Hero in progress

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Everything posted by Hero in progress

  1. Listen to what is being said, The true self, the observer of the conditioned self, is pure & innocent. Uncontaminated by the past, untouched by the scars of life. The conditioned self is the accumulation of experience, gavering belief & association and so on. The conditioned self is past, always old, you can observe this yourself, every thought is the response of memory, always old, even a apparent new thought, like imagination, is still using the information of memory, so even apparent new thought is still the old. Its important you spend time by yourself, to observe. The true self, "unborn awareness" Is timeless, its new, fresh, it observes the conditioned self. It holds no grudges, holds no judgment, no prejudice, its not burdened by those things. It is all alone. Wake up! Never think you have found the final destination, there is always deeper to go, renew the mind every day, be the innocent self, uncontaminated by time, timeless.
  2. The more "Person" you let go, the more empty you will know. Let the light of yourself bleed away the suffering of time. There is a infinite field that doesn't talk, you can only hear when your mind is quiet. The impersonal is one with all personal. The observer is the observed, the thinker is the thought, life knows only itself. Impersonal awareness, is all inclusive. There is a deep affinity with nature to rekindle, that can only be found again when you look intensely. Last quote by rumi "Out beyond all ideas of wrong doing and right doing there is a field I'll meet you there"
  3. @BeginnerActualizer Dude this is a good thing, I have the same thing its pretty much constant with me now, let the tip of your nose guide your eyes if that makes sense and with a little bit of attention you will start to feel the pressure. If one stays like this it speeds up enlightenment, in getting fully enlightened, this was said by a Taoist master once. I can't tell u what happens after a while, it is awesome though. Hope this helps
  4. @key its cool anyway pal, I hope your doing good, thanks for the input I appreciate it, I know what you mean, I will contemplate what said.
  5. After some time, everything starts to fall into place, emptiness is our natural state. After the minds confusions have subsided, a natural state of peace is apparent. The ego, is a very simple thing once we are out of the illusory pull, the ego is simply identification with thought. In this way of being, we are in a constant proccess of learning about ourselves, there is no longer a bias to pretend there is not fear arising, when fear is arising for example, because we are no longer trying to grandise the self image. Thoughts come & go anyone with sense will know this, so if there is a coming and going there must be that which sees the coming and going. The thinker is actually just another thought, or layers of thought on top of more thought. Its one thing knowing this intellectually, but it being what is for you in your life is the only thing that matters in this case. Because the words are not the fact, holding onto ideas won't help, won't make you happy. Spending time by oneself and acknowledging the emptiness is important. At first it seems like you as a person is abiding in emptiness intill the sticker of ID, is pulled off of this sense of a person, and you wake up to the fact that you are not abiding in emptiness, you are the emptiness, thus being in a meditative state is effortless, regardless of whether you are at work or shopping, walking in the park ect. This could happen rather quickly for some, and longer for others. You can see that we don't see life as it is, but we see it through the screen of our own thoughts first, thus distorting our view of the world, other people and so on. We see reality in accordance to ourselves, creating distinctions, interpreting any given situation in terms of its relevance to us. " we don't see the world how it is, but rather how we are" Again it won't help taking this in only intellectually, seeing this for yourself is what matters. The mind can't help you, but will appear to try to help you, be wise enough, to see this is thought trying to establish its control again. There's nothing wrong with thinking, its deriving ones identity through thought that's the problem. Stay empty that's all you need, after a while things will start to click into place, because this awareness has a intelligence to see with clarity, and seeing with clarity naturally one will see what's really true. I will leave you with wise words of mooji, There is a presence, a silents, a stillness, which is here by itself. There is no doer of it, no creator of this stillness. It is simply here in you, with you. It is the fragrance of your own self. There is nothing to do about this, it is naturally present. This fragrance of peace, this spaciousness, it is the fragrance of your own being.
