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blazed replied to Patang's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
its a paradox. The mind can't really talk about infinity whilst being so finite. Eternal death would be assuming a dark room for eternity, nothingness is not that. -
blazed replied to Patang's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Well you already know you can lose each individual sense and still live on. the only one that is difficult is the mind/brain. But you see mind has gaps, there is times where you're not thinkin about anything just zoned out, or you could have alzheimers disease in final stages and still be alive, or you could hit your head and have a full identity loss. Or you can get scientists to electricute parts of your brains and have involuntary movement/spasm/reactions, they can remove parts of your brain and change your entire personality function. In zen they say this: "Sweep away thoughts!" means one must do zazen. Once thoughts are quieted, the Original Face appears. Thoughts can be compared to clouds. When clouds vanish, the moon appears. The moon of suchness is the Original Face. Thoughts are also like the fogging of a mirror. When you wipe away all condensation, a mirror reflects clearly. Quiet your thoughts and behold your Original Face before you were born!" You are that before the body was born, you will be that when you die. Once you die it's like you never existed in the first place, again nothingness. Because if I asked you what were you before you were this body what do you remember? you will not know, its just nothingness. -
blazed replied to Patang's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Dude he's talking about a dark room, like that you put someone in a solitary confinment, thats not what nothingness is, its not boredom or darkness or torture. Actually i keep telling you nothingness and existence is the same thing. Everything you see right now is nothingess, awareness is nothingness. It's not a thing. You can change awareness into another word such as "being" or "existence" etc. You're assuming you know what "real" means. How do you know this isn't what nothingness looks like? If we deduct all your sense perceptions what are you left with? There that is your true self. Once you lose, sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, and mind you will find your true self, the nothingness. -
blazed replied to Patang's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
"Nothing exists outside of consciousness." I love it, the irony, yes everything that is outside your awareness is nothing Ok another example: If you say bye to your girlfriend/wife on her way to work and you go to work, is she: A) in some imaginary place in your mind (e.g. an assumption oh "she's obviously at the office". or B) lost in nothingness until you observe her again through preception and awareness. If we take away your eyes her visual beauty is lost forever in the nothingness. -
blazed replied to Patang's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Actually he says: "nothingness is really like the nothingness of space which contains the whole universe, all the sun and stars, and the mountians and rivers and the good men the bad men and the animals in the insect the whole bit, all contained in the void. out of this voids comes everything and you're it." So i don't know if you're just outright lying and trolling or just so delusional you hear completely different words to feed your beliefs??? Dude make up your mind, You saying consciousness is "not a thing" is the same thing as "nothing" -
blazed replied to Patang's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Mikael89 Because Nothingness and Existence is the same thing, this is NOTHINGNESS. You're in IT right now. How do you know any of this exist without your own bias confirmation and illusions of the mind? You're so damn stuck in ego you just dont want to get it, you just want to prove your point. What the **** is awareness if its not nothingness, define it to me. Right I am done, ran out of patience I can't tell if trolling at this point or not either way waste of time and energy. You've even bent the videos to confirm your own beliefs, go to any of these gurus and say "I am awareness" watch them rip a new butt hole into you and make you come out being more confused than ever. And yes you are aware of nothingness, which is everything else that you are not aware of, because guess what, it's nothingness! You basically say I am consciousness the LIGHT that shines upon the darkness to reveal the room, yet completely and utterly ignoring the dark room in the first place. What is more fundamental the light or the dark room? The yin or the yang? -
blazed replied to Patang's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's cool most of the mystics and guru's play paradox anyway. And many talk about the nothingness, emptiness and silence. You just cherry picking because you want to prove a point. Here are some of the gurus you mentioned talking about emptiness, I will update the list Osho - http://www.osho.com/iosho/library/read-book/online-library-nothingness-eckhart-empty-38103edb-6d6?p=5f7618faff0ef1ed80aa13530a49577f Alan Watts - Echart Tolle: Sadhguru: "Everything comes from nothingness and goes back to nothingness. Nothingness is the basis of existence. #SadhguruQuotes" https://twitter.com/sadhgurujv/status/944032314698412032?lang=en Adyashanti: Mooji: "You stay as the awareness itself, but don't say YES I am awareness! No you're not, the minute you that which says "i am awareness" is not awareness, awareness does not say it is awareness" Dude I'm getting bored of linking stuff "I can go on and on".... -
Maybe it's his way of saying "i'm still alive" without getting too distracted, maybe he pmed the mods, he did say he was going to do admin work for paid customers etc. though.
