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Everything posted by Space

  1. @EddieEddie1995 Sounds awesome! If only..
  2. Locking for low quality. I appreciate the humour but try to post something with more substance and value.
  3. Mind me asking what your current job is? I'm currently working a full time 9-5 whilst also putting in 2-3 hours of LP work outside of that each day. It's hard as hell, and I constantly feel like giving up. I also really really hate my job. So i empathise with what you're saying. One fairly simple thing i've started doing is getting up earlier and going to bed earlier so I have an hour and a half in the morning to do LP stuff before starting my 9-5. It means I don't leave all my LP work til after my 9-5 when i'm exhausted and tired. It's been working out really well actually. You just gotta create a clear plan for changing your life circumstances. Then all that's required is for you to keep working until you've achieved those goals.
  4. @infinitelovegodetc Interesting that you talk about cannabis playing a role in your awakening. If you said this to me 10 years ago I would have had my doubts because my teenage experiences with cannabis were so unremarkable. Since having a full God Infinity breakthrough with 5-MeO last year, my tolerance to Cannabis (and all other substances) has greatly decreased. I had 3 tokes of a small joint the other night and had a full blown mystical experience. Ego was dissolved by about 50%. My heart was pounding out of fear of death. My plan was to just chill and watch a cool documentary (Can't Get You Out Of My Head by Adam Curtis) but I quickly had to turn it off because I began empathing with everyone being interviewed and started to experience their deep suffering and contraction. After closing my eyes and breathing slowly to reduce my heart rate I quickly became conscious that What I Am is Absolute Eternal Consciousness. Completely location-less and time-less. The container of all space and time. Nothing can exist outside of it. It is existence itself, but it is also Absolutely Nothing at all. There's Absolutely nothing to Consciousness whatsoever. It became absurdly obvious that this body and brain are contained within Me. The brain was interconnecting in ways that it does not do in a sober state. It felt like I had an IQ of 140. I was having these super long chain hyper-focused thoughts which were fractalizing off into a dozen other lines and then colliding back into one single focus and then repeating again. I thought 'is this how intelligent people think all the time?!'. Long story short: Cannabis is massively underrated as a spiritual tool if you have the pre-existing breakthroughs to ground it.
  5. I've done around 10 sessions with 5-MeO, with a range of very low (3mg) to very high (30mg) doses. Regarding your question, I would probably lean more towards saying no. It's very 'metaphysical' and straight to the point, you could say. And low doses are kinda rubbish. In my experience it becomes very powerful quite suddenly with increasing dosages. There isn't really an intermediate stage. So a low 5-10mg dose doesn't really do much at all. But then a 15mg dose will be extremely intense and powerful, will result in a near complete ego dissolution and you will likely not be interested at all in life purpose or health. The intensity grows exponentially. My point being is that there isn't really a dose where you can use it for more 'human' insights. The human stuff quickly becomes obsolete. However, during the after glow period of a high dose, there is definitely more of an opportunity to contemplate things like relationships and health. You're in this wonderfully high consciousness state but the sense of self has largely contracted again. So you have some grounding to be able to think about human stuff and 'your life', but in a much more open and interconnected state.
  6. @Chumbimba Seems pretty clear that you know what you want. Sounds like you want to become an actor, so go do that! Nothing stopping you from investing you savings on the side. Your friend got lucky with GME. There was no skill behind his win. He got lucky and followed a trend just at the right time, which just so happened to work out for him. A lot of people lost a lot of money. DO NOT look up to this guy for inspiration. Also I should add that no one here is going to be able to show you what your life purpose is or what path to take. You have to make that decision. You have to spend the time thinking about it and testing stuff out and making mistakes. This is YOUR journey. Life purpose is complex and subtle and depends on a million different factors within an individual's life. Even life coaches will not be able to tell you what your purpose is. Its deeply intuitive and has to be self-generated. A lot of people write posts similar to yours, looking for someone else to advise them or tell them what to do. I get it, its hard, and we hope that another person's comments can shed new light on things. But the chances of that happening are low. You need to muster up the courage to choose a path and commit to it. Everyone, including myself, has to give up 10 other potential paths in order to make one path work. You have to make sacrifices.
