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Everything posted by Space

  1. In the final hours of r/Place, a unifying white 'anti-void' fills the chaotic, divisive and separated canvas. If you don't know what this is, its a special sub reddit which has allowed reddit users to place a coloured block on a large digital canvas every 5 minutes. I think it's been editable for a week or a few days i'm not sure how long. It finished earlier today. I wanted to share this because to me, its a perfect digital mirror of society at large. Throughout the event, huge communities of people from all over the world came together to make artwork (flags, icons, characters , logos, etc) and take control of a particular area on the canvas. They would then be attacked by other communities wanting their spot on the canvas. Sometimes they would be able to defend themselves, other times they were wiped out completely. The whole canvas morphed and shape-shifted in a way that seems so similar to our history as a species. Country flags emerging and then being wiped out by neighbouring communities. Then occasionally you'll see a 'black void', an almost cancerous black shape emerge in one part of the canvas, like a toxic infection taking over and destroying everything in its part. But then, this too, would be 'healed' and taken over by new artwork. The canvas became incredibly tribalistic. I listened to popular french and spanish streamers, who had literally hundreds of thousands of people following them and editing the canvas, having genuine arguments about their territory, defending their spot on the canvas and making threats of counter attack if their artwork were to be taken over. At the end, as you can see in the video above, users can only place white blocks, which unifies and dissolves all boundaries, nations and tribes. Such a beautiful ending. Timelapse of days 1-3:
  2. I'm not calling you silly. I have never and will never personally attack someone on the forum. Don't make this about me either. I'm saying this whole 'thing' you're doing or trying to 'work out' is silly. And everyone is doing this, it's not just you. What i'm trying to communicate is that every word we speak is one word further away from what is true. Because every word and sentence is completely and utterly meaningless and not it, and particularly so in the context of these kinds of topics. It really is utterly pointless, which is why I hardly ever come into this section of the forum. It's fun to talk about it, I get it. So please feel free to talk and think about imagination for as long as you desire. But when a total and complete dissolution of meaning and language into Infinity occurs for you it will be recognised that silence is the closest you can come to the answer you are looking for. And I genuinely wish that for you.
  3. If i'm honest I find it hard to relate to this. I nearly always feel very blissful, relaxed and peaceful after ejaculating. Why would I go against the natural feeling of wanting to masturbate? It's a natural part of the body built up over literally millions of years and guys in the no-fap community think it's not natural! hahaha! What is toxic is masturbating to over-saturated, unnatural looking porn. This might be why you're feeling the way you do? Do you feel like you've built up some story or belief that ejaculating is a bad thing? The emotions you're having are a response to how you're interpreting the experience of ejaculating. So try to figure out how you're interpreting it. And be careful about watching really unnatural porn. This isn't healthy. Are you trying to forcefully retain from masturbating?
  4. Locked for low effort.
  5. @MilenaS I used to have slightly similar experiences actually. Every time i'd sit down to do self-inquiry I would get really tired physically and mentally. It was a weird defence mechanism to stop myself from having to do the hard mental work. But I always just kinda pushed through it and came out of the tiredness fairly quickly once i'd gained some traction. I still fall asleep during meditation a lot, but could be for other reasons. I don't really have a solution tbh.
  6. @DrugsBunny The simple non frivolous answer here is that you're not going to get a satisfying answer through logical reasoning or thinking. What's being pointed to when someone says 'You're imagining X' is completely beyond logic and thinking! We can talk about it and discuss it, and i'm sure some more intelligent people than myself can provide some nice sounding rebuttals and counter points to what you're saying, but it's not going to be a true understanding without a direct consciousness of whats being pointed to. So you're best bet is to work towards having a direct consciousness of reality in whatever way you feel is most appropriate for you. Yes all conceptual notions are imagined. All distinctions are being created/imagined within the actuality of Infinity. Of course the disctinction between imagination and objective reality is imaginary. Because there is no objective reality. Objective reality IS imagination. Like I said before, "You're imagining other people" is not some logical linear line of thinking that Leo or anyone else just came up with. It is based on actual direct consciousness experience of this truth. A radical shift in consciousness is required, not more thinking or postulating. All of this "You're imagining that other people are imaginary" is meaningless. This whole line of thinking is pointless and just moving you further away from whats being pointed to. It's literally a waste of time. I'm not saying this because as a cop-out or a way of avoiding your argument. It's just silly. What is 'widespread consciousness'? You see, you say this as a way to avoid the truth of the situation. You don't want to do whats necessary to really understand true spirituality. Or maybe you are? I don't really know. You've just joined so I could be mistaken. To appeal only to the 'brainy scientific' crowd is assuming that these matters are brainy and scientific! Which they are fundamentally not! Just throw all this out. All this logic and thinking is useless. But I understand you're not going to accept this, and thats fine.
  7. @Julian gabriel Sounds like Kriryas or Pranic movements. "Pranic movements are intense energy movements of prana throughout the body that helps clear our physiological blocks. Involuntary bodily movements (occur more often during meditation or resting periods): jerking, tremors, shaking; feeling an inner force pushing one into postures or moving one's body in unusual ways."
