Hero in progress

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Everything posted by Hero in progress

  1. Does God exist God is a word that we all no well, its of course a symbol for something or other. When most people hear that word they will get a conceptual image of man with a white beard (sitting on clouds). That sort of thing. And he is very judgmental because he thinks like a human, and then it becomes more of a case of moralizing, judging, obeying (following commandments) and going to church or temple, praying ect This is the religious God. "God has no religion" Now I want to say something about what I mean with that word God. I would define as the source of creating. What is doing this? How are we awake and alive? That sort of thing. Is there a god that is doing all of this or is there not? Well I would like to hear what you say about this? So if we are to say there is a god, then of course we need to answer the question of who created god? The source of all creation right? What is the source of the source? Mind boggling Well let me shed some light If there is a man with a white beard, or a cosmic entity that is doing this I know how it came into being. Radical claim! But I do & I don't care what you believe. There is being itself Being has given birth to everything It is alive It is conscious It is intelligent Creative It has the capacity to do all this There is nothing that is not being Look at your door, look at your phone are they not being? Being is what is doing this, that is why you are awake and tasting this life. Being is infinite (meaning no beginning & no end) It doesn't have rules of duration or limitations of any kind because it isn't a thing. It is no thing. But at the same time not separate of different from anything. Being is the source of the cosmos. Being is silent, meaning it doesn't talk. It just is. It is timeless, eternal (outside of time) It is a invisible field of aware being And it is you. So moral of the story is if there is a man in the clouds giving orders, what gave birth to him? You did.
  2. I have had some direct consciousness of this matter, and some pretty deep awakenings that have been triggered through the use of a certain substance. And this work is can be very tricky. If I was to put it in the most accurate terms I can. From my direct experience. The self that you are, may still have some ego residue, or its resistant. Just remember that this unconsciousness is observed and you don't need to identify with it, you are always what you are, the more you marinate In your being the more the unconsciousness will fall away. I highly recommend that you all check out peter Ralston's books, and take some psychedelic After sometime of consciousness work such as contemplation/meditation/mindfulness/self enquiry. You don't need to use them but if you are having trouble breaking through to the absolute, then they can be a great tool. I have had some very deep awakenings after taking only cannabis. So something to consider.
  3. @FirstglimpseOMG Thanks for sharing some words with us, I liked what you wrote and I wish you all the best in you endeavour of becoming more conscious. Have you had a awakening of some kind?
  4. "Wisdom is knowing I am nothing" ~ nisargadatta maharaj ~ If you haven't had the nothingness of your true nature come to the forefront of experience yet that's okay. Finding out what your not is a good Place to start. And that's were Leo's self enquiry video will come in handy. Because he literally Goes through all aspects of the phenomenal world and shows you that you can't be any of these. They all come & go. Thoughts can be tricky because when there is belief in them they feel like you. Especially the conceptual image of you, when turning your head, talking ect. But I can tell you from direct experience, when your mind is still & empty and there are no thoughts or images of you, you don't disappear! ( or do you? Wink wink ) Meaning without thoughts you still are. Emotions can be very powerful and overwhelming at times and you can get real caught up in identifying with your emotions. Anger, sadness, hopelessness ect. But again all emotions fluctuate within awareness. The one thing you can't separate yourself from is awareness. Try not to be aware right now! See you can't awareness is stick to you like glue. I will leave you with a great quote. "Love says I am everything Wisdom says I am nothing Between the two my life flows"
  5. @Bodhi123 @Bodhi123 Well first of all, it depends on what you mean by this is the answer to everything. if you mean by that, that your whole life is going to be plain sailing and no challenges will arise for you after you have found the truth of your being this idea I would not hold on to. and about what to do with your life, the possibilities are endless. what do you want to do? you can sit under a tree and meditate for the rest of your life, or you can go out clubbing and have a real party. Start a business, save the whales, or whatever. My practical advice would be to do something you love, something you have passion for. a lot of people do the 9 to 5 grind and are pretty miserable. And don't worry if you fuck up this life, you will probably get another chance to do something, you do have eternity. So relax and try to enjoy it.
  6. @The Universe i am sitting on the sofa.
  7. @Prabhaker indeed.