  7. I'd say a girls standards are roughly the same on the apps as they are on the street. Its just a completely different dynamic and guys obviously can't express their confidence properly through a dating app. So the girls have to judge the guys based on their profile or on how the guy looks. So it seems like girls have super high standards, but really they're just working with what they got. If you were presented with 50 girls who wanted to go on a date with you, you'd pick the hottest girls. This isn't because you have high standards. But i'm not disagreeing with what you said. Of course this isn't great for guys. If you want a girl to judge you based on your confidence and personality, rather than or in addition to your looks, then cold approach is the way to go. I'm a big proponent of day game, despite it being exceedingly painful and challenging. Maybe 'average', but not 'below average'. I wouldn't even go on a date with what I would perceive to be below average girl. To be honest though I don't have much experience with women so right now i'm kinda content with an 'average' girl.
  8. So much judgement. The apps aren't perfect, but you'd be an absolute fool to not be using them if you are single/looking for a relationship. Theres plenty of awesome, genuine, cute girls on the dating apps who are just looking for some real intimacy and connection with a man. Bumble and Hinge are my go to apps. Tinder is questionable, i'll admit, but still has potential.
  9. This isn't cold approach or game - its just being fucking weird. If he keeps doing it obsessively then there is clearly something wrong with the guy. People here would not say he 'must be a womanizer'. We're not stupid lol. Just because he's doing hundreds of approaches doesn't imply he should be getting laid, or even having a single conversation. When Leo says to do 1000 approaches, it has nothing to do with what this guy is doing on the train.
  10. @joshuahuebner I doubt it. I think its just a marketing strategy to get people to watch the videos. Then again, these days I wouldn't be surprised if someone had some sort of opening from listening to the videos. Not out of the realm of possibility.
  11. @bonsai Yes its usually an indication of a permanent realisation of no-self. If you have a deep ego death your eyes will naturally rest in a very still gaze.
  12. @StarStruck It is possible but there isn't really any way round this problem i'm afraid. In order to overcome approach anxiety you must approach. But you'l be surprised by how much the anxiety drops after just a handful of approaches. The first ones are always the hardest though. But I absolutely promise you, the vast majority of the anxiety goes away after you start doing approaches. Really the key is to just get those first few approaches in as quickly as possible. I was taught to start by walking up to any girl or woman and giving her a genuine compliment on the way she looks. And if you do it from a genuine place, like you actually mean the compliment, you have a smile on your face, it feels great and girls love it! I'd used to say something like 'Excuse me, Hi, I just wanted to tell you that you have really nice eyes'. Something like that. It just gets you moving towards the girl and starting the conversation which is where the anxiety was for me. So just physically doing that, without having any intention of having a conversation with the girl, really helps. Try going out and giving 2 compliments to 2 different girls, and then walking away.
  13. A fair point, thanks for offering your perspective. I blame no one. Everyone is just trying to survive. I 100% recognise that relationship abuse is not a female only issue. I'd never suggest otherwise. If you interpreted that from my post then your interpretation was simply incorrect. This is complex stuff, it's difficult to communicate all of the subtleties, details and alternate view points in one forum post. My post was specifically focused on the idea that women have it easier when it comes to casual sex/hookups. I believe this to be more untrue than guys believe. It tends to be a defense mechanism from guys who don't get laid. And I know this because I am one of those guys. I know why there is so much blame on women for our lack of sex. It's fucking hard sometimes. But having a genuine insight into the nature of a woman's experience is incredibly beneficial. Actually stepping into their shoes and seeing the process of social survival.
  14. Yes and no. Its super important to remember that women think about sex quite differently to men. We men project our male mindset onto women which makes it seem like women can just have sex with any random guy. This actually isn't true because women don't want to have sex with any random guy out of a number of fears, anxieties and valuing the emotional-bond component much more strongly. Men will basically have sex with any random girl, except for a small amount of exceptions, partly because there is usually very little or no risk of harm or danger. So we naively assume that women can do that too. Of course some women do just have random sex. They can go up to a random guy and say 'i'm horny, want to have sex with me?'. However, even in those cases there is still a lot of things they have to check off the list (subconsciously) before actually having sex with the guy. There will always be an underlying anxiety of 'will this guy rape me or abuse me in some way', even if it's just a fun one night stand. There is a still a strong selection process that is necessary and that takes energy and effort on the behalf of the woman. Some women will even go back to a guys place, get in bed with him, but then decide not to have sex with him because of some small thing he said or did. So to conclude, if a woman is just looking for sex it is absolutely not as easy for them as you think. Easier in some sense, but actually more difficult than it is for guys in other ways.
