Hero in progress

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Everything posted by Hero in progress

  1. @Leo Gura I didn't take 5 meo, I can't get hold of that. This was through meditation, assisted by a joint.
  2. Its the same principal as psychedelics. This Has Assistant myself. I am in no way promoting drug taking, if you don't want to. I can only go on this from my point of view off course. It has helped me go into more silents. More silents that is beyond all mind comprehension. I am not saying sit around, blazing away, scratching your nuts All day, No I have done many hours of contemplating, and being in direct experience, Not thought. Not self. Striping away at all thoughts, All beliefs. Then after Some very dedicated work! Then See if cannabis will help you have a enlightenment experience. Might happen. Who knows. But look I will level with you. If this isn't in your heart, if your not dedicated to truth. Constantly enquiring, all the time, living in the now. not knowing! then free to question EVERYTHING. Not satisfied with here say and want direct contact with the truth instead. Then maybe it can help you. Your going to need courage for all this, Courage to love.
  3. @AlwaysBeNice @Dodoster @ajasatya @pluto @ajasatya Thankyou all for your input, I knew there would be different views on this, because everyone is coming from a different experience in witch to interpret it. It effects everyone differently, for some its a bad idea, others it may help. When I say this I mean, ego death. You do know that right, I am talking about what we all really are. I smoked it sometime just cause I liked it. And then one time "pop" Knew what I was. And that's when there's a real openness to start to question, and from there go deeper and so on. Thought I might share if only to help another.
  4. You have to look into this for yourself. But when you do, you will see, thoughts about others, Create a ego that you experience. This is happening all the time, on very subtle levels. It happens automatically. It is a illusion. When you have a opinion or story of someone else, (other) it's a thought. A figment of ones imagination. Thinking of a other, that is image of other. In doing so create image of yourself. This can't be figured about by the mind. Only seen in direct contact with this I am try to point to. Seriously look into it for yourself. The thoughts are constructing story's, in your experience, it happens all the time. All thoughts are extremely magnetic & entrancing. This is the strength of this illusion. Our beliefs, ideas, opinions and all the story's in our heads, are just sensations arising. Contemplate this.
  5. @abrakamowse if one is really dedicated to waking up, takes it seriously I don't see why one won't get enlightened. But there are a lot that probley won't. Maybe ? I can't know for sure. Maybe everyone one will eventually wake up and we have a self aware reality or if its just for a select bunch, every generation. But it don't matter on a existential level. When one wakes, all wakes because separate self is illusion.
  6. The mind can have the tendency to jugde. A thought will arise in awareness for example, "That guy is a bum!" "Thats a ugly lady" lol And so on. You have to give up judging! Because if you judge people you can't be free. Judging is something the mind is taught to do. Its not really you. This whole thing is magic! Do you not agree? This whole thing we call life. Don't judge life, don't judge yourself. Be free. Live in the moment! Fall in love with it. It is your devine will. To love eachother, to be vulnerable with each other & not always compare and compete with one another. I accept you as you are whether your the most egocentric person going or the most awakened being. We are all this magic. Regardless. Love now! Not the word or idea of now but look in front of you. That!
  7. @JimmyAce777 My freind enquire into that deeply. I am assuming that you were talking about everything we experience through the five doorways into this world. Right? which is of course Sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. This is perception. We perceive a internal experience. Consisting Off thoughts,internal sensations, emotions. you know that sense of my personal world that only I perceive. and then we perceive are apparent external reality Consisting of colours, sound, Shapes and so on. What sees that? you! you won't find yourself. only be it. consciousness is prior to perception it's direct! you share the same place as whatever consciousness is You are it.
  8. @abrakamowse The whole point my friend, is to give judging up completely. The way are minds are working at the moment, there is a habit of judging others. Its a self serving mechanism, the judgment tells us more about ourselves. " we don't see reality as it is, but rather how we are" The self has a agenda and the self that we all experience is extremely self centred and self-serving that's the way it has to be of course, but to be more attentive, to this see that it Arises by itself you will start to see that everytime we think of other we imply self, we imagine ourselves it's a really good illusion. And takes real attentiveness and dedication to start to see the workings of the mind with new eyes! fresh eyes! instead of through habitual conditioning patterns that dictates the way we perceive the world.
  9. In order to be receptive, to get more consciousness, then you need to start taking a deliberate effort to be aware of thoughts & what they are designed to do. That takes attention at first, but the mind becomes sharp after a while and then its effortless. Its your new way of being. This needs to be your new way of living really, if you want a lot of progress. What do you have to do? Nothing, you don't need to do anything really. Watch the thoughts and really see how they relate to the past a lot. What they really are? To not be sucked into the content of the thought, see the thought for what it is. Thoughts are very related to time. This is the conditioning/programming of the mind. One can't realise that ones in a dream intill he/she's not. And basically everyone is. everyone is sucked into the stuff that perpetuates the dream. All of the conditioning of the past/time accumulated over generations. So basically you need to wake up to being a human. All of the human conditioning, That has came about, but not many want to get rid of themself. This means every thought is watched. And not identified with it. That means all your opinions, all your thoughts about others, anything basically. You need to give it all up. You do this by seeing the thought arises by its self. They don't feel like it at first, but the more you look the more you will see. That they all do. They all arise by themselves, it don't fell like it at first though. Your entire mind is a box of time. You are not time, its always now for you. You can't be free of this if you are not aware of it first. A thought may be a voice, a form of self communication. Or a image of you. You are what sees image of you. And you see it all the time. Its a case of deconstructing your entire mind with awareness It takes no effort to see colour or here sound does it? Its about being more sensitive and alert. This has to be your new life. And you will have clarity, peace and love, Intelligence and wisdom. And a Alert mind, sharp! Knows all the tricks and trades of the mind. Without effort. constanly aware of oneself. the mind keeps ones attention self centred, And all that glory of life is not noticed. Find the silents.
