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Everything posted by Space

  1. Relative to most people, yes. Relative to other teachers and highly conscious people, questionable.
  2. The much anticipated podcast episode has been released: @Leo Gura feel free to hide this post if you wanted to post the video yourself on the blog etc.
  3. @Periergos I've read a number of reports quite similar to yours. It's a weird one. I just can't believe that someone could take 40mg of pure 5-MeO and not realise God. I suspect that the quality of the substance probably plays a large role in this.
  4. @Periergos Yea I didn't experience much at all on 5mg or 10mg, just some nausea and high energy feeling. Ego started to dissolve at 15mg I think. First noticed that the distinction between the sound of the radiator and 'me' had disappeared. 20mg felt like what can only be described as a heart chakra opening. Massive open feeling in my chest with Love pouring out with no beginning or source. Cried a lot. Around 22 or 25mg was a total ego dissolution, spontaneous bi-lateral symmetrical body movements, waves of healing vibrations sweeping up and down the body. 25-30mg Actual Infinity directly realises itself. All possible dualities and distinctions (life, world, language, science etc etc) dissolved into Eternal Infinity. Music became Eternal, which was nice. Then GOD GOD GOD. Actual GOD. Pure Actual Divinity. The most insane, completely unimaginable non-experience possible. A total death and rebirth. More bilateral body movements. Started speaking snake-like sounds as the body released tensions and contractions. Then Bliss beyond tears. Never really told anyone about it because people will think i'm crazy and won't understand.
  5. @MellowEd @Vignan If you're looking for information how to do proper heavy metal detoxes here are some links. VERY important that you read through the entire Andy Cutler website before taking any steps. There are a lot of things you absolutely must do before starting chelating.
  6. @Onecirrus Oh yea, everrryyything is a product of self-survival. Everything made or created by humans that is. Even turning on the light switch.
  7. Yea but I think most of his wealth sits in TSLA stock. Obviously if he started selling off his shares he'd have to dish out billions to the tax man. I guess then the question is, who is actually increasing the value of TSLA stock. Is it Elon or the thousands of TSLA employees.
  8. @Jacobsrw Thank you! Digital tools are essential but my work always starts with pencil to paper
  9. @George Fil I also forgot to mention that I spent 5 years playing in a band in my early 20s only for us to finally realise we weren't good enough and it wasn't going to work. But there was a long period of time where my life plan and purpose was to be in a band. So lots of trying stuff and lots of failure. Also don't forget that many of us have many 'potential' life purposes. I could spend 10 lifetimes each with a completely different career focus. So a strong component of creating this life is having the courage to let go of a bunch of different paths and basically just pick something that feels right. And if you try that and it doesn't work, then you go again and choose another path.
  10. @George Fil Your commitment to finding and developing your purpose is admirable and not a lot of people have the kind of drive you clearly have. I just want to reassure you that your situation is not uncommon. I personally had a similar experience. I completed an entire music bachelor's degree (3 years) to only loose interest in it after I had finished. I realised it wasn't what I wanted to do. I know you said you have an interest in music, I'm not commenting on that, i'm just explaining my situation. Music could absolutely be a fruitful path for you. I then spent another 1.5 years trying to start an online business through Amazon. Had some mild success but nothing substantial - so I let it go. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours were put into those two things, and they were both dead ends for me. I then spent another year feeling depressed and without any purpose whatsoever - applying to random jobs I didn't care about. But then one day I realised that people literally get paid for drawing and making images. I'd always had a mild interest and some skill in drawing and illustration, but I didn't make the necessary connections. That possibility literally did not exist for me. Now its my number one priority. But its really important to realise that your purpose/life/career etc is created by you, not discovered like you're trying to uncover a hidden treasure box. I only realised my life vision by trying a bunch of shit that didn't work and then completely and whole heartedly committing to creating that thing I can put 10k hours into. Because it is a creation. You have to be the sculptor of your life. The process that you are going through, trying lots of things and failing, hitting dead ends etc, is the very process of finding your purpose. Keep going man! You got this!