  6. @key Okay I see what your saying, What I wrote was "emptiness is our natural state of being" Meaning it isn't something that needs to be kept up, with effort. Thus its natural. This is the case for me my friend, if you are interpreting it in a different way, as in its ego driven, then that's okay. The reason I made the distinction, that it is our natural state is because some people have the tendency to think that inorder to stay empty (out of thought) you have to exert effort. And at first it may be that way, but eventually its effortless and natural to be empty & present.
  7. @key Thankyou my friend, I appreciate it. Ego driven? Maybe I am missing something, would you care to elaborate?
  8. You may of heard the word Shiva, and may have a idea or something that springs to mind when you hear that word. I am going to shed some light, on this. Shiva, means that which is not. Its refering to The Nothingness everyone keeps on talking about. Shiva is that which has always been, and always will be, the very womb of existence. Without the earth, there is no human & animal life, Without the sun, there is no earth, Without our solar system, there is no sun, Without the universe there is no solar system, Without shiva there is no universe. It is everything. Who knows what eles is out there, who knows what other planets other life forms inhabit, how far does this stretch out to, does it go on forever? Never stops! And there are infinite planets & suns and life forms. I don't know. What I do know is shiva goes on forever and ever, because it is without form, so what could limit it. A limit is something that applies only to form. Limited in shape, size, duration and so on. But nothing? Well you figure it out for your self. Shiva is described as darkness, the reason being for this is, light is finite, a lightbulb and even the sun, will eventually die out, even something as powerful as the sun is still limited, to time. And will eventually lose its ability to give out light. So based on this quite Logical reasoning, its described as a infinite empty darkness. I wouldn't get to caught up on that though because your mind will create a image, and that which is imageless, can't be limited to a thought of darkness. it is that which everything manifest from, and that which all manifestations fall back into. Many words have been given, to this God, Tao, absolute ect. So every master is one who knows himself/herself as a expression of the devine shiva, And imbodies that consciousness, shiva consciousness, Christ consciousness, buddha mind and so on. You get the point. And when one has ego death meaning they literally, lose there experience of being themselves, they then know themselves as the infinite without question because they are it. Shiva also refers to a yogi who knew himself as the devine, thousands of years ago, but I won't go into that in this post. I have to give credit, to sadhguru who I learn this stuff from in a little ebook I was reading this morning, and I gave my own little twist on it. Hope you liked it. Peace
  9. Find a comfortable position, doesn't matter to much what one. Just be comfortable, be still. Close your eyes, focus on your breath. As the breath slowly & smoothly inhales & exhales, You will start to notice there is a point were the breath stops for a moment. Were the breath begins and the breath ends. Fall deep into these intervals and they will start to become longer and longer, You may find that you eventually disappear. Heard this from osho. Do not disregard this technique because of its simplicity, This can very effective, plus you focusing on the breath keeps you anchored to emptiness, and not to caught up in monkey mind. Peace
  10. @Arman Theres so many to choose from I am like a kid in a candy store I like Mooji, he is a warm soul.
  11. @Loreena The power of destruction of lord shiva? Obviously you know more about shiva, I only read a few pages this morning. Would you care to elaborate?
  12. Krishnamurti the way of intelligence PDF download Krishnamurti - The Way of Intelligence.pdf
  13. I really like this post, its a brilliant idea. if we can get this going, and get lots of comment/suggestions I think it would really help everyone. I'll give a little contribution to. First of all Osho, this guy regardless of what you may of heard or what you think of him, he was very intelligent, he has tons of books on you name it zen, taoism,suffism, yoga, Buddhism ect. Few examples The book of secrets. The Art of dying. Courage, The joy of living dangerously. Intuition, knowing beyond logic. The Buddha said. And so on.
