Hero in progress

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Everything posted by Hero in progress

  1. Loved it. He must have some degree of abiding awareness. He has great courage to come out with these things at this event. Even though he will be labelled "strange" or "weird" and so on. Who gives a shit what goes on in other organisms "minds" its irrelevant. Some of the comments above should have more compassion for Jim. He is "you" after all. Or to say it another way the difference between him & you is relative. But I guess that just reflects ones consciousness doesn't it. Do you have the courage to even admit it to yourself? Let alone have the courage to come out with that stuff on TV and in that social circle. Think about it.
  2. Had one that spontaneously unknotted itself the other night while watching a mooji satsang. I have one more in my upper thigh, if I can release this one my body will feel more like space. Any suggestions, techniques, or sources of information will be much appreciated. Cheers.
  3. @How to be wise The absolute truth or enlightenment gives you the "space" or openness to contemplate the relative yes. You should get Peter Ralston's trilogy to get you started. He goes into relative truth, such as self, the social world, language, self survival, communication ect. And of course the absolute as well.
  4. The current context that we see emotions from is, a context that appears that emotions are "Caused" by circumstances. But a deeper look at the domain of emotions may give a different perspective after investigation. It may be the case that we in fact create our emotions. But just not conscious of it. You can contemplate the purpose of emotions, With such questions as " why does this emotion exist & for what purpose is it generated?" You can contemplate the "distinct" components of each emotion. Such as "What needs to take place in order for this emotion to come about?" What are the building blocks that make up this emotion? For example the 4 components of fear, that are outlined in the book of not knowing. In order for fear to exist or be created. What are they? contemplate! Fear 1. The possibility of a future. ( its always about something that could happen in the future, whether next week, or the next 5 seconds ) 2. A resistance, or the not wanting it to happen ( I don't wana be hurt! ) 3. The conceived possibility of it happening, conceptual in nature. ( tiger gona eat me??!! ) 4. Physiological Effect, ( That tension & charge in the body) fwi this is what we normally recognise. And all we recognise generally speaking. Why does fear exist? Is it not a manipulation to move you in a certain direction? To get you to avoid? If this did not exist would we survive very long? Contemplate! Remember this is not about philosophy or sharing of opinion, rather it is a "inquiry" into the existence of the "thing" it is very important to make this kind of distinction. Do you really know what emotions are? You may think you do because you can recognise them in your experience. But it may be the case that we " don't know" like we really don't know! And that gives us the "space" to look into the matter personally. Great insights are only possible from this place. Happy contemplations! P.S you may want to download or print of a list like this for you to contemplate when ever you have a spare 5 mins, on the train, on the toilet or whatever. You won't get much from only causally pondering these once. I see to much on this forum, that people are only understanding things on a "intellectual level" so that means its just "hear say" and not a living truth for you, a direct experience! That can only come from serious contemplations! Dedicated! Disciplined! I see to much intellectual debating and self serving discussion on here. " Those that don't know speak all the time, those that do know keep quite "
  5. We as a species are destroying our planet, and ourselves. It wouldn't be too much of a far out idea to imagine, that we won't be here in a thousand years. We have to come to the fact that not only are we manifesting & perceiving through Ego collectively! A likely outcome of this is our own extinction and likely other species too. We don't realise or even acknowledge to ourselves, much less experience that everything we are is inventions. And none of it is fixed or fundamentally true. We don't understand or consciously experience that our whole life is relative and we live, perceive and only know what's relative and none of it is absolutely true! Do we have any chance of collectively changing our consciousness? I don't know. I looked at the most recent comment section of leos last video, and must say I feel a little bit sad about it. Seeing all the dogma, all the complete dismissing of it. They don't realise the nature of perception! They perceive through there own beliefs and knowledge, all of that is bias! The very nature of perception is bias. Even you reading this, is not going to be perceived for "IT"self, no, its gona be perceived for you! Perception is a "for me" thing. And Self survival perception is all we know. We don't want to let go of our own limitations. That cause not only other peoples pain & suffering, but also our own. We are SCARED! We are so self centred, so self oriented because we can't stop, or even want too. We are trapped in our own Miserable Comfort. What is known, even if it causes ourselves to suffer and others to suffer, is still the option we take! We don't want to go into the unknown, we fear it! And we don't like fear. We are molested by it! "Mind" great servant, terrible master. I would also add to that quote emotions too. Mind & emotions dominate us! Are you really getting this?? They have got you in shackles. they are so convincingly powerful to us, why? Again