  8. You got any useful tips/thoughts about improving with escalation on dates? I've only just started physically escalating on dates recently, with not much success. Still trying to shake off my old nice-guy habits and patterns. I'm noticing there's a lot of subtle shame and embarrassment when I try to escalate physically.
  9. @lisindel The reality is 20 minutes a day for a year is not going to result in any major insights or revelations. It's just never going to happen. Except for a very very very small percentage of people. I only do 30 minutes every morning, and I love it because the calmness and stillness permeates throughout the rest of the day for me. But i'm not expecting anything more than that. If you want some 'results', try 2 hours of strong of determination sitting a day with long retreats mixed in for a few years. And if you want to understand what the words 'insight' and 'revelation' are really pointing to, carefull and correct use of psychedelics are your best bet.
  10. Go out and speak to lots of people on a regular basis. You work in retail, am I right? This is good but the kind of conversations you're having are going to be restricted/limited to that setting. You need to have lots of social experience in different settings. If you're talking about good verbal skills with women then day-game or night game are your best bet. Approaching lots of women on a regular basis will sky rocket your verbal/social skills like you would not believe. It's absolutely mental. To accelerate this process even more, have regular critical feedback from other men who know what they're talking about.
  11. All depends on where it's coming from. The exact same direct comments can be said in many different ways. It's going to come off as very weird and possibly offensive if you're saying it from a nervous, anxious, ungrounded state.
  12. @Wildcattt555 I recognise your concern and do agree that psychedelics can be overused. Of course they can. But every body and brain is different. And not every psychedelic trip is the same. Most people are not using them even close to properly/safely. I don't agree with this paragraph whatsoever. And i've been watching since 2016. In my view the opposite is true of everything you're saying here:
  13. @Roy @soos_mite_ah Thanks for the advice guys - much appreciated!
  14. Guys, I need some advice! I've been on 4 dates in the past week or two and I have 3 more lined up. I'm very inexperienced with dates so i've been learning a lot. Each date I go on, I feel less anxious, more prepared and i'm slowly figuring out what works, what doesn't work etc. However, i'm really struggling to make the dates exciting. I started thinking to myself last night, 'damn, am I really just a boring person?'. The conversations during the dates are nice, but they're very platonic, standard get-to-know-you type conversations. Not rigid interview style, but just nothing beyond 2 friends chit chatting. It just feels completely weird to make a sexual move, go for a kiss etc, whilst we're chatting about the girls favourite travel experience or her favourite movies. I'm kinda in the dark here, i'm really not sure what i'm doing or how to make a date exciting. Is it just the setting? Evening drinks dates are nice, but its just kinda boring! I'm also usually exhausted by the time the date comes around because i've been working all day and usually day-gaming before the date so by 7,8,9pm I have to force myself to be engaging and add to the conversation. I'm usually in bed by 10pm. 3 of the dates i've been on have been evening drinks dates, and 1 has been a hiking date. I feel like the hiking date was the best setting but then you have to wait until the weekend because girls work the usual weekday hours. I'm not sure how to go from normal boring conversation into something more exciting and interesting. Or am I overthinking this? Maybe it's just that I don't vibe or match with the girls? Maybe we're just not a good fit for each other and when I do end up dating a girl I really resonate with the conversation will be much more stimulating? I feel like this is probably the case. I also realised i'm not sexually attracted to most of the girls I go on a date with. But i'm just going on lots of dates to get loads of social/dating experience. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
  15. For sure - I understand. But the things is, i've been on dates where I am really attracted to the girl but the whole date experience was still very platonic. I guess I just don't know how to properly escalate. I'm pretty sure that if I escalated physically with a few of the girls i've dated recently then there would be a strong chance of sleeping with her. But I have pretty high integrity and I don't want to just sleep with a girl for the sake of sleeping with her, even though i've been dry for like 10+ years. It just feels off for me.
  16. Hmm. Thats interesting - I never thought of it like that. I mean, its not like I had completely made up my mind about not sleeping with them before the dates. There's always that possibility. There has always been some level of attraction, otherwise i'd never go on the date in the first place. So I think that is what makes the 'dates' distinct from a platonic networking/friend experience. My thinking was, ok there is some attraction going on here, presumably from her as well, so let's see what happens. Maybe i'm trying too hard to rationalise my actions here. Either way, I have still learnt a lot from the interactions, even if they were very close to completely platonic. And certainly 1 of the dates out the recent 4 there was strong attraction from me. I was very attracted to her. But it was my first date in a long time, and I had a full body anxiety attack the entire date (literal physical shaking). So that one didn't go anywhere for obvious reasons. I was actually thinking about this yesterday. It's definitely the case when i'm day-gaming. I noticed I was avoiding the more attractive girls, the girls i'm genuinely attracted to, out of fear of rejection. Says a lot about my self esteem and how I view myself. Damn. That is attraction. I've literally never thought about any of that when with a girl so I think that says a lot.