blazed replied to Moment's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@cetus56 Yeah sounds familiar but words are too limited at describing it. I've had many meditation sessions were there was a no sense of time, for example a 1 hour meditations that felt like 2 minutes i don't know if thats what you mean when you say "no self". This was different, this was a no-self full of energy. It was very powerful and blissful, when I came out of it I'd say this picture pretty much sums up what I felt: I can't really use words for it was just feelings and sensations in a place of no self and emptiness. It sucks cuz i can't enter this place whenever I want lucky to have glimpsed it so far. Also another particular feeling I had before entering this sensation was something snapped in my mind and I had clear direct focus with no mind chatter, a silent but laser like focus which I never felt before in my life. I think one of the reasons I can't reexperience it is because now it's coming from a place of ego, the ego wants it, that day the meditation session was really good and lasted 2 hours I hardly ever do over an hour, there was a sense of being no one, not a thing. -
blazed replied to Moment's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah the no self feeling is normal in deep meditation, you need to go deeper, prepare to die, this is it end of the line for ego, if you give in to thoughts at that moment or break the meditation the ego won the battle. It's very difficult to do as its not a choice of "i will do this or that" it kind of just needs to happen. You can literally meditate to the point that all your your body dissolves and you can no longer sense it, if you do it with complete darkness and silence this sensation is even better. I lost all sense of self and became pure consciousness, an indescribable energy field or whatever you want to call it, the nothingness, infinite, god, samahdi, I don't know if it goes deeper tho. -
blazed replied to Faceless's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Haha yeah it might be the same thing, but limitation of words can add confusion. Yes I also found the body and mind dissolved but I was intensely aware that the "self" was there, the pure self. "I am" Which is emptiness and everything in it, existence and non existence. To be honest the more I write the more stupid it sounds so i'll stop now. -
blazed replied to Faceless's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's not an experience, it's pure consciousness, but if I write about it, then it will seems like an experience. But it's also not a brain dead experience, its not a no mind. When I try to practice no mind I was snoozing off, and the brain was feeling tired/foggy, I realised it's not about lowering your awareness it's about raising it. When the meditation is intense you can see the ego and mind so consciously for what it really is. By the way when I say intense I don't mean you sit and focus really hard lol, consciousness becomes intense full of existence. With the emptiness right there with it. -
blazed replied to Faceless's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Information about meditation no longer helps me, in fact it adds confusion to what is really simple. after 4 years of meditation usually 20mins a day its starting to click now. I can do 1-2 hours meditation easily now, something that would have been impossible for me. I become so intensely in the moment and so intense with existence itself, that the body and thoughts dissolve and I become pure awareness or consciousness itself. It's pure emptiness and yet it's everything haha. and it feels so pure, and clean. I do not get the mystical experiences that Leo get's on drugs, its a blank consciousness because your brain is not going through abrupt chemical changes and imbalances caused by the drugs. I'm assuming someone who can hold that intensity with everyday life is "enlightened". -
blazed replied to MM1988's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Good thing it didn't work otherwise you might have: -
blazed replied to MM1988's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I assumed understanding and spiritual gowth would be towards enlightenment. I don't know much about automatic writing, but from my own deep insights in meditation, there is nothing to write, I can feel my brain reconnecting, the intelligence is beyond thought and mind. Whats the difference between automatic writing and an writer being in "Flow"? When a writter is in flow they write without thinking much and they say the thoughts came to them they say from a higher place or their muse. But it seems the success of the book grealty impacts whether the writer will say it came from their muse. It's like "How did you write such a fantastic book!?" "I don't know it came to me." The matter of fact is that everything arises from nothingness. -
