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Everything posted by blazed

  1. Need to find out more but this was interesting: Adyashanti says: "...the state of consciousness that a great majority of humanity is in is not natural. It's altered. We do not need to go looking for altered states of consciousness; humanity is already in an altered state of consciousness. It's called separation. Separation is the ultimate altered state of consciousness...Contrary to a popular misunderstanding, enlightenment has nothing to do with an altered state of consciousness. Enlightenment is an unaltered state of consciousness. It is pure consciousness as it actually is, before it is turned into something, before it is altered in any way." (23)
  2. Reality and the dream has consistency and a ruleset. Just because you know everthing in a video game or movie is illusory and not real doesn't mean you can do anything differently. Nothing changes from knowing that. Everyone who watches a movie experiences the same thing, they just might intrepret it differently and feel different reactions to it. That's the inner part. The material body and mind is bound to the materialistic world consistent you cannot, I repeat cannot stop playing the role of a human whilst consciousness is experiencing a human form and the human body is the materialist paradigm. There no point in debating about how putting gun to your head and pulling a trigger is conceptual *until you actually try* because you're never going to try it are you, go ahead and try if that's your reasoning. We can take any person or animal in this world and put them in a gas chamber and we all die, you get that right? There's no debating about my perspective your perspective and how im super human and won't die because i'm "god" and I'm creaitng my own reality, you are not, reality is creating reality and you are it, reality is the God, your body however is not, it's material, and you cannot escape experiencing it as long as it's alive. Anyway this going on tangent and completely in an unrelated discussion, and is still continuing to derail the original thread. But I'll say this before Leo made videos such as "no brain" and "illusory nature of the mind" and "contemplation" people didn't make these sort of insanity post here. It's like Leo talks about something and you all come out with a new trend, like bandwagon or sheep herd.
  3. Anyone im done the thread is getting derailed. Thread topic is "Sadhguru says Psychedelics Dull the System and Yoga shouldn’t be learned from a book" In an attempt to stop replying I'll be muting certain people. Have a nice day ???????????
  4. Even if I tried and talked negatively about it, you'd still get butthurt. I told you I tried shroom once, but you're dismissive of that too. So whatever. @Feel Good Nice edit and sarcasm, i wonder what your entire post serves besides aggravating and trolling? I'm here im enjoyin the debate, you know that right? You dont seem to the know the difference between talking negatively about a product/activity (which butthurts people who are attached and identified with external things) vs attacking someone on personal level, specifically addressing them. At least practice some detachment where someone insulting your past time hobbies doesn't feel an attack on yourself. I was talking in general sense my original post was not directed at anyone or personally at anyone, but here are the people addressing me specficially, the people who got butthurt.
  5. your remarks as usual. Always gotta get em in dont ya ???. Try silence next time. I'm not for or agaisnt psychedelics, if I was I would just say I am, its not a big deal to be agaisnt illegal drugs and call you all addicted drug users as per usual normal society. I have no problem admitting that if that was the case. Leo is high psychedelics user and I still follow him and his videos. I'm just in the "not recommended" club, but you can see people being over dramatic and getting pissy because simply I hurt their weak identities, because their ego's is identified with taking psychedelics. If Leo's latest 30 day medition with 5 meo and his blog videos actually had more positive things to say I would have been more interested in their ability, but he kind of reconfirm what all these gurus have been saying this whole time.
  6. Nice Gaslighting Nahm. Still "piss and vinegar" as the old days you are, just with a new complex of thinking you're "enligthened/infinite/loving". Still you have no life outside of the forums 24/7 here, 24/7 posting, do you even meditate for an hour brah? At least i disappear from the forums for a few days, weeks at a times. Maybe contemplate what you are doing to receive negative feedback from me. It takes two to tango. I was sharing my opinion and ideas here, it might be useful to someone. See_on_See responded with an asolute useless trolling commenting just saying "your post is nonsense". This is not productive or a critique or helpful in any manner and yet you say I'm the one "discrediting, dequalifying, lashing out" (you're a silly and blind mod ain't you nahm) Jog along nahm, I don't want your input stop replying to me, stop making snide remarks at me behind nearly every thread and we're good. I don't want your help or wisdom your not fit for it, and you know what's good about wise people? They don't give advice to people who don't seek it from them.