  10. @99th_monkey Its okay to have thought
  11. @sadlabounty All right you got me
  12. @Kserkkj yeah definitely don't judge your mind for judging.
  13. @Aware @Aware Well I love you! You are appreciated.
  14. @Aware YES! As crazy as it seems to the mind. I am you and you are me. Life is so paradoxical But come on we are floating on a rock in infinite space. This whole thing is magic, a miracle! look up at the glittering sky of the cosmos at night, its unbelievable.
  15. *Form* Form, when I say form I am talking about everything in the NOW Form is synonymous with rigidity. Not in a negative way. Let me explain Form can have shape, colour, length, duration And so on. Form is a particular way Of being. Because form is always a particular way, it obviously excludes all other ways of being present. Form is limited. The colour White for example in being that way, manifesting in that particular way. Its not black or blue or any other colour. Get it? This is applicable of all form. You can look in front of you right now and see any form you like, a cup, wall, plant, moon or anything else. Its a particular way. Excluding all other ways simultaneously. *Formless* Formless is manifesting as all form. But Isn't limited to any particular shape, size, texture, temperature, shape or way of being. Because if it did it wouldn't be unlimited. It would be bound by a particular form. So its everything but simultaneously Not anything in particularly. (paradoxically) it has No particular face. No particular way. You Can never put your finger on it and say definitively thats it. That's why its unlimited, unbound. I don't know if that is gona make sense to any of y'all. Take all this as poetry at best, to try to speak about the unspeakable can't be done. By definition. its unspeakable silly I also have a practice for you if you want aswell. Go in front of a mirror and start playing different characters. Speak in different accents. Be silly for 10 seconds and then be a serious. Be a man then act as a women. It might sound weird but its good way to see the rigidity of the way you are. that's your self image trying to look and seem a particular way to people and yourself and then it's believed in. Like thats who i am!. it's crazy Haha You play a different role all the time any way. Your a particular way with your kids, another way with your friends. The role you play around strangers. Your a different self in a crowd of strangers, Than when your alone at home. By your self feeling in a silly mood. you know!, Im sure people would think your crazy too, if they see what you can be like by yourself. I was doing it earlier if people would of seen me they would of thought I was crazy. But it just shows the transitory nature of the Self. it can be seen through its just a pattern of being a particular way. See how the rigidity comes into play with this again. The ego is rigid. It has to be this way! It should be like that! Why is it fucking raining! Arrrr!!! Lol Look at the NOW! Now and awareness are the same thing. When I say now, don't focus on the word. Look at what's in front of you! It doesn't have to be a particular way. Now is what we are!
  16. @Soulbass Hi soulbass I have never heard of it lol What's it about? Lol
  17. When we are all born into this amazing thing that we call reality. We are like blank slates, there is no memory, no opinion, no knowledge. I remember seeing not to long ago a elderly man on the TV (Prince Phillip) of england. And he said that when children are very young they are completely ignorant. Meaning they have no knowledge of "how things are" Let's look at this together. So picture this. Your a child, a blank slate. And from a very young age your encouraged to start to speak. It starts with simple words like, moma, Dada ect. Then as you continue to learn. Your encouraged to try to form sentences, and identity various different objects, & phenomena. Let's take the sky for a simple example. Your parents start to point out that "thing" we call the sky, in the English language. And suggest that you try and say "sky" and after a while on your way to the park on a sunny day. You point up and say "look mum & dad that's the sky" and of course they reply, well done, you got it! See how this starts to form a way of "knowing" the world through words. What is a word? Well its a sound that we make with our mouths. It probley started off as us grunting and making various different sounds to try to communicate With each other. And as we adapted and evolved. The sounds started to form a sophisticated Language. With this knew ability we could talk to each other. And off course we started describing the behavior and what not of reality itself. This way we start to also form a conceptual way of knowing the world. This is a mirror, this is a car, this is a house and so on. This is what prince Phillip meant off course. And he would be right there is none of that when your a baby. Let's not forget something very important, this way of making sense of the world is a human invention. Its great we have the intelligence and capacity as a human species. To do this! Could you imagine if we didn't have access to our memory and every time you encounter a door knob, you have to learn all over again how it works, what its function is ect. Not to mention walking! The body also has the capacity to learn various movements and be able to do it without thinking eventually. Like making a cup of tea, tying your shoelace And so on. Its our job to absorbe as much information as possible in order to survive. Your mind is past A thought is language (words) Words are from the past. Learned in the past. Thoughts about the future also using the past data to predict, fantasize, project ect. Identity Well let's say something about how the identity may be formed. Well first of all you are born into a world of people all older than you and "know" more than you. So they put everything they "know" on you. All there beliefs, ideas, concepts and so on. These things are taken as here say, but you trust that your parents know what's best. And a belief is formed. This is you! I got your nose! And so on. If you can strip away at all this belief,Knowledge, opinion, judgment and of course identity ect. The truth that can not be communicated. Will be left. Its empty there isn't anyone there to identify with anything. The mind will all ways have something more to say, another question that needs to be answered. But you will have to die. To embodie that witch doesnt.