  14. Falling into eternity, when the body dies, that's what is going to happen, there will be nothing to do but fall back into eternity, the divine darkness, We need to bring up this topic of death and face it with courage, to surrender with love and integration, rather than go kicking and screaming like most will do, because the ego is designed to persist it will be a tremendously painful proccess if one dies slowly, like most will, a lot of people even on this forum will get cancer, thats how a lot of humans die, and I know to a self that seems depressing but if we discover the Art of dying we can fall into a deep meditation at the moment of death and leave with revevrence and aww of yourself, don't forget its not like you are a separated entity inside the human skin, you are the divine darkness, to realise that before death of the body is important, we are conditioned to avoid conversations like death because of scared egos teaching us to be that way to, but we can break the chains of conditioning and dissolve into the oneness of eternity. We need to realise that this whole thing is about reality itself as a whole, mystery's within mysterys universes within universes forever! This is forever there will never be a end to infinity its outside of time. This magic you are has been around for eternity and will continue its wonderful story, long after our individual story is gone, this is a mere spec of boundless beauty, Life is a fleeting phenomenon, the more we realise that, the more and more present existence will become for you, this will only happen once and in a flash it will be gone, enjoy it, appreciate it, love it as yourself, More will wake up, with this new found courage, why did Buddha wake up, because he looked at death and didn't run away.
  15. It is so important, that we find a burning desire for liberation, that there is a longing, a calling even, In the very depths of your being. Its time we stop looking at it, as some great achievement, that only The Buddha, osho, sadguru and so many more attained, stop looking at them through a filtered perspective, like there celebrity's. Loads of fucking normal everyday joes, are waking up today! with technology being all pervasive in this generation, loads of enlightened people are able to point to something that they themselves, are conscious of. This isn't for the esoteric Anymore, this is available to anyone now. This is what everything is, its all one thing, and duality happens within this non duality, its a self aware reality we are experiencing. If we want to wake up, then we have to let everything go, empty our cup to make room for the new. clinging to your knowledge, past, and the way you think things are will keep your ego spinning its wheels for years and it will be a waste of time. Do what ever you have to do, if you need to take psychedelics, to have a ego death, then do it, drugs are here in this life for some reason. True liberation though is a experience of abiding in ego death, because, and I don't give a shit what your ego thinks, I am god and so are you, this is the deeper level of reality, the deeper truth, god is more of an IT rather than a he or she. And when I say the word god, that is then seen through a Filtered perception of the past, Pay attention. God is the entirety, off everything and reality's deepest layer is nothingness, thats what everything is. Including you, unless your somehow outside of everything, the ego sees even reality itself as separate from it, through a subject, object relationship. This is me, and this is reality, its not like that it is all one thing. Don't make nothingness into a object ,because then we separate it from everything, its just the true nature of things isn't physical, and its only intill you experience that for yourself, will you really know, don't make it into a belief, if you haven't experienced reality as non physical, then just be open to that possibility, (empty cup) Don't make your life into a proccess of accumulating knowledge, instead stay alert and empty and learn about life instead, that's the only way your going to get the new, and getting the new is your experience telling you how things are rather than story's and concepts, holding onto sentences like "all is one" ect doesn't mean shit, its the experience you are looking for, you will only know what you are once you are it! That's when its the real deal. Something Practical- Let your nose lead your vision from now on, by having your eyelids half way open, you will find the perfect position were you are viewing everything through the guide of the tip of your nose, it just takes a little attention, but don't forcefully focus on it, do it in the most relaxed way, and you will start to fill a pressure in your third eye ( forehead). Stay empty and let the light of non duality come in, this is something I heard from osho, many masters have figured this out, martin ball has also mentioned about the symmetry Of the non dual state of awareness. I can't tell you how to get there, because everyone is going to have a different story to tell, because variety is the spice of life and its much cooler for reality to experience itself in many different ways, (simultaneously) So everyone's at a different place, but we all need to eventually, know ourselves at the same place, we are already there anyway, most are just not conscious of it yet, its not anyone's fault, its not a bad thing its just the way things are at the moment, its got to be taken into our own hands now though because we have this wonderful opportunity, us as human have the capacity to increase our consciousness, and wake up! So let's do it! Anyone who has ever woken up to the unity of life, has never regret it. We have a few persistent beliefs that really make a difference, in our experience like Believing we a object, that reality is physical, that The Voice in our heads is us (fundamentally) There's so much to learn and you will be your own greatest guru by being completely honest with yourself, and really observing your experience, and self. We are all together.