  7. Just so you know I'm not against psychedelics or saying it should be illegal, I think everyone should be free to make their own choice. And I wasn't cherry picking to self confirm my bias I literally just took all the famous gurus I know and took their opinions on it, hence why I asked if ppl can add to the list of spiritual leaders that recommend it or don't. Not sure why some of you so butt hurt that you the want the topic closed or that I should stop discussing about such things. You guys need to chill.
  8. Can smell the butthurt from all the way here, go suck on a psychadelic mate, work on yourself before you tell others what to do, what are you an authority? You're already a hypocrite mate just from this pharagraph alone, but you don't see it. You obviously don't like the thread or subject matter, but still here expressing your BUTTHURT, LOVE IT.
  9. @Prabhaker He doesn't want drugs to be illegal because it does more harm than good (which I kind of agree with) I think psychadelics at least shouldn't be illegal, and a free choice. He wants the drugs to be better, much cleaner, more powerful, and less side affects and less addictive. He wants drugs to be a stepping stone towards meditation which he thinks is better, and should be left behind after meditation. (correct me if im wrong but this sounds like he just wants people to realise that there is a world beyond materialism) "But I can say it because I am against drugs. But that does not mean they cannot be used. They can be used as a means, they are not the end." "I would love to see that no drugs are needed in the world."
  10. Yes mamma told me it's evil. Feel free to add to the list of spiritual gurus who recommend it, if you want to balance it out.
  11. Whats up with the dumb ass comments? What's that got to do with anything? Taking the best leading spiritual gurus and seeing the similarities in opinions is not a Argumentum ad verecundiam. Saying I don't do drugs because goverment said it's illegal is Argumentum ad verecundiam Keep the butthurt comments coming, screw it, I'm up for arguing.
  12. I know of martin ball, seen his videos, I just dont consider him in the same league as the others, if we going by small individual western scientist/doctors we can easily get thousands of recommendations for drugs, looking for more big names in the spiritual practices. Also if that statement below is true, its a bad case for psychedelics. "By far the most surreal moment of the two days that I attended, was watching Martin, an adamant non-duelist and religious studies professor, ranting and pointing at his conference attendees for a few minutes while in the throes of a full-blown tantrum, repeatedly screaming such gems as, "fuck you" and, "go fuck yourself!" Martin's repeated and unfounded slandering of other authors and researchers in the field such as James Oroc and Terence McKenna, while later defending violent malpractice and non-consensual administration of psychedelics, was as shocking as it was disheartening." Osho - Can you link me some videos / articles of osho recommending use of drugs because everything I find he is not recommending the use of them.
  13. Oh you. Just be quiet already. You're not adding anything you're just arguing with me. Topic is about leading spiritual guru's and psychadelics, stay on topic don't make this about me and your opinions about me. Clearly the topic is rattling you, investigate your own issue with the problem, go meditate on it.
  14. Thats a very good observation, but these people still had more distractions than previous generations (TV's Radios, etc) Adyashanti has a funny video where talks about how he flicks through cable channels. Not sure about the cure being in adding more through, the cure is probably in removing those distractions, which is what meditation is all about.
  15. Ok so by your logic. If you want enlightenment go to gurus. If you want a nice trip go to psychadelics users. Yes?
  16. If you go through my post history, you might find a couple of posts about me arguing against it. lol you make it sound like I been on some agenda or propaganda against it. I've done weed in the past on/off, tried cocaine, and tried mushrooms once does that count for something? I have not spread misinformation, go re-read my post above again. I haven't said anything like psychedelics are dangerous and will kill you, or brain damage you or anything like that. (although I would be wary of playing around with my brain and powerful substances, people have died even from aspirin). There was even a news story about a western who was executed in south america after an ayahuasca trip because apparently the village people concluded the westerner killed the shaman lady whilst tripping. Also people die from various reasons whilst tripping. I just said what famous gurus have said and how the ego loves distractions even in the form of mystical experiences.
  17. Yes that makes sense, all that is changing inside that which does not change. I thought i saw a video of rupert not recommending it, will look up later.
