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Everything posted by Space

  1. @caveman Looks interesting but have you seen Leo's video on why reality cannot be a simulation? Discussing the simulation stuff is kinda pointless to be honest. Saying reality is a simulation doesn't say anything at all, because it still leaves the question of 'well what is the nature of the base reality' or 'what is the nature of the simulation'?. The matrix isn't rock bottom. Might watch the doc though.
  2. @mandyjw You don't need to subscribe. Just look for the 'can't pay for the subscription? Contact us' link (something like that). All of Sam's podcasts are free to access.
  3. @Conscious life Just Google around. I'm pretty sure there are sites that let you paste in the URL and it'll create a download link for you.
  4. If you find where it says 'Can’t afford a subscription? Contact us'. Click on contact and follow the instructions.
  5. @Mel B I listened to this one the other night as well. @Leo Gura you gotta check this one out that Mel B linked. I actually enjoy listening to Sam Harris, but these kinds of interviews just illuminate Sam's misunderstanding and close-mindedness. This one with Jim Newman is even harder to listen to than the one with Rupert. Jim just runs circles around Sam. I think one of the main things that Sam doesn't get is that Jim is clearly in a radically different state of consciousness, which simply cannot be understood or conceptualised. Sam thinks that they are both 'at the same level' and so he thinks their inability to agree or come to a conclusion is a pedantic matter or just a difference in terminology. For anyone else who doesn't know, you can access all of Sam's podcasts for free.
  6. @Soullee Why would you assume that something happens to consciousness if a particular body dissolved? You are assuming there is an individual consciousness inside the body or some how reliant on the body. Is this true? You might also be subtly holding consciousness as another 'thing' separate from other things. Is this actually true? There is no 'your consciousness'. There is no 'vehicle or vessel'. There is no 'human reality'. There is no 'memory storage'. There is no 'control over your consciousness'. There is no 'incarnation'. Your questions are fundamentally based on false beliefs and concepts. There is no point trying to have a discussion about this stuff. There needs to be a change in a state of consciousness for you. You need to start questioning everything you've just written and discovering whether it's actually true, or whether its just conceptual. Don't ask other people for more ideas and more concepts.
  7. @ertopolice Good effort! Keep it up Caffeine withdrawals can be quite challenging. But its also not that difficult to overcome. Have you considered substituting your coffee for a black tea? I'm currently on 1 cup of coffee in the morning and then 1-2 cups of tea throughout the day. I never have more than 1 cup of caffeinated coffee in a day.
  8. @Patrick_9931 Intense fear is quite normal during a 5-MeO session, and i'm sure it can manifest in a hundred different ways. This must be let go of and released in the moment as soon as it arises. Don't hang around in the fear. The letting go doesn't really happen by itself so you must be willing to surrender. Bad trips come from not letting go. There is much further to go past the mental stories like the one you described. Let go let go let go. Go for Infinity, go for Eternity, go for Actual God.
  9. What you probably experienced was just a subtle shift in consciousness. This is quite common, sometimes things just 'click' in a new way, or you overcome a subtle barrier in your thinking. It can feel kinda freeing and pleasant. Definitely a great sign for sure, you clearly got something in what Leo was trying to communicate. However, I probably wouldn't class it as a 'mystical experience'. Although, one could argue that everything is mystical. A true mystical experience is usually very obviously a mystical experience. As in, there isn't any doubt as to what occurred. Otherwise you're getting stuck in concepts and mind games.
  10. Of course i'm open to learning about new psychedelics that are better than 5-MeO. And i'm sure there are. However, what i'm saying is that 5-MeO is more than sufficient for our work here. It wouldn't bother me if I never found another psychedelic again.
  11. @Mike21 Oh boy, they really can. And it doesn't stop at Samadhi either.
  12. @rnd I second what Michal has said. You have everything you need. You don't really need anything better than 5-MeO. The real question is, will you make the effort to use it and use it to its full potential?
  13. @nexusoflife One of the best trip reports i've ever read. Utterly profound. Thankyou ?
  14. Video already posted in the 5-MeO Mega-thread.
  15. Interesting, i'll keep that in mind
  16. Lol. LSD is like a muddy river bed filled with weird shaped rocks and uncontrollable random vortexes with an occassional ray of light that beams down from above. 5-MeO is like a perfectly still crystal sparkling glass of water. At least in my experience.
  17. @Mips Your own path and watching Leo's videos is just one path. They don't need to be separate. Watch Leo's videos, but hold what he says lightly. Hold his comments as possibilities that you may or may not verify for yourself, rather than adopting them as beliefs. You'll be lost without learning the theory and listening/learning from people who are further along the path than you are. At the same time, pursue your own Truth. Experiment with different techniques and learn what works for you.
