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Everything posted by Hero in progress
@John Paul And John paul is a attention seeker who wont leave me alone
@Tyler Robinson If that is your real picture on your profile you are very beautiful
@Tyler Robinson Wouldn't you like to know ay, tbh I think you have got a little thing for me
Well thats a very graphic description you wrote there for a virgin Morman
Well I don't usually talk to people with no name
Nice little dig no name, This is the internet so you can say things like that, I think If that was in person though it would be a different story, trust me. For context It was when she would come home from a night out before she bathed. Probably shouldn't of brought that into the conversation in the first place with hindsight, but hay ho As for the baby thing, I dont need to be a doctor or do extensive research on that one thats just common sense
Hey no name I am aware that a vagina can tighten back up, but its never quite the same after having a baby is it. Hey Integral I believe lesbians resort to fingering and strap Ons
Tyler I was being somewhat sarcastic because I dont believe you.. I dont think you will be in a relationship with a man whos got a micro penis height, looks, penis size, income will all be relevant when you select a long term mate. Is it shallow? maybe, but still important factors and you know it. Dont try pull that high and noble malarky with me. ay ay
Thats very noble of you Tyler, enjoy your life with your future husband who has a micro penis
John paul mate I dont want to get into silly little details that your bringing up, my opinion as a whole is pretty clear To the previous writer who wrote a extensive message that I didnt respond to my apologies for being so dismissive, if you would like to write those points down in a more condensed form I will respond back to you this time
Women do judge men on the size of there dick obviously, nothing wrong with that the bigger the better in alot of cases. Just like tight vag is better than loose.
You can say what you want about my relationship with my sister, Ive supported her emotionally & financially over the years more than anyone else has. My apologies for a rather vulgar description of that situation with her but it drives home a point. I didnt respond to your long winded response because its hard to keep track of all the incoming perspectives and tbh what you wrote didn't have much of a appeal for a conversation for me. I do think lots of sex does loosen a vagina yes. Its sort of like not wanting to drink from a bottle that lots of people have just drunk from
Hey I never complained that women are highly picky, Ive never had that much trouble attracting females. You may be referring to guys on this forum who are into pickup, thats fine. Usually if men are picking up females using that game shit then It will be a one night stand when they find a willing female. John paul, what are saying? you dont judge them... How noble of you
I never said that women need to be virgins. How can you be a slut and still have respect for yourself? It goes way deeper than just taking a shower after, there are just some things that cant be scrubbed off
@eos_nyxia @Something Funny @Hero in progress @integral Women can do whatever they want at the end of the day. Have as many sexual partners as your heart desires, but don't pretend that it doesn't have consequences on your spirit as a whole. Just like reckless ejaculations has on men. Sexual continence has many benefits for both sexes. Its different for women because they can access sex very easily. I had a sister that went on a slut spree years ago when I was young and she used to come back smelling of fish and it was a extremely strong odour on her, and her personality changed in a ugly way, it got to a point were even men didnt want to sleep with her because she was so easy and trashy. I saw what it did to her spirit. How are men supposed to respect a female who doesn't respect herself. Go sleeping around and you expose yourself more to the risk of disease, possible dangerous situations and shame and regret deep down, in till its masked over with the next guy the next weekend. Women can search deep within themselves and find if what I say is true or not. Dont blame men If they desire some sort of innocence and purity when it comes to a serious relationship with the opposite sex. I dont want to go any where near a female who has a loose pussy because it has been drilled in a bunch of times from all kinds of men. I dont think I am alone in that. Regardless ladies go be a "bossbitch" fuck and chuck men whenever you feel like it, feel empowered and continue to set the example for your daughters. Mic drop
@Hero in progress @integral MODERATORS where is all the policing on some of these triggered females comments? abusive, degrading comments on fellow users for having a differing perspective. Double standard shit popping off today on this post. I am only joking please do not start policing anyone on this post, its not always pretty but I value free speech. Off course its going to trigger some people its a controversial topic that is relevant to both sexes, But the double standards though... I sees ya, I sees ya
@integral No one is forcing you to keep engaging with this post, But dont try and silence a open discussion on relevant topics because you dont like what is being said and you cant handle your emotions lady.
@integral I had women in the Title initially before you manipulated it because women are the gatekeepers of sex
de·gen·er·ate ADJECTIVE[dɪˈdʒɛn(ə)rət] having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline: "a degenerate form of a higher civilization" call it how I see it
@Tyler Robinson Not shaming you if you are a virgin I was actually seeing if you was a liar or not about being one and only you know that anyway so thats one to sit with for yourself. If you genuinely are telling the truth then you will be all good within yourself wont ya. I did not refer to "women" as degenerates, your manipulating my information as others are. I said in the western world alot of women are now sexual degenerates, is it not true? You are not going see what female attention and offers I get would you because we are simply communicating through a forum. Okay Ill give you the benefit of the doubt on the clitoral comment but why post a picture of a pornstar in a reactive way? oh I forgot "women empowerment thats right. Men treat us like shit so we will be sluts to get our own back lol
@Tyler Robinson Hey I thought you was a virgin? But it turns out you just got dumped! funny that, or was it just a relationship that was sexless? I think you have got alot of issues with men as a whole, I personally do alright myself since you keep trying to make it personal. Thanks for finally liberating me It feels much better now. I got a nice warning from the PC brigade, I guess saying things how they are is too much for some people to handle, everything has to be sugar coated for the sensitive these days. Hey man its all good. You guys can keep it all soft and gentle. Just remember though I could off said slut. I feel I was very positive and frank with my Reponses but now that I feel the onslaught of incoming post of angry hurt female toxicity I am less inclined to be so nice. That warning shit is really quite ridiculous, I cant say degenerates but you can talk about clitoral stimulation and put a poster up of a Porn star. What kind of double standard shit is that. My initial message was sexual discipline for both sexes, but It takes a huge amount of self development and respect for oneself which is probaly lacking in the majority of humans nowadays, especially in the west. Remember Tyler I was nice to you at first, you took it to this level. And purity is a term I am using from a mans perspective, you know what I am saying fellas, if she has been run through by a bunch of dudes why would you even consider giving that kind of women the fruits of your labour.
@NoSelfSelf We live in a very dark and dangerous worlds sometimes my friend if you cant handle that word you need to get a grip of yourself
@Cat_eyes Alot of men are degenerates aswell. If a women is pure they will have the spiritual discernment to be able weed those ones out when it comes to dating.
@Tyler Robinson Thats why I also said that men would do well also to have discipline with their sexual energy, I dont think being some kind of player "fuckboy" is the answer either, but lets face it most men out there on not that, and would happily commit to the right female. Funny though women dont want that guy, they are attracted to the "badboy" fuckboy alot of the time and then get there heart broken by that very same type, and say something along the lines of "men have commitment issues" Yeah those ones do, because they got alot of options when it comes to females