because we perceive them! We never directly experience emotions, but rather mechanically REACT to them. Because we are unconscious. If you do directly taste let's say terror or fear, maybe its fear of a experience of infinity, or seeing something unusual too "YOU" like some phenomena when going deeper into spirituality or meditation, your self's response is to get away from it, so you can feel more "comfortable" again. Do you realise that is the real suffering, the real prison. Why can't you just let what ever life brings your way happen, to surrender, to stop applying meaning and charge to meaning and charge itself! If you feel fear you get more fearful because you feel fear! You get more nervous about getting nervous! Get more shy about being shy! Why can't you just experience these emotions for exactly what they are, and what are they you ask? They are what they are directly. I spent ages before, when I was a bit more unconscious than now, in constant fear when I was on my own in my room or whatever at night, because I would meditate throughout the day. I heard shinzen young before talk about after 6 years of meditation he started to see giant insects for a year, he could touch & smell them. The more he used mindfulness & Equanimity the more real it looked, intill eventually it became as life like as anything else. And this scared the shit out of my ego/mind. And don't think I have not had trouble surrendering to infinity as well. I realised I was not afraid to give up myself that is easy, freedom in fact from all this bullshit, but the biggest thing was fear!! I didn't want to feel any fear when I broken through to infinty. Or I didn't want to feel fear, when seeing a giant insect. If you didnt have any bad emotions at all when having these experiences then you would happily step into them right? Off course you would, its the negative states that you don't like! It must be this way, reality, anything and everything is itself only, the meanings the charge, the good the bad, the spooky, the strange are all things that we add to what we are cognizing. Just to let you know I decided that I won't be a slave to fear, or anything for that matter ever again. This was a while back and I haven't had fear over these things again. Its a paradox but when you actually ACCEPT the fear, with courage and boldness, the fear dissapears! It has nothing to latch to, it can't grow because its very foundation was the fear itself, the resistance to it. Let all things flow through you, like you are empty space. What ever comes, comes. What ever goes, goes. This in Taoism is called the watercourse way, you flow with the river of existence, with grace, as though you have nothing, and are nothing and thus have nothing to protect, nothing to resist, nothing can be taken from you. There's nothing to take. As the Buddha rightly observed all suffering comes from attachment, if you wasn't attached to anything how could you ever be in the least bit fased? So, WAKE UP AND ROAR! But most wont, you are in your own prison cell, the door is open! But you are too afraid to take a step out of your comfortable little box.
  6. @Butterflystory Your going to need to start off by listening to some masters first or your gona be clueless. Peter Ralston, Osho, Adyashanti, ramana Maharashi, shunyamurti, listen to leos videos, read the best books. Start meditation, contemplation, watching yourself like a Hawk! You will start to build momentum after a while. Good luck my friend.
  7. @Joseph Maynor All that writing just makes me want to meditate a EXTRA hour today!
  8. If there is a genuine Seeker of truth out there I want to give you some advice. The advice is, do the work, what I mean by that is you need to be meditating, contamplating, reading The best books! You should be doing formal meditation at least 2/ 3 hours a day. And being mindful all the time. ALL the time. The more you contemplate, the better at contemplation you get. The more you practice your skills of discernment, the better your discernment will get. Its like building muscles, the more you train your muscles the stronger & bigger they get. And its the same for a seeker of truth. If all people do is spend time talking about this stuff but never taking action, then they wont be enlightened in this lifetime, and that's okay too, not everyone will, but if you feel in your heart that this is for you, that you want truth at all cost then take action. What does it mean to be truely enlightened, that's simple its this- Freedom from Self Survival. It is to die before you die. And don't underestimate the full scope of self survival, it is a very tenacious drive. But it is possible. Life will be so light, so joyful. It may take decades of contemplation to be fully enlightened, fully free, but boy you won't regret it. If you have fear, this is good, here's why I used to have a silly idea about enlightenment & freedom, I would picture it as just being blissed out and joyful all the time, but that is not what true freedom is, that is basically what all humans are trying to attain anyway, moving away from negative, and pushing toward positive. That is a Selfs job in a nutshell. That is not freedom, freedom is to be in the most terrible hell and still be free. Everyone can be happy in heaven, but not everyone can be happy in hell. To be happy in hell is true freedom, to be free and bold in the face of fear, boy there's nothing like it, if you can face fear, tremble, and not know what is going to happen, to go into the unknown and be centered in your being is too be free. Anyone can be loving & blissful in a good situation, it is to be loving and blissful in all situations, to all people is the real freedom, the real love of the transendent Great One. You as a human can't do it, But you as the infinite can.
