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Everything posted by Space

  1. @Being Frank Yang Hi Frank! I'm assuming this is the real Frank Yang based on your comments and a few other things. Welcome to the forum man, pleasure to have you. I've been enjoying your Youtube content for years
  2. Yea failure is a tricky one. It's an acquired taste for sure. However positively you frame it, it always has a certain sting to it. My best solution so far is to just get onto the next project as quickly as possible haha. Yea sorry I didn't mean to suggest i'm rich or anything. I'm kind broke tbh. And I even had my KRK monitors stolen recently Exciting stuff man, wish you all the best!
  3. @fopylo Its not about Leo! Nothing to do with him.
  4. @ivankiss Thanks for sharing man. I'm a visual artist but I also spent 3 years completing a music technology bachelors degree and I play guitar too. But my main creative focus is on visual art. My points being, its all kinda the same. The same struggles and mental roadblocks. So hopefully I can offer some useful comments: Just make anything. Literally anything. Don't let a lack of unique style stop you from just making stuff. Looking back at my art portfolio, there are so many different styles and ways of working it could be a collection of 20 different artists. But there is a large body of work. And I would not be where I am today without that. You must just start making stuff without being too precious about it. Out of that making process come the new ideas and eventually the unique style. None of that work ever has to be shown to anyone. My 5 pillars for developing an artistic style in any field are: Getting clear on what you want, focused deliberate practise, massive experimentation, large quantity of work, and journaling (both before and after projects). Then go do it man! Go cum all over the world There ain't nothing stopping you except yourself. Certainly one way of going about it. But ultimately it all comes down to you sitting down, by yourself or with your band, and producing work, producing lots of really bad work, and then making more work. There's no way around making the work. And even if you are focused on making money first, you should still be making lots of music. But if you have a good strategy/plan for making money, definitely go do it. Money is great. You don't need to spend lots of money to make amazing music. I know some things can be a little expensive, and I don't know your personal finance situation. But what kind of equipment are you looking to get? You definitely don't need a full studio set up. Some decent monitors might set you back a few hundred. Software isn't too expensive either. I guess hardware can be expensive. I definitely feel the same way when I sit down to make my art. Its not always fun but theres a deeper satisfaction that simply comes from the process of action. The main thing is, do you want to keep going even when it gets boring and difficult? I suspect you do, from your post. An upgrade isn't needed for you to find your voice. The upgrades can enhance and refine your own voice, but it cannot be the foundation of it. You have to create your own identity through lots of creative action and failure.
  5. @Tim R Just out of curiosity, do you have metal amalgams in your teeth?
  6. @sorrytoch Depends in what context. As a visual artist myself, i've found the best way to boost my creativity is actually to be more creative! As in, create more stuff! I think we tend to think how can I have amazing original ideas straight off the bat. Thats not how it works. Amazing creative ideas come from producing lots of work and coming up with lots of ideas. Take any super creative person, artist, musician, business person etc - they produce a lot of average ideas and work, but out of that come the super creative stuff.
  7. @Eternal Unity I love Anna Brown
  8. @K VIL2 Isn't everything?
  9. Honestly I feel that the podcast when really well. Charlie genuinely surprised me with his open mindedness and willingness to try and understand certain topics. I didn't think you guys were gonna get right into the meat of things, and talk about Consciousness, God etc. Leo your clarity of thought and conversational ability are quite impressive. Even before watching it, I knew that there would be some challenges for Leo. As Leo has said, its literally impossible to fully explain this stuff in a short space of time! It simply can't be done - no matter how good with words you are. It requires such a an enormous amount of additional theory, as well as actual personal experience. I feel grateful that I have years and years of context and direct experience for what Leo is talking about. So I understood everything. But of course this isn't gonna be the case for most viewers. @Leo Gura Do you think you learned a lot from the experience? Looking forward to seeing how you tackle the next barrage of podcast questions!
  10. Have you personally realised Absolute Infinity? Or have you tried a large dose of 5-MeO specifically?
  11. @Forestluv Goddam! Something quite special about watching someone master their craft to such a high level.
  12. Locking for low quality.
  13. Locking for low quality. PLease put some more substance into your posts.
  14. @Adamq8 Can you give some explanation of the video contents. Please don't just post random videos with random titles. This is a high consciousness section.
  15. Locking this for low quality. Please don't just post random videos without any explanation or TLDR at all. The title doesn't even explain anything either.