  17. Awesome. All makes sense. Thanks very much. Yeees, I understand what you're saying - It felt weird to make a sexual move simply because I wasn't attracted to her and I didn't feel excited about being there. Making a sexual move just wasn't authentic in that moment. In terms of conversation, I guess I should take the similar attitude of moving the conversation into areas that genuinely excites me? Shifting the focus to what works for me, rather than thinking about her reaction? I'm still a little unsure about the conversational side of things to be honest. I tried playing question games with the girl but honestly it just felt inauthentic and too logical/formal, even though it allowed for more intimate, emotional and personal questions. Gotcha. So the main thing is to have a few locations to move around to. Doesn't have to be some special location, its just the movement and multiple locations that makes things interesting. I get why you're saying not to date her if i'm not attracted to her, but at this point for me any experience is good experience. I need any kind of dating experience so that when I do end up on a date with that awesome girl I don't fuck it up. And as I said in my original post, i've learnt a huge amount just after 4 or 5 dates. But I will definitely start being more selective in the near future. Just watched this video of James' which shows him moving around to different locations (food -> *sexual escalation* -> sitting down -> bar -> back to his place) in a small area in London, with mostly walking about: Yea I think thats the same with me to be honest. Thats pretty much what i'm gonna try and do more of going forward. The only issue is that most girls work 9-5 weekdays. Well, thats my assumption atleast. So then you have to wait for the weekend, which is not always ideal. Still, better than evening drink bar date I reckon. Nice one! Will definitely keep this in mind for next time
  18. @Leo Gura Seems like a bunch of people on twitter are reporting similar price hikes.
  19. Roger that brother! Much appreciated as always! Thats exactly it. A fear of messing up and looking weird. In day-game, if you mess up and do something weird you can just walk away. On a date, you don't really have that option. So it's the ultimate test of manhood. I know I can do it, it's just a matter of pushing past those moments of hesitation and dealing with the physical anxiety. Potentially got 2 or 3 dates lined up next week so we'll what happens
  20. I'm assuming this applies to the date context as well? I've been on a bunch of dates recently but they all fell flat, weren't sexual/intimate in any way. Would you say this is because I haven't made a move? I guess i've just been waiting for some sort of indication of interest from the girl (I'm not sure what that would even look like tbh). I never saw any ioi's so I always felt hesitant to make a move, go for the kiss etc. But I would touch their arm or shoulder amongst conversation and I never had a bad reaction from that, so maybe they were down for more. I also get ridiculously anxious when thinking about making a move beyond light touching/hugging etc, which makes it damn near impossible to escalate. Something I need to push through I guess?
  21. No this isn't going to happen whatsoever. 5-MeO isn't the kind of substance you take and start thinking about all your personal stuff. It's far far more profound and metaphysical. All your personal stuff will completely dissolve if you take a large enough dose and are ready for it/able to fully let go. Even at low doses, personal stuff doesn't come into the mix. No reason to when you're God. After the trip the personal stuff reforms and remains mostly untouched. Not saying 5-MeO cannot create a permanent transformations - it can. But not in the realm of relationships, personal beliefs or other personal stuff etc. If there was an impact on your relationships, 5-MeO can only improve your relationships, in my experience. I don't really see how it could be otherwise.
  22. Experiment. Do what works for you. People absorb and manage information differently. Like I said, don't over think this. At this point you just need to watch the videos for a year or two. Only after you have learnt everything can you go through the necessary process of unlearning. I took some notes very occasionally. If I know i'll need that bit of information at a later date I might make a note. If there are practical steps I might take notes on them. But for the high level stuff, metaphysical stuff, I never take notes. I've taken more notes from things discussed on the forum tbh. Making notes on videos doesn't really help me. My intention isn't to memorise everything. My mind works much more intuitively and non-linearly. Making notes is too logical and linear for me. It also takes loads of time and effort.
  23. I just watched and listened with intense curiosity and an eagerness to learn as much as possible. I also cross referenced what Leo says with dozens and dozens of other teachers. Don't over think this. No need to be making copious notes or contemplating everything in a rigid way. Just watch the videos and listen to what Leo is teaching. Sometimes thats all you need. This isn't just consuming content. You're re-wiring your brain and learning a whole new way of perceiving and understanding reality. It's more than just 'content'. Just absorb the information with an open minded eagerness to learn.
  24. @Yoremo I feel like you need to go back and start watching Leo's videos from around 2016 and watch them all chronologically. Because there is so much material to learn and understand. And also Leo's understanding has developed and changed over the years so it would be useful to start near the beginning and kind of develop/work through stuff with him. I was lucky that I started watching back in 2015/16 so my understanding of the topics has developed and grown with Leo. There are so many things in his recent videos that link back to old videos which link to another 5 videos and so on. So to properly understand Leo's recent videos, the really advanced stuff, you have to have watched his older stuff. It's perfectly expected that you don't really understand this stuff after 3 months.
  25. Your wording of this sentence created an interesting shift in my perspective also. Like it deepened my intuitive understanding of no self. Sometimes its useful to hear things you've heard before in a different way.