the type of 'dry' self-inquiry that Leo has talked about in the past, my mind gets very very quiet, especially with self-inquiry! Thanks for sharing your progress and insights
  11. @How to be wise Your post reminded me of this video:
  12. @Freakyboo @Leo Gura Wow that really is a great interview! Just listened all the way through. Very very interesting to hear about people going all the way with the psychedelic path and showing that it is a serious possibility if done properly. Like he said, it has to be done with just as much focus and intent as a traditional meditative path. It's not easy. But do you think he's permanently awakened then?
  13. I don't think it's that simple, and I'm really not convinced that this is true to be honest. My current understanding is that some people from various parts of the world are just incapable of being fully healthy on a vegan diet, EVEN IF the majority of the essential nutrients can be found in plants. There are significant differences in peoples bodies and there ability to process certain foods. Just because major health organizations say the diet provides all the necessary nutrients, does not mean that everyone can just start eating plant based and do fine. Some people DO thrive on a vegan diet, that is undeniable. But other's don't. And it's not just down to the fact that they weren't eating all the nutrients. It's not all about getting your micronutrients. If it only it were that simple.
  14. @Cocolove Very impressive! Doing Vipassanna for long hours is brutal and grindy (for me at least). Maybe you should try the Awareness of Awareness technique if you ever do another retreat. More direct, easier and much more pleasant imo.
  15. @Cepzeu Awesome, thank you!
  16. Firstly, notice that all of these things (below) you wrote are just ideas. You have literally made them up. They are beliefs. Literally notice that. Stop being run and controlled by your own thoughts! So, notice that you are being run by your own ideas. Secondly, notice that 'NoFap is hard' is also another belief which you're unconsciously holding onto, probably because of all the NoFap stuff you've read before. When I realised that I was holding onto this belief, my addiction dropped away instantly. Literally. I was addicted to the idea, really. Let go of the belief that NoFap is hard or difficult. It is not.
  17. @Florian I'm not sure lucid dreaming quite works that way. As far as I understand, even if you're lucid dreaming, the dreams are not as 'stable' as the waking state. It's not like you could just pick up a book and start to learn like you do in normal waking state. I pretty sure lucid dreams are quite short as well.
  18. @The Blind Sage Nice of you to disclose Leo's booklist to everyone.
  19. MTCTB teaches both insight meditation and concentration meditation which can both be practised at any level. For the insight, MTCTB basically teaches a slightly different version of what Shinzen Young teaches, but with a different style and form of labelling. It is fairly intense though, even just a basic labelling technique can be quite exhausting at times. I probably wouldn't recommend the MTCTB labelling technique for beginners, to answer your question. But there's no reason why you couldn't. Some beginners might love it. I believe he gives some good technique explanations/lessons in the 2nd version of MTCTB. Alternatively, you might be better off starting with a simple breath meditation, in order to build up your concentration and mindfulness.
  20. @Peo My Do Nothing sits are 10x more powerful after having done nearly a year of Kriya. Highly reccommended.
  21. This isn't really 'extreme action'. Thousands of people sit on planes every day for this length of time and of course people meditate for similar lengths of time, often with very little movement even between sits. Human bodies are more than capable of sitting around for 6-8 hours doing nothing. So I wouldn't say its just his body not being able to deal with the relatively low level of action. As @ajasatya said, its most likely some psychological reaction. But it would not surprise me at all if it was an egoic reaction as a result of a perceived threat to its survival. He was literally bored to death, or getting close to it at least.
  22. No, not really. You can still talk about your goals to people and then go out and achieve them. If anything it creates more motivation because there's added pressure to not look like a failure. But the point is, is that there's really no point in telling people, particularly if you haven't even taken any action towards the goal. Unless it's conducive towards achieving the goal, just keep things to yourself and let your actions speak for themselves. The action itself is always much more valuable and impressive than the words.
  23. @whoareyou Jeez, relax dude. Don't take everything Leo says so literally.
  24. After listening to his podcast episode I actually feel really bad for him. Sounds like he was going through literal hell. I feel grateful for never having any sleep problems.