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Everything posted by Space

  1. Non serial killer frames of mind haha. I don't doubt that he was expressing himself completely authentically.
  2. @Jo96 Of course they could, just very unlikely. Enlightenment/Truth is non conditional. Be whatever you want to be! But certain frames of mind and sets of behaviour are more conducive to enlightenment than others.
  3. I think the free download is a trial, but then its around £28 for the full program. Definitely worth it imo. Give the trial a go and see if you like it.
  4. I suspect it would have a very detrimental effect on the quality of your meditation. Not recommended. It will make you more relaxed, but you'll loose the strong focus and concentration that you need for meditation. For some people having 1 glass a day would be fine, for others it will be very damaging to their body. There isn't a yes or no answer. My intuition is that if you want to optimise your body and mind, and be the healthiest you can be, then cut down alcohol as much as possible, if not completely.
  5. @Guru A program called 'Outline' is a great alternative for Mac users. It's what I use and its worked great. Very similar layout and functionality to OneNote and it lets you save directly onto your hard drive.
  6. @diamondpenguin Yes it can work. But like many of these types of businesses, only a small % of people will be able to make it into something thats profitable long term. There is only one page-1 after all, and if you're not on the 1st page for your niche then forget about it. Very very difficult to get onto the 1st page because so many niches are already taken up. I spent about 1.5 years doing private label, did around £30k in sales, but I couldn't properly get it off the ground or make any significant profit. The profit margins are so small because you have to factor in all the FBA fees that Amazon add on, and then you end up spending all the profit on paid advertising. I had one of my products get into the top 3 position on 1st page, which is the holy grail of Amazon FBA. I was getting 10-20 organic sales every day (roughly £5 profit per sale). However I couldn't get more stock for various logistical reasons so I couldn't continue it. There are a lot of hurdles and challenges you need to over come, particularly sourcing the products, dealing with the manufacturers (who often don't speak very good english), and getting the products shipped over to your country. Correctly doing paid advertising on Amazon is also key. Interestingly, since quitting FBA I moved into a paid search job as an employee. Slowly began to realise that everything I did on Amazon paid search was completely wrong. Amazon are also extremely strict with reviews. They have a super powerful AI that automatically removes any reviews it deems to be even remotely fake or paid for. However reviews are absolutely essential to the success of a product on Amazon. I had one product that got one 1 1-star review out of 30-40 4-5 stars. After the 1-star my sales plummeted to basically nothing. Had to close the product. So my point is, its challenging and you are at the mercy of your customers. I suspect that these days, in order to successfully launch a product, you need to pump a shit ton of money behind the initial launch, loads of money into your Paid Advertising (super high CPCs etc). You will likely need more capital $1500. I could be wrong, I haven't looked into this stuff for a few years now. Things change so quickly. Saying all that, if you can do it, it definitely can work. 10 sales a day at £5 profit each is £18k a year profit. Do-able, but also very very difficult. My final piece of advice would be to spend your time building a life that is more tailored around your interests and skills, rather than doing FBA.
  7. @lmfao On an LSD trip earlier in the year I realised that poor quality meat is definitely more contracted and lower consciousness. I don't believe that all meat in general is low consciousness or has a negative effect on the body. But it was clear to me that the meat from animals that have been deeply suffering their whole lives, lived in poor conditions etc, is not good for consumption. Think about the quality of meat from a cow that has lived a happy life, who was not suffering or in pain at the time of death. Its body would be a gift to us. Of course any food that is deeply contracted (heavily processed foods etc) should be avoided.
  8. @Moon Ooh which part of east midlands if you don't mind me asking. Close to Nottingham for me.
  9. @GroovyGuru That's awesome then! So you're working from home, but you're still sitting there doing nothing for hours? I don't get it. Why aren't you using your time more wisely? Surely, at the very least, you can just entertain yourself online - Youtube, podcasts, interviews etc, tv shows? Meditate?
  10. @Striving for more Depends on the situation. If you're doing daygame on busy streets, parks, outside areas, shopping centres etc, then very direct game is very important. You can't be vague about your intentions in those situations because the girl will wave you away and walk off. I wouldn't specifically use that phrase 'hey I think you're cute', but usually something close to it. Very important to state that you stopped her because you found her attractive - imo atleast. Its absolutely not cringey or needy - if done correctly. It's hard to give full details over a forum post, theres so much to teach. I would say indirect is more needy. The girl wants you to be fucking intentional and direct, and even if she doesn't find you attractive she'll respect your confidence. But if she doesn't want to talk, she doesn't want to talk. Being direct doesn't mean pestering the girl for 30 minutes. In other situations like when you're on public transport or just in any situation where the girl cannot walk away and leave the interaction immediately, a softer less direct type of game is more recommended. However I personally don't ever do approaches in these situations.
