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Everything posted by Space

  1. @Bridge to Infinity It takes some practise to notice and let go of attachment. Just keep coming back to your object of meditation, or to the present moment, whatever technique you're doing, and repeat this again and again until the mind quiets down. Took me a good 1-2 years before I was able to do this successfully every meditation. About depression and energy levels, try meditating after a nap or identify when your energy levels are highest and meditate then. Also, work on identifying the source of your depression. Don't just accept it as the way things will always be. How many physical body tests have you had done? I'd recommended a blood test for things like Vitamin D deficiency and/or other issues, and a stool test to test for fungal/parasite infections as this can often cause depression and low energy levels. You say you're eating well, how much sugar and caffeine is still in your diet?
  2. Trump is officially the dumbest idiot alive. What a fucking mess he's made. I'm sure this will have repercussions for many many years to come.
  3. @Identity I love Paul Chek. I first read about fungal and parasite infections from him sometime last year. I was having a bunch of issues (still am to some degree), but after getting a stool test to check for fungal infections it turned out I did! I'd still be in the dark if I hadn't come across Paul.
  4. Look at what Trump has just done. Epitome of stage Red.
  5. Trump truly is a fucking nutcase. He knows he's losing so he angrily lashes out like a child with airstrikes and military action. He's acting so unconsciously it's not even funny anymore.
  6. @Bridge to Infinity Leo says repeatedly not to believe anything he says whatsoever. Leo cannot be accountable for your friends inability to distinguish between belief and direct experience.
  7. @Identity Almost definitely Kundalini related. You should go get shaktipat from Jan Essman.
  8. @Flix This is something I struggled with for a long time too, because you're right, surely there is no 'who', or atleast who I am is just conceptual. Also, other teachers use WHO and WHAT interchangeably and in different ways which adds to the confusion. But clearly you can actually get WHO you are, and there is a distinct difference between getting WHO you are vs WHAT you are. I don't know WHO i am but this video actually created a big shift in my understanding of the question, particularly when Ralston says "do you think it's going to turn out to be anything but you". If you're thinking it's going to be something you've never experienced before or a new idea or something, then you're on the wrong track. WHO you are isn't anything other than you. Are you getting this? So in that sense it can't be a thought, or a memory, or anything imagined. WHO you are can't be found anywhere 'outside' of you, because IT IS you. When Ralston says you can 'get' who you are, he's talking about having an insight. It's a recognition of what's true. No one can really describe what it feels like or 'how to unlock it'. It doesn't work that way. It has to be you getting it. Here's a response I got from Ralston a while back regarding the WHO question, which you might find helpful: Alex, I sympathize with your challenges. The main thing is to have the intention to grasp the truth —no matter what it is. And remember, it IS you! Put your attention on what is most honestly you in your experience in this moment and set out to get you directly, without confusing you with anything you perceive, or think, or are attached to, etc. Yet also don't look elsewhere and don't overlook the obvious. As you contemplate, ask who is contemplating, or who is sitting or walking or thinking or feeling? No matter what you experience ask: who is experiencing it? This always puts you on track to grasp the source of whatever is experienced, which has to be you. As you intend to grasp you directly, be open. Don't expect or imagine what is true, be open to grasping it instead. And don't overlook YOU! It's that simple. I suggest you re-read the chapter on contemplation in NK, perhaps you will see something in a new light. Take each point and work with it, don't make it into a fantasy or aligned with your beliefs, but instead try to see clearly what is being said and turn that into an experience in your contemplations. Good luck with that. Peter
  9. You can spend weeks or even months doing the prepping exercises. Seems like a waste of time to me. Just get to the main techniques laid out in the other books on Leo's booklist. Don't rely just on Kriya Secrets Revealed. I used multiple books and picked the best/most effective out all of them.
  10. I don't do nostril breathing, and I don't see it as a necessary part of the yoga routine, nor does Leo as far as I understand. It's a nice little technique to help you calm down and relax before a meditation or before your yoga if you want, but don't spend ages on it. If you can't stop yawning during it then don't bother with it. About ocean breathing, I wouldn't get too caught up with it in the beginning. It's a slightly more advanced technique which takes some practise. To be honest, I could never really do it either. I don't see it as that important, but i'm sure there will be some people who would disagree. Just focus on bringing the prana/energy up the spine using mahamudra, pranayama and maybe breath of fire if you can manage it. Make sure to do all the body locks of course. Just work on improving your visualisation of the prana/energy going up the spine. And do lots of it. I successfully brought prana up to the head without doing either of the things you mentioned. Also, being able to feel the spine is not a prerequisite for successful yoga.
  11. @lmfao There's a reason Leo's booklist is behind a paywall... @Spiral Wizard I'm not gonna list out all of the preliminary techniques, because there's too many and they have weird names. You need to go through the Kriya Mega-thread and find Leo's recommendations. Just go through each page and look for Leo's comments, shouldn't take you too long. If all you get is the book mentioned above you won't have a clue where to start or what to do.