  15. @levani There's a big Kriya Yoga megathread around here somewhere if you search for it. It's big but if you read the whole thing from the beginning all your questions will be answered there.
  16. Except for having to choose the right candidate out of hundreds of applications and making sure that you don't end up choosing the degenerate abuser who won't leave you after 6 months...
  17. @Valwyndir I appreciate your curiosity and perspective. However, you should definitely take a high dose of 5-MeO for yourself before engaging in any more conversation about it. Otherwise the conversation is just pointless.
  18. This is incorrect. How many times have you done 5-MeO and at what dose? At 30mg dose of 5-MeO-DMT is a completely total recontextualization of reality. There is actually very little 'content' change, relative to other psychedelics.
  19. @Flowerfaeiry Sounds like a great experience and I genuinely appreciate your honesty here. I am also conscious of this more devotional, female-orientated approach to spirituality. But you're still lost in illusion. There is no Leo! There is no guru! There are no separate people called you and Leo. You must keep going until you recognize that you ARE the appearance we call Leo and that everything you have learnt from such an appearance is actually just you teaching yourself.
  20. Yes I agree. He's clearly an incredible integral thinker. But it's like he's just maxing out on the intellectual mind stuff and is hitting up against an invisible wall which he might not fully understand how to go past yet. He needs that quantum leap in consciousness to get outside of the wall, so to speak. 30mg of 5-MeO will do the trick! Watching the video below really shows the limits of Daniel's thinking imo. Tim tries to ask Daniel questions like 'What is all of this?' and Daniel just seems kinda confused and unable to answer.
  21. It depends on what your goal is. If you goal is to get laid once, then you could probably do that with 50-200 approaches. A number of different factors would determine your success rate. Actually "talk to 800 random women on the streets" is not far off what most guys need to hear. It really does boil down to TALK TO MORE WOMEN. 800 women on the street isn't actually all that much or difficult to achieve - if you're serious about it of course. If you did 15 approaches a week, it would only take you around a year to do. Thats on average. You could have weeks where you do much more, and weeks where you do none. Now, admittedly this is only feasible in a busy city area. I live in central London, so it's easy for me to say, but I understand the difficulty of doing the above in less populated areas.
  22. Yes playfulness is the key. When I was on a daygame bootcamp late last year, the coaches kept on hammering at us to be more playful. I asked a number of them if they could just give one piece of advice and it was always 'be more playful' or some close variation of that. I'll be honest, this was extremely difficult for me, and it still is. To be serious and reserved around strangers seems to be completely built into my way of relating. It was only after i'd done a bunch of approaches that the anxiety would drop away and I could actually start 'trying' to be more playful. However, I would say a few small things really helped with loosening the logical behaviour/dialogue. Simply smiling as I entered the approach was very helpful at setting the initial vibe. Smiling is extremely underrated haha! And also loosening up the body, moving about a bit whilst talking the girl, using my hands expressively, taking my hands out of my pockets etc. This really helped too. The physical aspect of the approach very much informed the 'mental' side of things. Looking forward to your upcoming videos on the topic.
  23. Yes its safe as long as you start with a low dose first and slowly build your way up to higher doses. I would start with 5-10mg. It gets very intense once you start going over 15mg so I wouldn't recommend going over that for your first time.
  24. @Madhur Yea I second what fridjonk says. I'm going to assume that you are sitting down in a chair most of the day? If so, you need to start lightly and carefully decompressing your spine. Best way to do that is to buy a pull up bar that can attach to the door frame and hang on it for few minutes here and there. You can decompress the spine in other ways, hanging off the edge of your bed etc. Just google them. Best option is hanging bar.
  25. @Skenderberg 'Vaccine passports' have pretty much been around for decades now. There any many countries where you have to provide evidence of having had a particular vaccine before being able to travel (hepatitis B, meningitis vaccines etc).