blazed replied to MM1988's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Exactly just more pathological thinking and importance put on to a materialistic object. In deep meditation the true self reveals itself, and it needs nothing. Of course, paper and pen can be useful for the ego mind. Just like sun glasses can be useful for the eyes. Question is why they still messing about with the ego when they need to go beyond it. -
blazed replied to MM1988's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You guys are too gullible. Spirituality isn't about super powers and bending the world to your will, or manifesting shit for your BIG ego's desires. Reality is you, the rules are you, you are the one who's creating all of it, only problem is your BIG ego doesn't like it, it wants it to be like this or like that. Giving Oprah a string which she can clearly manipulate with her hand is such a ridiculous experiment, for god sake people have you lost all sense of sensibility? If this is how you justify experiments science would suck so bad we would still be using horses as a vehicle. Ever wonder why Ouija Boards never work alone? but do in a group or party environment there is always that person that wants to convince others, for the fun and lols. However it is true the more you put your focus/awareness onto something the more it will reveal itself to you. This is why people become experts in whatever they do for long peroids, and success may follow that, or not, you could always get hit by a bus as soon as you make it big. Forget a needle, get a cup, and focus on it for a few days, meditate with it, it will reveal a lot, one of the profound ones is the cup exists because you bring into existence, you declare as real within yourself, the second is the cup does not move to egoistical mind thoughts or desires physically using physic powers, the mind will however find a way to move the cup (e.g. use your hand). The using your hand to manipulate the cup is already a super power, if we were all born with the ability to move cups with our mind, trust me we would consider it a mundane and boring thing just like we can manipulate objects with our hands is casual. We have hands and fingers that allow us to do many things that most other animals can't do, it's a super power. Pro tip: you want super powers? Your ego is raging, work on that first, after that you won't need super powers. -
blazed replied to MarkusSweden's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I’m not surprised, in the beginning spiritual work is all exciting fun and games, everyone thinks they gaining something by doing it, no matter how much you tell them it’s not about gaining anything but breaking the illusion of the self they still think they gaining something that’s why 99% even pursue it, if I was to sell you a bag of air you wouldn't be interested would you, there is nothing for the "you" who is even comprehending this statement. Some people get stuck at this stage, they do their yoga, exercise, mental masturbation exercises, meditation etc. they feel a little relaxed and good about themselves and go on with their days, no spiritual progression at all here, just a boost to the ego and a self-pat on the back for doing the exercises, feels good don't it to make an illusory progression, just like it feels to do it in a video game where you know for 100% that it's illusory progression. Some people start to get heavily into spirituality, utter confusion, utter bullshit of guru's who honestly are just trolling you and pointing you at different directions to nothingness, they know the joke, the seeker doesn't, it’s like their whole purpose is to contradict everything and play devil’s advocate and see how long they can make you chase your own tail. At this stage thing get very difficult. Nihilism creeps in, you theorize everything it seems everything is pointless and you start to turn into this black hole that’s creating chaos within yourself, or having the dark night of the soul. You basically having insanity as you shift through both worlds of logic and mysticism, so I can see how it can create negative side effects. Then there is the positively enlightened, the surrender and being, these people experience life as it is without the illusion, this is a difficult stage because you must be able to feel the illusion and stillness at all times. For example, having glimpses of Samadhi and utter peace and realization of nothingness is quite simple but when you come back into Maya and people are pissing in your soup you will find it difficult to stay in the stillness. I honestly think when your truly enlightened you will appreciate the body and everything but you won't care about dropping all of it, it would be no different than getting your video game character killed and starting a new character. -
blazed replied to BjarkeT's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I have no idea what you're talking about. How do you have a "placebo" meditation as opposed to a real meditation? They can only compare meditators to non meditators. -
