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Everything posted by blazed

  1. @Prabhaker I know you're a Osho fan since you quoted him a million times and you have blind faith. As the documentary said his cult had the "eyes of a people who were under a spell". Now I know the Netflix documentary could be potentially making Osho look bad even though I felt like it was neutral to both sides. But there was REAL video footages and interviews with the cast and people who were involved. Osho showed signs of spiritual ego, arrogance, he was a bad loser and very unconscious in my opinion when sheela exposed on him TV about "how he takes advantage of people and manipulates them" his instant reply with a very angry expression was "SHES ON DRUGS! ON HARDCORE DRUGS!" loooool, he couldn't come up with anything better, pretty pathetic, doubt she was on drug considering how well she was speaking especially not "hard drugs". He started saying petty thing in front of everyone (caught on video) "She wanted to fuck, but I said a man should never fuck his secretary". Wtf, highly conscious being words right there, we should quote that and hang it on a wall. Sheela his main secretary, a full devotee, who had an unhealthy obsession about him, just like the whole cult. First of all she weeded out Osho's first secretary by gossiping and bad mouthing her "I have bad feelings about her". She then was highly jealous of any females interacting with Osho, she poison Ma Prem Shunyo, etc. etc. (All these crimes were admitted by other interviewees that were involved in the cult, Jane Stork, Philip Toelkes, etc) Sheela also orchestrated salmonella poisoning across towns, she got Jane stork to attempt murder a political figure, she got her to inject lethal poison into Osho's Dr, she did so many corrupt things, whilst she spent so much time with an "enlightened" person, she visited and talked to Osho more than anyone The Osho cult brought in so many Homeless people just to win votes, they were not sincere and not doing it out of love and compassion and then when they realise they can't vote THEY kicked them out, there was a video of sheela saying "One wrong move and you're out now, we can't have you here". Now I get it, they were some trouble makers but they knew that before they invited them. USE and DISPOSE huh. Again highly conscious society. They drugged all the homeless people's beers. All the political games, all the finding loop holes in the law, causing conflict, making the locals hate them, growing so rapidly that it seems like they're taking over Oregon, all this silly nonsense bullshit because they wanted to create a society of "highly conscious" people, turns out they were not all that conscious. All the money power, more fire arm power than the whole Oregon state, all the Rolls‑Royces, jets, power game. The way Osho tried to fly and run just before a take down, just abandon all his people and community, 4 years he didn't move. He said about Sheela "she didn’t even say bye to me, only a criminal leaves like this" Well Osho didn't say shit to his community when he tried to run, Hypooooooooocriteeeeeeeeeeee. Moral of the story, Osho is just one regular dude, that gain popularity and enormous amount of money. He knew how to speak, he had the serpent's tongue and could throw out spiritual wisdom. Steal all the useful guru's ideas and wisdom if you can but don't care about the guru itself, no need for worship or fan boy. "Only human". I think one requires a weak mind, weak personality and emotional baggage to put all their faith on another person, it is clear to me every human being on this planet, even if they were enlightened and smart only has a speck of information that is available in the universe. For example, I think Leo is really smart, shares lots of ideas, and potentially might be enlightened, and I think Leo is a nice guy in real life (probably) like someone you wouldn't mind being friends with. But if he starts telling people to bow down and kneel before him or has some weird ass following, I'm out, that to me is a highly unconscious group of people pedestalling something because their weak minds "need" something to pray and idolize towards.
  2. @abrakamowse cool it has that caricature style to it, how long does it take you do a page fully?
  3. I was going the reply to the chemtrail thread before but I couldnt be bothered with an argument. It probably is just contrails. Making conspiracy theories is very negative especially without having evidence or knowing the full truth, it's basically a witch hunt. If you have full evidence then sure, expose the goverment, sue them, be a hero, but if you're just gossiping with heresay than that's as bullshit as bullshit gets, all you're doing is aggravating people. @pluto you're too heavily into this things, I always knew you will get people to drink their urine or something lol.
  4. Why is this so overblown? Dude Wim Hoff AKA iceman practices the same techniques this isn't Leo's technique, he's just sharing a shaman technique with you and he even gave full disclaimer that it could be potentially dangerous. Yeah Leo can come across cocky at times that's perfectly normal, he's human, but he is also very well tolerating unlike a lot of people. Just chill, if you want to rant about something go find something more worthy to rant about in the world, Leo's content is far from negative...