  18. @Neo This is the point thats trying to be made. We are confusing the labels, ideas, With the actuality of what the words symbolize. When you look at a tree its not actually a tree. A "tree" is a word Reality cannot be communicated But we think we "know" the world through words, but words are inventions. Can you see this?
  19. @Deep Thanks And you should write a post about that it will help some out there who may be confused or haven't considered certain things yet.
  20. Enlightenment sounds sexy to most that are interested in it. There's a lot of talk about omniscient beings like the Buddha & jesus and the rest. Or to put it another way there is a mystical concept around enlightenment and naturally this is extremely appealing. and I like it I don't think there's anything wrong with it but it gives the mind a lot to think about and for newbies this can be a trap. because we get caught up in an ideal or idea of Enlightenment and that takes you into more unconsciousness. it's no great achievement yet many are pedestalized because of its rarity throughout history. but let's not forget it is no achievement it's simply what's true for you in your life in every moment. what exactly is your mind doing in every moment because you think continuously all the time everybody does so to enquire into that and to understand that, not by someone telling you what the mind does but rather seeing it for yourself. you just get whats True. That's it so in order for you to do that you must enquire into your experience contemplate the structures of your thought patterns and how they pull you into unconsciousness because you may have one or two enlightenment experiences but to be fully conscious as a being in other words for the awareness to live through you as a self rather than the egoic structure is a different case. in my own experience I've had several experiences and each time its deeper and you'll see that there was unconsciousness that was SO subtle that you had no idea about. I'll give you a few insights to look for but you're going to have to do the work for yourself. first of all everything you Encounter is then interpreted by the self you have an individual perspective with your own individual worldview your own belief systems. everything is interpreted by the self. for example if as a self you are very insecure about your nose then in your experience awareness may be focused on people's noses more yet in someone else's experience it may be a different insecurity that they suffer from that is fixated on. your entire history of your life all of your experience is being brought into every single moment is being brought into the now. and if you are not aware of these interpretations of this relative perspective that you experience and have an understanding of it then you will stay unconscious. another thing is the body is continuously under tension this is something that I've noticed in my own experience that sometimes there will be unconscious frowning or an unconscious tensing in the buttocks and the more tension one has the more self centred restricted Me will be experienced so eventually you can be so loose and relaxed that there is no sense of body anymore just "being" of your experience. another thing is when you do have an enlightenment experience there may still be unconsciousness that will grab you back into egoic consciousness that only comes from the belief that the enlightenment has happened to somebody that you went to this mystical high place and then you want to tell everyone about it but in fact there's no-one for it to have happened to. It is you! so this is another trap that I fell into. I could go on for hours! I could also regurgitate every master or guru that I've heard but it won't do no good the reason for this post is too bring your focus back into your intimate experience because that's where things will happen for you. but if you constantly have your head in some book or watching a video or whatever. you will only stay as you are you need to do deep enquiry for example I have done nothing but enquire every single day for the past six months. in fact this enquiry happens by itself I can't stop it even if I wanted to it grabbed hold me a long time ago, it might be the same in your case. it's up to you what you do but it's going to take your own intuition your own authority your own questioning your own realisations not all of your answers are going to come from the outside so to speak. some people can meditate for 20 years and still not know what's going on you need to enquire and contemplate so much you need to be so attentive so aware. good luck. Find your own wisdom
  21. Why do you want to become enlightened? You can't tell me you haven't thought about being that guru like individual, who is blissed out and talks really calmly. And is "above" others if your not aware of this going on in your head then your in trouble! Because it will happen, that ego is gona play up, but your watching it. You don't have to do anything for all this stuff to happen it will come up by its self. You just be the watcher that doesn't have a opinion to anything. You can't think because your nothing. All you got a do is get out of your own way.
  22. We think all day long. Everyday! This process of trying to look for some "awakening" to happen can be frustrating. Its like trying to find some omnipresent nothingness that you have never met before, When your meditative or your doing a bit of self enquiry. Try being meta cognizant of your thoughts from now on. In other words your thoughts are not you. your mind with its sponge like nature is basically subconscious data stored. To help you navigate through life and survive, its got its uses. But everything its borrowed from the environment. So Your culture, what time period Your born into, the family you was raised in. And everything elses you think. Your only thinking about enlightenment because you was exposed to it. Contemplate this. So you are the way your life has made you and conditioned you to act and interact, if your identified with the mind. If you realise this who is watching the conditioned mind? Be with that.