  16. @jse yer maybe your right, I only put that because this post is mostly about ego death.
  17. @FirstglimpseOMG Thankyou for sharing some words with us, Life is a mystery, and if one is so inclined, there is so much depth, so much to inquire, endless amounts, As Einstein Said once, there's two ways you can experience life, and that is as if nothing is a miracle, and as if everything is a miracle.
  18. @BeginnerActualizer if your obsessed with Leo, then thats what is, or is it your mind that is obsessed with Leo, and you are observing it? You don't have to detox from actualized.org just don't get all caught up in identification with your thoughts that are appearing in your awareness. Thoughts are coming and going in your awareness, but when thoughts are not, you still are, so its obviously the case that thoughts are not fundamentally What you are.
  19. I really like Leos video on awareness, and the way one conveyed the importance of it, in a a very articulate way with the help of ouspensky. It takes a intelligence to be able to really listen to something, but coming back to the awareness, back to the basics is very important, being aware isn't something we do its what we are. I am sure people would definitely benefit from having the reminder once more, that the only way you are not asleep anymore is by being aware of what is, you can read books about being aware all you want and there are some very valuable Pointing's to enlightenment, but with out awareness of what is, the self biased tendecys of the sentient experience, will continue, one can't come out of that which one is not aware of. People want more knowledge to stack on the trophy shelf, rather than detach from identification by being aware, that all there is, is awareness itself! Leo a question you had, in your 68 questions video about reality, one of the questions, was asking "what unifies the five senses?" Awareness does. All duality is couched in that which is aware, Awareness is what reality is, its without form, a non physical reality. The five senses work in Union with that which is. The ego has always got more complex questions to ask, but is that not just avoiding experiencing it for oneself. Everyone needs to be reminded of there ignorance, everyone, all of us, I bet that there is still ignorance in myself, and if everyone was truthful they would know that they are to, because the ego is very self deceptive even if there is a abiding state of awareness for them, there's still more to be had, still deeper to go, this is something that one can do, for as long as they can Intill death, just continue to learn, and become conscious of that which is, Truth with a capatible T, as leo puts it.
  20. I guess you can see life (reality) as a game right, like if you played Grand Theft Auto. in order to play that game you have to be the character inside the game, see? In order to interact with the environment, not to mention shoot guns and beat up prostitutes after they've.... you know Like say in the game you are crossing the street and some dick, comes and knocks you over, with a car, you react as if you are the character. Maybe you retaliate by pulling them out of the car and attack them. So in this analogy, you could say you are the game itself, the environment, the character, ect. But you are also the one playing the game and after you turn it off your are fine & not tarnished by it. Life really isn't to serious, because its really nothing, your really nothing. Its great Have a good day!
  21. @Dodoster ive heard Rupert spira Say something similar, when he talks about, that you are the screen of the movie, and that which happens to the characters in the movie, doesn't ultimately affect the screen itself, something like that, I can't really remember it to well, maybe someone eles has heard him say that to?