  5. Scene from a movie where th guy was surrounded by robots, and genuinely didnt know if he himself was a robot anymore @Leo Gura Ironically the same guy IS a robot in another reality
  6. Neuron patterns that are firing up on repeated behaviors, sometimes because of years of bad habits. In the same way enlightenment won't cure cancer or grow back lost limbs, it's almost like watching a biological robot at work when you self-observe. "you can watch the body go like an old car. There goes the fender, there goes the tire, one thing after another – but it’s predictable. And then, gradually, the whole thing drops off, and consciousness joins consciousness. It is no longer in this particular environment." Jospeh Campbell. Theres no MAGIC here, addictions need work, meditation helps with these problems, because meditation is mind training/resting, but then you need to also take the right action. If we create a robot with super AI intelligence, and one day it's so complex that's conscious (just like a real person or even more intelligent) and then you explain to it how its actually nothing, it doesnt exist it's just a junk of metal and programs built on top of programs that gave it is a false sense of self what will happen to the robot?
  7. @abrakamowse Nice, now post the comic slides
  8. Do it before meditation dude, and do meditation directly after because 1 you need the rest. 2 youre pretty brain dead (quiet mind) and 3 youll be tripping into all sorts of meditative states.
  9. Cool, are you going to post a page from your comic book?
  10. Thanks, Do you do any artwork at the print office? or only print stuff?
  11. Homeostasis, emotional labour, resistence and procrastination wreck people. I wish there was an easy cure or magic pill, but if it were that easy everyone will be moderately successful...
  12. I just finished episode 3, interesting documentary but all this seems like utter bullshit and nonsense. What's the point of all this? What’s so special about what Osho was trying to do, just a man with his own little agenda and wants. Why so much conflict and disruption to get what they want. Neither side seems like they know what they're doing, on one side you got the racist, fear mongers that don’t like change. Then on the other side you got the so called spiritual people who get into hissy fits when someone pees in their soup, and then turns around to the other group and calls them stupid and little and unenlightened. Spiritual people who rely on a guru to feel good or cry uncontrollable in the presence of a guru have weak minds, emotional baggage, they need to be "rescued" from the stories in their heads. They don't see that the guru is happening within them. Don't look up to anyone, don't look down on anyone. There's only one thing that is worth worshipping but not needed, and that is your absolute being, that manifested these gurus, plus the infinite variations. As a compass, map or tool a guru is great, otherwise you might have to reinvent the wheel. Might as well worship your PC's folks, kiss it good night every day! I mean the amount of questions Google answers you!
  13. I've linked this before 1-2 years ago a couple of times, here we go again. There is nothing free about waving your hand, the you waving your hand and saying "look, look, freewill" was all part of the equation, at least in theory they say... The best argument for freewill was the quantum mechanics but upon further research I concluded there is convincing argument that it doesnt prove freewill and just people making bold claims before they know the full truth, yet again, as always.
  14. Goodluck with that, it's also my life purpose lol, and it's &^$*king cliche as hell, everyone wants to do it. I painted my g/f from imagination, stylized. Painted a sakimichan ref from scratch with my own touches. I also do 3D stuff, but I guess this isn't the thread for it, sorry, ok back to real photos
  15. You want dark stuff to come up? I think each person is different, some people have emotional problems, inner demons, or things on their minds, some people have expectation of woowoo stuff and so their mind's manifests what they want. I peak at around 45mins so 90 mins felt the same but it hit the body like a truck afterwards when I felt really sick due to dizziness. I would recommend you move up in increments and see how you feel each time instead of doing a long session as you might puke, I came very close!
  16. I did 90 minutes today... The process was easy but the aftermath is bullshit 2 hours later I still can't walk without feeling nauseated and sick. I Don't recommend long periods.