  11. Is this really the right place to have this kind of discussion? Plenty of other more relevant forums online where you can talk about Cyberpunk.
  12. Hello my British friends! Born in the East Midlands, currently living in very cold and grey London.
  13. This pretty much describes my first corporate job as well. I often spent 3pm-5:30pm with absolutely nothing to do and obviously I couldn't just open up Youtube or browse the internet. It was very depressing. I know you aren't planning on staying in the job long but it usually does get better with time. The more comfortable I got in the job, the more knowledge of the job, the better the days went. My saving grace was Covid actually, because ever since April 2020 i've been working from home. I'm surprised you are working in an office at the moment? All that time that I would have spent doing absolutely nothing, I now do exactly whatever the hell I want. Being able to work from home is literally amazing tbh. Maybe try and find a different job which is allowing employees to work from home?
  14. @Florian I can confirm that there is a big PUA community in London. There are a lot of guys out doing daygame here. There has been a few times where i've approached a girl and she said she was approached in a similar way just minutes before by another PUA. I was once going to approach a girl and then some random other PUA who I didn't know ran in front of me and took the girl for himself. To be fair this was on the busiest street in London, Oxford Street, which I now avoid like the plague, even though there is an endless stream of girls there. I strongly recommend doing a daygame bootcamp with James Tusk (search him on Youtube). It's expensive and he isn't back in London until some time next year but its 100% worth it. He's also the nicest most down to earth guy you'll ever meet. It's not essential that you live in London. You could easily get the train in on the weekend and spend 4-5 hours doing approaches. The benefit of living in London is that there are girls wherever you are so you can do one-off random approaches during the week, when you're going food shopping etc.
  15. @knakoo Nice share, the writer has some really great advice. Although I feel it may not be applicable for every single guy. I think if some guys followed this advice they would come across as too needy and nice guy. The writer seems extremely confident and grounded in himself, which allows him to act in the way he describes in his post and be successful with women. I think a lot of guys just need a more hardcore, more masculine, approach in order to get over their anxiety. Then they can start implementing his advice about setting up a safe environment and moving into the body. But all in all I love the post, I want to read more from him tbh.
  16. @Strangeloop In what context are you asking these girls out? Are you in school, are these in social circle, or are you approaching girls you've never met before?
  17. @SQAAD Honestly I think the ROA and dose is a major factor here as well, in addition to what has been said in other responses. The vast majority of people who take 5-MeO will smoke it, and likely do it with someone else or at worst in a group setting in the jungle. Not saying that God can't be realised in a group setting in a jungle, just doesn't seem like a conducive setting to realise God. It's unlikely for you to realise yourself as God with one mid range dose. Took me around 6 sessions with slowly building up the dose and getting use to the substance. Only then was it an OH MY GOD trip.
  18. The absolute nature of reality of course! But there is a distinct difference between all of these concepts that we are using and the actual direct consciousness of it. The actuality of it is more profound and wonderful than you can possibly conceive of.
  19. Are you even directly conscious of what 'consciousness is all there is' is referring to? The fact that you say its 'obvious and boring' says to me that you are not. What could possibly be more profound than the absolute nature of reality?
  20. @jj40 You obviously lack clarity in your life but but this won't just come to you by itself randomly one day. And it won't come from watching Youtube videos. You have to actively create clarity and focus in your life. So sit down and intentionally and actively think about what you want to achieve. Actually write it out. Set a timer if you need to, and keep writing until the timer ends. If you don't know what you want, write out what you don't want. Keep doing this every week until you have a very very clear sense of what you want out of life. Then start to lay out actual action steps that you can take to achieve those goals. Set the intention from today to figure out what you really really genuinely want and don't give up until you do. Like I said, having direction in life isn't just going to come to you in a flash one day. You have to be proactive about this.
  21. Actually you don't really need to learn anything to start investing in the stock market. The actual process of buying shares is incredibly easy. All you need is a good understanding of the market in general, what companies are likely to continue doing well/grow/innovate. Where is society heading, what things will society value in 10 years time? For example, TSLA stock is essentially free money at this point because electric vehicles are the future, and the company is providing so much value and is so far ahead of any of its competitors. I would advise against investing in crypto. Far too unstable and the returns are negligible.
  22. @Beeflamb Your question is far too broad. It's basically impossible to answer. We're not here to lay out your life plan for you.
  23. I think one bump may be acceptable if you received no replies after a week. No more than that please. Go to a 10-day Vipassana retreat. They're held all over the world and they're completely free with food and lodging provided for the whole duration.