  16. @Meditationdude Its kinda standard behaviour for a forum. It always gonna be 90% low level comments and chit chat. And also don't forget that most people are only just starting out their spiritual development journey. There's more ignorance than consciousness. Thats not a judgement or criticism of anyone in particular, it just has to be that way. So the more time you spend on here, the better you get at filtering the noise and knowing who are the reliable and trustworthy users.
  17. @GTD Sorry that you've been going through so many issues. But don't get disheartened. Much of what you describe can actually be healed. Many many people have healed most if not all of the above symptoms. So its just a matter of figuring it out. But no one here can really do that for you. You're just gonna get a bunch of people recommending loads of things to try. I suspect that not all of your symptoms are due to poor gut health. It plays a big role in our overall health, but it's not necessarily the source of every issue. For example, the comment about being in social situations and thinking about what other people are thinking is a fairly common thing that most people do. That usually just a symptom of low self esteem and low confidence. Your OCD might be due to metal toxicity, i'd look into the andy cutler mercury chelating protocol. Regarding the candida, have you had this properly tested and confirmed by a lab? If you definitely have candida, you need to cut out all sugar full stop and significantly reduce things like white bread, white rice etc.
  18. I don't know if DMSA chelates lead out of the brain, but it doesn't chelate mercury. Yes you can start chelating with DMSA right away. Your brain fog might be helped, but it might also be the symptom of a wider array of issues within the body. For UK DMSA:
  19. @Truth-Seeker Woah, thanks for the length reply. Lots of great info. In your opinion, how high quality is the four sigmatic lions main coffee?
  20. @Truth-Seeker Great read! You write really well. You seem to know what you're talking about so I have 3 questions: 1) What would be your first supplement recommendation to start reducing brain fog? 2) Are there any core supplements that you think most people should be taking? 3) What are your thoughts on infrequent (fortnightly) use of cannabis? I found that it has enormous potential for spiritual insight, and it seems to improve my brain function considerably during the trip. I experience a big jump in levels of interconnectedness and my ability to make complex connections. I wonder if this kind of brain function is possible in a sober state. What are your general thoughts on this?
  21. Sounds hellish. Although not far off my current job, just without the commute. Seems like it was the right move to leave. I'm not sure I have the guts to do it yet.
  22. I'm looking forward to the day that someone creates an alien movie where instead of the aliens being dumb and aggressive, they are super enlightened conscious beings who are filled with Love and Joy and radiate a blissfull light that would bring any human to their knees. So conscious that they know that humanity is not ready for it, and so don't interfere with our development. So conscious that they know if they interfered it would ultimately cause more conflict, suffering and fear. Oh..wait, no one would want to watch that.
  23. Damn maybe I need revisit The Power of Now. I'll be honest, I didn't think much of it when I first read it.
  24. @Flowerfaeiry I feel ya, I used to think this way. But the longer I stayed on the path and the more insights that were had, I began to realise that I would not give it up for anything. Its the most important thing a human being can be doing - to develop spiritually. Everything else is meaningless and only brings suffering (i'm not saying there isn't joy and pleasure and fun in many other areas of life) Also there comes a point where you can't possibly 'go back', and you wouldn't want to. So much suffering comes from a lack of consciousness. Its also important to consider that you can separate 'normal' life things with your spiritual development. You don't want to be having deep existential discussions with friends when you're just hanging out, unless they ask about it or the conversation naturally goes there.
  25. Some good questions. I'll speak from my experience with high dose 5-MeO. By 'POV dissolving' I meant that all language, concepts, ideas, symbols etc just dissolved or disappeared, or were 'seen through' to be completely meaningless. So all rationality, logic, science and even spirituality and philosophy fell away. All that is, is undivided Infinity. This is the explanation for all things. But don't believe me. True knowing goes beyond delusion in a way that can't be explained. What they're talking about it a direct consciousness of something. Which is direct and utterly, profoundly unmistakable. For example I know I am Eternal Infinite God, without a single speck of doubt, but I can't explain how I know that. I could say that Infinite God woke up from me and remembered itself as itself. Thats unmistakable. If you can explain the realisation of non duality between you and the tree through rational science I will be impressed. And saying 'it was just happening in the brain' doesn't say anything at all. But look, the main point here is that this has to be figured out by you. Theres no point in anyone here trying to persuade you of the fact that those changes in consciousness were not delusional. Questioning these sorts of experiences is perfectly normal - i've been there too. Stay openminded, go for the Truth no matter what. Don't believe anyone. Find the Truth for yourself. If you want to shortcut the whole thing, try a large dose of 5-MeO-DMT.