  9. @Loreena Seek the truth at all cost, freedom will come as a natural consequence. P.S Good summary.
  10. The One Self is what you are already. This One Self is the source of all Being. The source of the ego or sense of separate self is from thought only. There is no such thing as the mind, The mind is only thought. Through self inquiry, and pure devotion you will wake up. Your call will be answered. The reason most never did before is because they are not genuine enough, You must desire it with all of your heart. The separate sense of self, has such tenacity in keeping you from knowing yourself. But you already are that, your mind just convinced you your not. All you need to do is trade in your mind for pure consciousness instead. Its a good deal. The separate sense of self has a inherent tension & fear, you need to face all your fears, and then transcend fear itself. Your real self has nothing to fear, only your sense of self that is found in thought creates and suffers fear. There is no doer the body moves and functions in the world through the intelligence of The Self only. the nature of consciousness is not only formless & infinite but has inherent intelligence. Do realise what this means. the thoughts that you perceive and take to be yourself do not contain you. They have no power. Move the emptyness into the eyes, and there after some time, there will be a point between the eyes were thoughts do not exist. Only undivided witnessing. The point is right between the two eyes. It will crystalize after some time. They way to be rid of thoughts is to be indifferent to them, don't take them to seriously. They only have power because there is a interest in them, so there is always more fuel added to them, stop giving thought so much interest and importance . Let thought come and go as it please. The purpose of self inquiry is not to have a insight about who you are, it is to dissolve the enquirer.
  11. @Joseph Maynor The intelligence will recognize intelligence. I am that intelligence that is how I am able to communicate with you right now. You too. It is more intelligent than can be conceived. This is why one of Peter Ralstons books is called genuis of being. There is for a reason for that. This is pure intelligence indeed. All the geniuses that ever was or will be are this intelligence, The ants & bees and all other beings, That have inherent intelligence in surviving and evolving. all the amazing things that go on,is only through this intelligence. It comes from a unthinkable & and in explanable Power. You can call it Nature as well, that is a beautiful word. We call it nature surely, because its that which is natural, That which happens in itself, exist as its self and abides in its self. This is the most incredible intelligence.
  12. @LetTheNewDayBegin I love your inquiring approach, I am happy to go through these with you. First of all these sutras are very mysterious, a lot of metaphor is used. I am going to go through it again, to get more clarity. I will comment on this further tomorrow because I don't want to mislead anyone.
  13. So If you are serious about being fully enlightened, you are going to come to a point. Where this information will be your guide. I am writing this because you need this! The secret of the golden flower is going to guide you to the heavenly heart or heavenly consciousness. If you don't follow the instructions you will be in trouble. One thing you guys have got to realise is that this is not a game. When it really comes down to the crunch Shit is going to get real. I write this from my own conscious experience. First insight I want to share is this- What we call the "mind" is the self aswell, the self is a distinction in the mind. So basically we can call it Self/mind. This self mind is not contained in the head like we usually assume, it is contained in the eyes. When you next look at someone from a outside perspective watch when they think, you will see that the eyes move around and its as if they are being shown something from the inside screen of the eyes. This is one confirmation, but there's is a more direct way to realise this. After you have had a deep enough enlightenment, infinity or emptyness is contained in the eyes, your job is to circulate this light or you are not going to have a good time. SecretGoldenFlower.pdf Good luck
  14. @Max_V Dont beat yourself up about it. Enjoy your life. And if that means you like watching some TV sometimes that's okay. As long as its not getting to much in the way of your growth & pursuit of truth.
  15. @Outer Haha yeah when you put it that way it doesn't sound very nice, but I assure you my friend that statement comes from compassion only and not a state of arrogance. I never said do what "I" say, your paraphrasing. What I said is follow what the sutras say. These masters are hardcore and know what they are talking about.
  16. @Max_V What kind of entertainment are you attached too? And have you identified the cause of your turmoil? It can't be just because you like watching TV or something, surely?
  17. @Max_V I am so happy to hear that. Keep going there's always deeper. And yeah your right the agony comes from ego, a separate self that is terrified by the magnitude of infinity. This is what basically happened to me. I have surrendered to the absolute before. But this time it overwhelmed me so much because its infinite, that is to say the deeper I surrender into myself I am shown more infinity and this time the ego was in torture for a while. I went into nature for hours and just remember witnessing my self crying and praying. My call was answered by the love of this profound existence.
  18. @Joseph Maynor @Joseph Maynor Concept dominates your perception, when you look and sense any body sensation, there is a conceptual component that's constantly plugged into your mind. With a deep enough enlightenment experience you won't have that.