Hero in progress

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Everything posted by Hero in progress

  1. @Prabhaker That conditioning " I am tired of my mind, I want peace" That's a thought that your identified with. Is it not? Be the awareness of thoughts and then because your not identified with them, they will flow through your mind, like a dance I know how difficult it can be mate. We are all on this journey with you
  2. @Prabhaker If you keep getting pulled into those thoughts and story's of your conditioned mind, that your writing down. Then your not grasping what I'm saying.
  3. Be the watcher of you and your story about being frustrated.
  4. Who is aware of you trying to get enlightened. You have to seriously contemplate this and not just read over it and then move on to the next thing about enlightenment. Let's cut all the bullshit! Awareness pervades all of your experience of life. If your aware of the ego and the mind, thoughts, body, reality then it can't be you can it. Your observing the minds struggle with all of this your observing a sense of person trying to meditate or reach some idea you have about enlightenment. From now on start to ask who is aware of every single thought. Who is aware??
  5. @Prabhaker That stuff you are saying mate is very good and i see your very intelligible. But I couldn't even read through it all with out taking a break. All that stuff is just complicating it. All that's being said basically is be meta cognizant of your thoughts.
  6. Its not a case of waiting for it to be delivered, or I get a answer back. I am the answer.
  7. Your welcome. Thoughts are what desect reality. If your not the thoughts then there is no separateness. just reality and awareness of it. The awareness is you. Good luck x
  8. Let these words be pointers only, and not absorbed into yet another belief or concept. The classical man is just a bundle of routine, ideas and tradition. When he acts, he is translating every living moment in terms of the old. One can function freely and totally if he is "beyond system." The man who is really serious, with the urge to find out what truth is, has no style at all. He lives only in what is. When there is freedom from mechanical conditioning, there is simplicity. Life is a relationship to the whole. Let yourself go with the disease, be with it, keep company with it -this is the way to be rid of it. The perfect way is only difficult for those who pick and choose. Do not like, do not dislike, all will then be clear. Make a hairbreadth difference and heaven and earth are set apart; if you want the truth to stand clear before you, never be for or against. The struggle between "for" and "against" is the minds worst disease. These are some great quotes I found in the book "Tao of jeet kune do" by Bruce Lee.
  9. Hello out there, I'm just gona give you background of my story. About 4 months ago I lost my job. I have acne, and when it would really flare up I wouldn't want to leave the house so I ended up missing a lot if days at work and eventually got fired for that. I didn't have any kind of social life really. So I spent all my time alone mostly. I ended up stumbling across Leo and his enlightenment videos and was fascinated. From that day on about 4-5 months ago I had been studying about this topic I watched many videos, read books and few of the teachers, Eckart tolle, Alan watts, peter Ralston, oshii, j krishnamurti and a few more. Got to a point were I stopped watching TV and just spent all of the time being. Consciousness started to increase I had a few enlightenment experiences the first few were triggered by smoking weed really. But last night has changed everything, how do you know when your enlightened when you no longer need to ask that question. This is so unbelievable this is the most profound thing a human can experience. I feel truly blessed and in complete aww. We get caught up in our storys we forget who we are that's the point it makes life so much more interesting for us. I don't expect you to believe but the reason Im sharing this is to help reasure you this is as real as it gets. Keep going don't have a belief that its Gona take a thousand hours or 10 years or whatever, because that's just a belief. You can become a buddha, yogi, Christ or whatever you call it. They point to the same realization. I got to a point were I had to start trying to promote the ego or I felt I was gona leave the body and not be able to live a enlightened life. I know how far fetched this all sounds but its all true. Join me
  10. The truth is simple, but the human is complicated. Go beyond the human mental processes (mind). Go into awareness of what is. Come out side of your skull listen to what Leo says he's a great teacher. If its ment to happen to you it will my friend. No one can know for sure if I am telling the truth if you believe it your lost if you don't believe it your lost. Come in to state of not knowing and become a seeker of what's true. This can happen to everyone.
  11. Hey guys I hope your well, The thing I keep becoming aware of on this path of consciousness is there is a sneaky little trick that the ego plays, basically and I don't know if anyone else has noticed this but as you already know the ego wants to survive, any way that it can. So be very careful that the active thought stream of the mind does not try to claim that you are a spiritual person now and you get more lost in this complex process, and believe you are someone who is more aware than other human beings, and in a way superior. Now this is very subtle, People try to one up each other pointing out this or that. Only a ego would do that. Only ego would want to seem smarter and more aware than other human beings. Know that enlightenment really is not about you as a identity. Obviously you can't control the thoughts popping up and thats fine, as Leo said in one of his videos awareness alone is curative. Now please don't take this as any offence to anybody, its just something that might be the case for someone out there. Hope it helps.