  18. Nahm why do you keep making snide responses after me in vague ways? Not my fault you abandoned all reasoning and logic. Gyana Yoga the path of knowledge is also legit. I guess you are a firm believer that "the child must get burnt from the oven before learning" where as the opposite is equally true too "the child can learn just by being told not to touch the oven". I guess one must fly the rocket ship directly into the sun for investigation because otherswise who knows right! you might not get evaporated! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ PS. Don't worry I'm keeping an eye on people, so far not impressed with Leo's 5 Meo and 30 day meditation retreat. In fact judging by the things he said and the videos he uploaded to the blog the use of drugs backfired for his meditaiton practice. And prior to that he was very optimist about enligthened through 5 meo.
  19. I did point out the irony, so inb4 noob ass comments like yours. Nice response from the ego, here;s a taste of my own. you nonsense.
  20. Stop listening to forum people. (the irony) Spirituality is absolutely the most easiest thing to bullshit your way through, you see with other subjects a long test can verify how much you really know about rocket science or maths, an art test can prove how good an artist can produce on the spot etc. etc. With Spirituality only observing someone's behavior over a long exteneded peroid would somewhat tell your how much self mastery they have. If you can't meditate 24/7 for example you're probably not enlightened, because you haven't even mastered a basic principle like boredom or discipline, if your ego didnt rule over your behavior meditating 24/7 would be like a robot saying he's going on standby for 24/7 (if thats what he wants to do or prove). Gurus on the other hand have a following, a public eye, years of proven experience, and you can see who they interact with, for Example I've seen deepak chopra hanging out with rupert spira, and sadhguru on a few occasions. I've seen eckhart hanging out with the dalai lama etc. Most of these gurus advise agaisn't psychedelics, psychedelics is a different crowd usually. You need to look at the psychedelics crowd and the guru crowd, and see what you can learn and what resonates with you more. I would not put Martin Ball for example taking psychedelics and dancing around in a room with brain scanners and having emotional reactions in the same league as the gurus. One is most definately the work of a magic pill. Also Leo in his 30 day meditation retreat said he was taking psychadelics and it made it harder for him to meditate regularly without the drugs (if i remember correctly) , I see that as a hindrance not a positive. The ego doesn't want boredom and regular, it wants magic bunnies and whacky trips, and play around with your senses, etc. it's more entertaining that way. Who wants to stare at a blank white wall day? Definately not the ego. In fact the only one who has a problem with boredom is the ego, the illusory self.
  21. Not many people on this forum make sense to me at least lol. Most of the gurus / mystics, teachers, leo, on the other hand make profound sense.
  22. No at nahm, hes very vague and indirect with his answers that the meaning gets lost that there was no point in him writing it in the first place. Some times if he clarifies you get a better understanding of what he meant, unlucky for you today he didnt
  23. that response ❤️ Nahm as usaul, vague and indirect, he speaks empty stuff all the time, one would wonder whats the point of writing anything if you make no effort to get your message across ❤️ @Charlotte I think he implied that others are conceptual thinkers of love, whilst he's lost in infinity and cannot help from expressing it. ❤️
  24. You are skewing it for your own conclusion. For example some scientist say playing video games is good for the brain (intense thinking), others say meditation (not thinking) is good for the brain. Which is it then?? because these are both opposites. Yes maybe when one lover tells another lover that they love them and they feel emotions, it might create oxytocin or other chemicals that make them feel happy. But from others you will get a complete different chemical reaction, for example in Russia or Middle East if you tell another guy that you "you love them" they might get very homophobic and angry at you, where as a simple bow or a hand shake could have brought out a much better emotion. If my girlfriend says "i love you" once in a while at the right moment it might feel good, but if she says it 24/7 it will be nuisance and I will ask her to stop, people general turn beautiful things into really ugly things. Neediness. On the other hand I was talking about polar opposites, negative people don't get happier next to happy people, they get worse usually, they normally don't grow, thats why green stage people get so much crap from the lower stages and vice versa. Green protest for gay rights and immigrants etc. the blue protest agaisn't gay rights and immigrants. Which is it? Who's perspective is right?
  25. What stage in Spiral dynamics are isolated enlightened people? Sages/mystics/gurus that decided to stay unknown and personal? The ones you never hear about or see, the hermit ones. They dont seem like stage turquoise because there is no group/social aspect, they're not helping others. And I can't see them being below those stages. They don't seem like stage yellow either.