  18. @Skin-encapsulatedego I have kept 2 things, 1) a permanent change in my baseline level of consciousness, and 2) an utterly profound and life changing re-contextualization of reality and my day to day experience. I could say there is a third thing, which would be the feeling memory and visual memory of the session, but these have faded considerably and are of no use really. Let me elaborate on the above points. 1) The change in baseline has occurred specifically from high dose (30mg) 5-MeO-DMT, and specifically the total 100% realisation of Absolute Eternal Infinity a.k.a ACTUAL GOD. However another important and I would argue 'essential' component for embodiment were the bodily energetic 'effects' that occured during this realisation. Energy sweeps up and down the body, and the body shakes and vibrates releasing lots of stored 'energetic knots' and contractions within the body. Without this its all just cerebral. I should note that ever since having this 'energetic awakening' with 5-MeO, I get the vibratory body healing effects with all other psychedelics at any dose. Regarding the change in baseline level of consciousness, the body feels less contracted and there is less of 'me' here. I often have blissful feelings within the body. There is a sense of Being-ness arising from within. Meditation sessions have improved significantly and its kind of happening all the time now without intentional effort. Another small and kind of fun lasting effect is the change in my perception of music. Every since I heard Infinite Music, i.e. music that is playing whilst you are in a state of Infinite Consciousness, music has taken on a new 'quality' - albeit quite subtle. I cry quite easily from listening to music now because its so beautiful. 2) To realise Absolute Eternal Infinity and yourself as Actual God is a life changing thing. This cannot be un-seen or forgotten because its not an experience, concept, thought, or even an insight or an intuition. However this doesn't mean that you don't go back down to a 'normal' state of consciousness again - which did occur of course. I'm still very much self/body-identified. Something is brought back. Imagine leaving your entire life, reality and everything you have ever known or loved, you are taken outside of it all and then shown that you created all of it and that it is you and has been you for Eternity. I can't say much more than that. It makes me cry every day.
  19. Non serial killer frames of mind haha. I don't doubt that he was expressing himself completely authentically.
  20. @Jo96 Of course they could, just very unlikely. Enlightenment/Truth is non conditional. Be whatever you want to be! But certain frames of mind and sets of behaviour are more conducive to enlightenment than others.
  21. I think the free download is a trial, but then its around £28 for the full program. Definitely worth it imo. Give the trial a go and see if you like it.
  22. I suspect it would have a very detrimental effect on the quality of your meditation. Not recommended. It will make you more relaxed, but you'll loose the strong focus and concentration that you need for meditation. For some people having 1 glass a day would be fine, for others it will be very damaging to their body. There isn't a yes or no answer. My intuition is that if you want to optimise your body and mind, and be the healthiest you can be, then cut down alcohol as much as possible, if not completely.
  23. @Guru A program called 'Outline' is a great alternative for Mac users. It's what I use and its worked great. Very similar layout and functionality to OneNote and it lets you save directly onto your hard drive.
  24. @diamondpenguin Yes it can work. But like many of these types of businesses, only a small % of people will be able to make it into something thats profitable long term. There is only one page-1 after all, and if you're not on the 1st page for your niche then forget about it. Very very difficult to get onto the 1st page because so many niches are already taken up. I spent about 1.5 years doing private label, did around £30k in sales, but I couldn't properly get it off the ground or make any significant profit. The profit margins are so small because you have to factor in all the FBA fees that Amazon add on, and then you end up spending all the profit on paid advertising. I had one of my products get into the top 3 position on 1st page, which is the holy grail of Amazon FBA. I was getting 10-20 organic sales every day (roughly £5 profit per sale). However I couldn't get more stock for various logistical reasons so I couldn't continue it. There are a lot of hurdles and challenges you need to over come, particularly sourcing the products, dealing with the manufacturers (who often don't speak very good english), and getting the products shipped over to your country. Correctly doing paid advertising on Amazon is also key. Interestingly, since quitting FBA I moved into a paid search job as an employee. Slowly began to realise that everything I did on Amazon paid search was completely wrong. Amazon are also extremely strict with reviews. They have a super powerful AI that automatically removes any reviews it deems to be even remotely fake or paid for. However reviews are absolutely essential to the success of a product on Amazon. I had one product that got one 1 1-star review out of 30-40 4-5 stars. After the 1-star my sales plummeted to basically nothing. Had to close the product. So my point is, its challenging and you are at the mercy of your customers. I suspect that these days, in order to successfully launch a product, you need to pump a shit ton of money behind the initial launch, loads of money into your Paid Advertising (super high CPCs etc). You will likely need more capital $1500. I could be wrong, I haven't looked into this stuff for a few years now. Things change so quickly. Saying all that, if you can do it, it definitely can work. 10 sales a day at £5 profit each is £18k a year profit. Do-able, but also very very difficult. My final piece of advice would be to spend your time building a life that is more tailored around your interests and skills, rather than doing FBA.