  22. @Dodoster hahaaha thats so funny, your so funny man, I guess you could see it as sims to! Lol
  23. Just a quick one The importance of living life, with the primary directive of being aware. If you haven't watched leos video on awareness, (one of my favorites) then I recommend you watch that or listen to it, more than once. A book by osho called awareness is a very good book you can read, you can read some of it for free on Google books. I went for a walk today, in the park it was lovely, the sun was shining, the trees looked beautiful, it was a bit chilly, but that sense of freshness to the air accompanied it. There was a silents to it all, a peace. It was so enjoyable, just to be aware, to be aware of silents. We all have our lives to live, I know that, and sometimes might not have time to meditate, or contemplate But if you separate your spirituality from your life, meaning you see them as two separate things, you probley won't get enlightened. Be meditative throughout your entire day, ( yes you can do that) when your at work, when your having a conversation with someone and so on. If you just meditate one hour a day and then you go back to sleep the rest of your day, you will miss SO much! You need to realise being aware is the most joyful thing you can do, it may take a while of hard work, of being really attentive, but one day it will pay you back 100 fold. This is something that takes seriousness, its not a fucking joke. Sorry to swear then, but you have no idea what you will miss out on in your life, if you don't listen to what I am saying here, I can't do it for you, no1 can, this has to be your decision. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make the horse drink it" If you don't do it, maybe you will have a pretty good life, some money, partner, job ect. These things are great, but there only surface joys, if you want the depths of existence itself, to know ones true nature ( and no it doesn't need to be up held or remembered with a bunch of knowledge) You wont need here say or philosophy, you will be the truth. The very nature of the mind is suffering, so if you don't transcend mind, you will never be as happy as you could have been. This is a way of life! I know myself even in the short time I have been raising consciousness the joy my life is, just by being more aware, its so exciting to imagine the depth of awareness one can have after 40 years of hard work.
  24. intriguing Title isn't it? Want to become enlightened? Then maybe, just maybe I can help you on your path. Now don't get me wrong, I am no master. But if you can trust in my words and really read between the lines, then reading my journal, might help! Maybe? Who knows. Can't hurt to try can it? First of all, I am going to take the Liberty, of giving you a very brief background, in order to give you some perspective. Don't worry I know your not really interested in me, that's okay your not supposed to be right, your supposed to be interested in you. That's how A self is. "Your the Centre Of your own universe" Nothing wrong with that. My names Callum Aylott, I am 21 years old. I have been going deep into enlightenment for just under a year now. But have made serious progress because I have done nothing but study enlightenment, meditate, contemplate, and enquire, for this entire time. I am not joking. The moment I get up, first thing I think about, to the moment I go to bed, last thing I think about. I am obsessed! Early in 2016 I left my job. And haven't been back to work since, I have spent all of my time, and I mean all my time, trying to get enlightened. Haven't had a social life, Haven't done any of the normal everyday things that I am sure you have had your hands full with. Like, friends, job, activities, TV, relationships and so on. This is how I have made so much progress. Now there are so many great teachers out there, videos on YouTube, Books ect. And I am in no way trying to compare my self to these masters that have pointed the way for so many, including my self. But maybe I can go into the smaller details that these masters don't have time for. First of all if you are interested in enlightenment then I am going to give you some names that I recommend you to check out, I do apologise, if you have heard of these people, but it could be of help to someone out there. Peter Ralston, Adyashanti, krishnamurti, Alan watts, mooji, eckart tolle, Osho, ramana Maharashi, papaji, shunyamurti, Jed McKenna,Rupert Spira, and of course Leo. There are more but none that spring to mind at the moment. Okay so.... I have had maybe 10 enlightenment experiences, through out this entire time of study, I will go into these in detail at a later date. Where am I at right now? Good question. My mind is completely Fucking empty! When I look at something, the door on my right for example, there's just a door! Nobody looking at it. I have spent so much time in and out of egoic consciousness, and pure silent consciousness, that it has ripped a hole in my psyche. And thoughts don't have the entrancing capacity they once did. Its like these thoughts know they are not gona get anywhere now, so "monkey mind" has reduced dramatically. There is no self, and when that is fully, realised then how can a thought trick someone, there isn't anyone to trick. I want to help you, I am going to go into all the tricks of the mind, by giving you examples I have experienced, things to look out for, I will explain what a enlightenment experience feels like, transformation of the self, and more. So stick around I'll post whenever I get the chance. Peace out.