  11. @sethman Asking these sorts of questions is just a bit of a waste of time. Why don't you call a cat a donkey? We use the word God because thats what we have collectively decided or agreed upon. Ultimately all language collapses/dissolves into Actual God Infinity. But let me tell you, when God totally realises itself as God, the only words coming out of that mouth will be OH MY FUCKING GOD! ITS ALL GOD!
  12. You'd need to get them removed safely by a SMART registered dentist. And then start a heavy metal detox protocol (also called chelation) where you adopt a very specific supplement plan over the next 6-12 months. All the info you'd need is here:
  13. @2neurotic4u If its a silver coloured filling then it's an amalgam. Definitely worth double checking that. Not saying that mercury poisoning is absolutely the cause of your problems, but it's something to consider and cross off the list.
  14. @Adamq8 @OctagonOctopus @Flowerfaeiry + any other new mods. Welcome to the team!
  15. @2neurotic4u Just out of curiosity, do you have any metal amalgams (fillings) in your teeth?
  16. Definitely possible to make this a reality. So many people these days looking for quality meditation teachers. Most people want to be guided and also like the community aspect of group sessions. So i'd say there is definitely a market for this. I guess the first thing is, are you capable of teaching meditation? Do you have the necessary experience? Do you have a good grasp of the theoretical and practical aspects of a range of different techniques? Do you feel capable of answering questions from clients? You have quite a clear vision, so just work backwards and figure out the steps that would be required for you to create this? Think about how you gonna market these sessions? How are you going to find local clients? You've gotta get your service in front of lots of eye balls, and the right eye balls.
  17. @realized If you put some more detail and information in your post people might be able to provide appropriate guidance. But the body tensing or shaking sounds like Kriyas, or maybe some Kundalini stuff. Hard to say.
  18. Interesting reading your comments about doing longer rounds. I've been doing 64-72 hour rounds currently, with 3 on 4 off approach. I haven't been experiencing too many side effects on round either. Although last round I did feel like shit on the second day and had some bad brain fog. But I wasn't sure if it was just the food I ate or something. The symtoms cleared up on the 3rd day and off round I feel fantastic tbh.
  19. @The0Self Nice report. I've currently done 6 rounds, most with DMSA and ALA. Already feel significantly better in a number of ways. Although I have started with a very very low dose of ALA (1mg) because I had amalgams and have had quite bad symptoms prior to starting this. So I plan on taking it super slow. My next round will be 12.5mg DMSA with 2mg ALA.
  20. @Tim R Read every sentence on here: Only get amalgams removed by these specialist dentists:
  21. @Javfly33 It really depends on the depth of the insight, the 'type' of the insight and the 'level' of consciousness you're at. First question, what was your dose and ROA? At lower and mid doses of 5-MeO, the ego is still partially intact, even if only subtly. So the depth of the realisation is muddied and sort of perceived through the lense of the the ego mind. It took 30mg for 'me' to completely 100% dissolve all specs of ego. Still, I had some utterly profound realisations at these low and mid levels that I wouldn't consider 'delusional'. The type of insight is important. There can be more mid level insights, which can sometimes be slightly unclear and muddied with ego a bit. Then there is DIRECT CONSCIOUSNESS of the absolute (25-30mg), which is actually not an insight at all. It's a direct consciousness, actual Infinity being actual Infinity. There is ABSOLUTELY not a speck of doubt in a true direct consciousness. It's utterly unmistakable and undoubtable. Any doubt or scepticism is laughable at this point, and seen to be pure ego. It has totally dissolved along with the duality of language and symbols. All notion of a 'person' taking a 'psychedelic' has gone. There simply cannot be any doubt.
  22. Best course of action for these people is to simply ignore them. As Leo said, you don't want to aggravate him or make things worse. In a few weeks he will have forgotten all about it. So just let him be.
  23. It's not any particularly moderators or Leo's responsibility to look after people here. You are here at your own choice and risk. And you practise spirituality at your own risk. If people need specialist mental health advice, then they should be going to specialist mental health advisors and therapists. Leo, nor any moderator, are required to provide that. This is not the place for that.