  12. Leo has a number of books on his booklist about Kriya Yoga techniques. Don't bother with all of the preliminary techniques, just get straight to spinal breathing.
  13. Keep your eyes peeled tomorrow on the UK news. Big election that will shape the country quite radically over the next 4/5 years. Two two main parties that have a chance of winning are the Conservatives led by Boris Johnson (very right wing) and Labour led by Jeremy Corbin (very left wing). I have a feeling the Conservatives will win a majority, but it's still quite uncertain. I will be voting of course, and I hope all you Brits on here are too!
  14. The Conservatives win with a majority, meaning they essentially have full power now for the next 5 years. If Trump wins next year, the next half decade will be a sorry state of affairs to say the least. Whilst I didn't want Johnson in power, I didn't particularly like Corbyn either. He didn't have a strong enough vision and isn't a powerful leader imo. And of course his Brexit plan was too vague and wishy washy. If he had just laid out a simple clear plan for Brexit, he may have had a chance of winning.
  15. This is the way.
  16. @electroBeam The blue being was an experience that Jan had which allowed him to give Shaktipat. Apparently its a manifestation of Shiva and only a handful of people in existence today have had it. Amma is apparently permanently merged with the blue being/Shiva Consciousness, according to Jan. Jan's and Leo's experiences seem different on the surface, but as Leo said, they're just different perspectives of different facets, using different words and terminology. Underneath it all, its all the same. But Jan is an interesting case. I talked to him about his past lives and he said he has been a spiritual seeker for many many lifetimes.
  17. Is it only absolute horror from your egoic self-survival perspective. In actuality it is not.
  18. Surely this conversation should be had in a new thread, rather than this one?
  19. Be carefull, start with a very low dose (i'm assuming you know the appropriate dosages for these substance) and work your way up incrementally over the next few months. It will not be like anything you have experienced, unless you have done psyches before. Also, with the 5-MeO, measure your substance very very carefully, and be sure to test the substance before taking it. I'm assuming you have watched all of Leo's videos on psychedelics, as well as his blog video about rectal administration? If not, make sure you do that. And lastly, be sure to go into psychedelics with a good foundation of theoretical knowledge. If you have just come across Leo's videos, I would advise you to spend a few months studying his work more deeply before doing any psychedelics. Take is slow and easy, and goodluck.
  20. @Schahin You can't just remain silent or observe the silence and hope that eventually something will happen. You can do this for thousands of hours and not get anywhere. There certainly are periods where you end up sitting in silence, but that is generally a by-product of prior contemplation and questioning. You need to just be brutally honest with yourself and then question the answers that you come up with. When you ask Who Am I?, what is your honest to god answer? Probably your name, your personality, life story, memories etc. Question these beliefs. If you are working to get Who you are, you must first have an absolutely honest and genuine intent to get to the truth of the matter. You must think, whatever the truth is, I don't care, but I seriously want to know - not for my own self agenda, but for Truth's sake. When you sit down to contemplate, let go of all beliefs you have about enlightenment and particularly about what you've heard from others. Anything about you being nothing, or being everything, or being infinite, or you not existing, or anything you've heard from others, just let it all go. It will not serve you in any way. This is so important. Don't expect or imagine what you think the answer is. Because that isn't YOU! Focus on what is actually true for you right now, right in your direct experience. The trick though, is that what you think is direct experience, is actually imagination. So be careful and mindful. When you're work on getting Who you are, you are setting out to get YOU! Not as a belief or idea or thought, but ACTUALLY you. It's not going to be anything but YOU - can you get this? Don't confuse yourself with anything you perceive, think or anything you are attached to (like your life story). Is your life story actually who you are, or are you imagining it? Let all this (above) go. They are just beliefs and ideas, and are not useful for contemplation. Focus on what is actually true for you right now. Don't overcomplicate it.
  21. @Derrida I like your skepticism, but be careful not to dismiss the things Leo mentions just because they seem 'far-fetched'. This stuff gets really fucking weird and radical. Always remain open minded. But you are in a good starting point. Better to be skeptical about this work in the beginning, rather than just blindly believing everything and turning it into an ideology.
  22. @Psyche_92 If you've done it before, you can do it again.
  23. How can someone working a 9-5 use the time outside of the job most effectively? How can you begin to breakdown the barrier between spirituality/consciousness work and every day work life? Or, how can you bring spirituality more into your normal daily routine. What are the best habits to cultivate in your 20s? What is the essence of creating a great vision for your life? Or, what is the essence of a powerful vision? What kind of mindset should one have in their 20s? How should a 25 year old be framing and thinking about their life? How do you work through/deal with psychological addictions to food, i.e. eating less healthy food when stressed/ feeling depressed. What are some of the best things to spend your money on, and also some of the worst?
  24. They also produce the best tech products in the world, like all the iPhones, Macs, PCs, all the latest smartphones, electric cars, and basically every other tech product you have in your home and have ever used. And who owns these manufacturing plants? American and western companies. Who buys these goods? America and western countries. What you're describing is straight up capitalism.