blazed replied to BjarkeT's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Science has long known the effects of positive thinking, hence why they usually tell cancer patients to be positive and stress-free. When you put your mind and body is positive mode it does more to heal itself where as if you get stressed and worried you tend to be more likely to become ill. But there are also experiments where a real drug did something and placebo did nothing. So the sugar pills "placebo pills" is useless and junk, but "positive thinking" is a real and legit technique. When you read/study a science book you are just using your "mind" and "power of thought" so is the learning a real thing or just a placebo? Considering that meditators don't usually have their benefits faded away lets call it more than just a placebo. -
blazed replied to BjarkeT's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If you could sit and think about pressing 100kg every day and then you actually go and bench press 100kg at the gym then it wouldnt be a placebo, it would be something that actually works and a valid technique. Placebo would be you you imagine pressing 100kg every day, you feel like you can do it and you misjudge your stregnth and then you go to the gym and you can't even move the bar in the slightest. Placebo also is when you take a drug and get high and you think you're invincible and you can fly and you end up dead -
blazed replied to BjarkeT's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
because placebo pləˈsiːbəʊ/ noun noun: placebo; plural noun: placebos a medicine or procedure prescribed for the psychological benefit to the patient rather than for any physiological effect. a substance that has no therapeutic effect, used as a control in testing new drugs. a measure designed merely to humour or placate someone. ----- The video i linked you show experiments where they have confirmed the observable benefits and changes to the body, and so it is not only in the "mind" therefore not only a placebo, there is real physical changes. It's like saying yo man, what if cardio running was just a placebo. -
blazed replied to BjarkeT's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Because they have actually done experiments. -
blazed replied to MarkusSweden's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
to add: I can usually enter samadhi/no self through regular meditation and thats the end of the road for me, theres no going beyond that state. I'm just trying understand how to incorperate those experiences in other facets of life and functioning as a human doing everyday stuff. But i think it's doing something to my brain in terms of neuroplasticity. It's weird but its like you can sense/feel rewiring. I'd never call myself enlightened tho, seems like a sham to say that, if my true self is the no self, and everything in my experience is forever changing, what is that is that is enlightened? it's nothingness, I cannot center it or pinpoint it. I don't listen to any guru's or people who claim directly to be enlightened, indirectly to explain something is fine though. (The same way I don't put rotten food into my mouth, don't want to catch diseases and have mental diarrhea). There are a lot of scammers out there and they won't hesistate to touch the spiritual world, and theres also a lot delusional mentally handicapped people, not all brains work equally, but consciousness does, consciousness doesn't speak, it is the what it is in it's own entirety. And the lastest samahdi movie made a lot of sense to me when it said "strictly speaking, there is no enligthened people, only enlightened activity". -
blazed replied to MarkusSweden's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Its important to point this out as my own perspective and assumption: I think the drug use has back fired on Leo, he seems to be seeking a drug induced state whilst he's enlightened. I might be wrong but he seems to be equating being enlightened to be the same as tripping on 5-meo. The normal state is an awakened state, but people are blind to it, they don't want normal, they want tripping balls. Not suprised why all the top Guru's are not drug fans, from Sadhguru to Eckhart, to Rupert. Drug use can make you seek drug induced states leaving you desiring much than your average sober experienece. Leo said himself he has a problem with "boredom", totally blew his shit off with all the mystical experiences on drugs. Let's face it awareness is not tied to your drug use, awareness is awareness, the brain is a receptor to awareness, when you use drugs you're causing all sort of chemical and chaos in your brian which AWARENESS IS AWARE OF, hence the CHAOS experiences. Leo was already supposed to be Enlightened in his lastest video before the 30 day meditation you can see he's still clearly seeking. I think he's also way too conceptual, he wants to work it all out logically and understand it, and explain it which you can't. Hence the full circle. Ace soundtrack tho