  17. It is hard to interpret the words of spiritual wisdom, especially when they paradoxical in nature, and contrary to even themselves. Death is the end of the biological human body you're experiencing right now, in your direct experience right now, are you not experiencing the perceptions of a human body right now? Isn't it so? Hello? I'm speaking to you (in sadhguru's voice lol) This human body like all life strives to survive, if you cut it, it will start to heal itself it doesn't care about your conscious effort to heal it, it will do it on its own, it will pump blood around the body, fight off viruses and diseases, digest your food, keep you breathing, etc. etc. Depending on what sort of information you soak into your mind you can become dysfunctional and violent towards the body. I would suggest not to get stuck in the "illusion" stage in the world of spirituality once you figure out the substance of everything is nothingness because if misunderstood it can become a negative vibe and nihilism. It goes full circle, “everything is nothingness, I am nothingness, I don't actually exist, oh but this is all I know, this is all I am perceiving right now, oh everything is me, everything is within me, I am all of it, and all of it is REAL as far my direct experience goes”. What you are is already perfect, this thing cannot change, it cannot be worked on because it does not have a human mind or an ego, it is not a person, it is not concerned with human mind-sets, it's like an ant entering a human body state and realizing what human experience is compared to ant's experience, big fucking difference. You are always on, it is there when you're stressed out, when things are not going well, when you think there is something wrong with you and that there is more to gain, that you're not awake. There are two very popular things you can say in any moment to instantly wake up consciousness "Am I aware?" and "Is existence taking place right?" and a little enquiry to what existence is in the moment can help too. Here’s a geeky analogy. The monitor is there all the time, the monitor is not responsible for how fast the PC is, whether it can run the latest software, if the software is installed, what is being portrayed on the screen, what videos are being played, it doesn't care if someone is playing a productive video or watching child pornography. If the computer's life span is up and it fries up and burns out, the computer gets replaced and the monitor starts to displaying a whole new set of information pumped out by the new computer. You are the monitor, and as Matt Khan says, “you’re not on a spiritual journey, the body is". your true nature is always there, it's never off, you can't lose it. And so it is violent to say to the body “pfft you don't exist, nothing exists”, it is non cooperation and denial. I think the illusion analogy is only good for the beginner who has never considered an alternative reality or dream like existence, where they think everything is real and written in stone, 1 reality.
  18. I don't mind the experiences just worried I might end up going unconscious and stop breathing or something, I think I'll just go up in increments of 5 mins up to a maximum of 90 mins and no more than that without a sitter to ensure I don't stop breathing.
  19. Hmm now I'm more worried, haha, whats the longest you did without a sitter?
  20. Anyone did this for 90 minutes - 3 hours? without a sitter? how did it go? I can do 60 minutes easily, I get the tingles, curling of hands, loss of logical consciousness but nothing weird, no dark shit, no crazy, fantasy/imginary or scary stuff, sometimes I do get overwhelmed with energy or inability to sit still so I do raise myself up and shake off a bit of that energy haha yeah probably does look like some exorcist shit. I wanna see how far the rabbit hole can go if I do 3 hours but kind of worried, is it worth doing long sessions or better to stick to 30 minutes? Some of you guys have some bizarre weird experinces but i never ever get anything from my meditations and shamanic breathing beyond no-mind, intangible nothingness, and inner peace. Probably need psychedelics for that weird stuff but those effects are actually expected from drug use so its not really me as much the chemical chaos in my body causing that experience.
  21. Firstly not really a free app is it... on your app page it says, free the 1st month then it's $7 a month every month or $60 a year. Secondly doubt self-promotion and advertising is allowed, especially for paid services.
  22. Leo gave a full disclaimer to the potential dangers to this technique, maybe you missed it. So if people decide to take a risk you have no say in that. Might as well go outside and start preaching to all the smokers, junk food eaters, people that do dangerous sports, people who take drugs... etc. etc. Wim Hof The Iceman does similar techniques, the guy is much healthier than the average person, he even resisted a virus injected directly into him in a hospital setting and the doctors were baffled, he has a documentary about it. As you can see in this above video he says "light headed, and tingling". This is the video of showing parts of the research and positive test results.
  23. Don't know if there are any long term negative effects but i like it. Other than the effort of breathing constantly for 30 mins it's quite easy, I enter a state of a no mind very easily after the breathing. I also get the munchies and food taste great after it, just like you would expect on drugs. I don't get headaces doing it for 30 mins but I do get headaces doing it for 45mins + Maybe you need to work your way up to it so you don't get migraines, you could always play it safe and do it for 15 mins etc, doubt you could get any negative effects from such a short session if you're an healthy individual.