  8. So, Let's get started shall we, I don't know what I am about to write, but what ever it is will be, is as closely aligned with the truth as possible at this moment. I have been going as deep as I can into this thing we call reality for a while now, and have to the point that I only want to talk about truth, not speculation. Truth is different from merely having a idea, its deeper than that. Truth hits you like a invisible force, and you know it with 100% certainty, because its fucking true. And that's that. When people say all is one, or you are everything,at first you might think what a hippie fuck. It seems like some hippie concept, that has no validity. You look around and see and that doesn't seem to be the case, it defo feels like you are separate, and your mom & Dad and friends feel like they are not you. And your unique and different from everyone else, you see things differently from others and some people just feel like they couldn't be anymore different than you. And that's true. This is what I call the manifest self. In the manifest world you are a individual, with your own life, and you being a person. You may have some goals and some preference, and characteristics. And understand you have a role to play in Society, and you have thoughts & feelings, friend's, lovers, career ect. All those things are going on, sure. But one question Who sees that? All this stuff is observed, its like all of it is shown like a movie, who's the watcher of the movie? Without the watcher there can't be any of this, because what we have here is a movie called my life, and its seen, witnessed. This witness is fully emerced in the movie and is getting identified as a result. You don't exist. Sorry.
  9. communicating Or manipulating This is a very important distinction that needs to be addressed. communication is sharing information for the purpose of getting something across thus creating understanding in your fellow human. But a lot of the time, what our self is up to is manipulation. Manipulation I will define here as trying to elicit a particular response from the other person. In order to fulfill A need. This is something that creeps up a lot and you will see it for yourself with some attention & self honesty. A lot of the time we are trying to get the other person to see us is a particular way, how often do you do this, contemplate. there are layers of manipulation when it comes to communication, maybe you want that person to see you in a particular light, acting out some internal drive your no longer communicating without any ulterior motive But rather trying to bend this other to your will for your own benefit. When you are sending information through sounds, which are symbols for different distinctions of existence, car, chair, you, me ect. Is not most of the time a attempt to manipulate in some way? Now before you say no, don't be so quick to hand wave this away. Your mind is very tricky & is good at making blind spots. This may require a deepening in consciousness, and contemplations on communication. When trying to communicate A lot of the time its to make a certain impression, maybe we want them to think we are cool, strong, attractive, confident, classy, intelligent, special, popular, important, Or to get love, to feel important, to feel wanted ect. Whatever it may be that's for you to see. Okay hope this helps in your contemplations.
  10. @Nahm Well spotted! I know you are right
  11. @Echoes I like what you said just then " the present moment" (now),is a more accurate face than the self image of the mind. Our true nature is image less, symbol less. Thanks for sharing some words with us my friend.
  12. I am sure some of you may have had a experience of being nothingness, right? That highly alive, solid emptyness. That stretches out to infinity? Right? That is the true nature of consciousness, of being. if you're sincere & commit to truth, you will probably have this nothingness show itself at some point. After a while of going in and out of this nothingness, the belief of the self will dissolve more & more as each awakening convinces that there is nothing here. And nothing to come back to. Nothingness/being is what you specifically are! And everyone else is insane and living in the dream of being human, and all the stuff that goes with that. Truth is now to be embodied, this is what Masters all do of course. They became walking manifestation of truth and being. Ask your self what do you want? Do you want a enlightenment experience or are you willing to throw yourself in the fire of the absolute?
  13. @Nahm no thats your projection onto to me (spot that) This is about communication and manipulation, its posted for the purpose of you to contemplate rather than project onto.
  14. @FirstglimpseOMG yes my friend sometimes it takes a while for old thought patterns and old programs of ego consciousness To dissolve but remember your true nature is not a manifestation of any kind, and thus your true self is not effected if they are there or not. You are already free, but if you think your not and there is belief there, then it won't feel like you are free. see? You may have to dissolve into the absolute many times before you are free from most of the programming that burdens the self.
  15. @Shin I was isolated like everyone else, caught up in that little enclosed box in my head. And also fearful, there is a tremendous amount of fear in ego consciousness, and when there is fear there is no love.
  16. @Shin In a nutshell yes. there is Goodwill on your part and of course people are receptive to this, generally what you reflect out to life will be mirrored back to you. And this love is growing more & more.
  17. @Bodhi123 ok sure, I understand what you mean I will try and be as down to earth as possible. Okay so first thing is, you are totally alone. There's only you, and you are not a entity either, no1 is. That changes your relationship to everyone. The is ness of life The being itself is what you are You don't need to think about it, you don't need to convince your mind, it just is & you just are. From here you have the openess & freedom to change yourself in the manifest world as well, For example I am more confident and carefree around people, because they are not what I experienced them to be before. And it changes your relationship to life, to everthing. You look out and its like your eyes have become one eye, and what you are looking at is one with you, you have made a pretty good distinction from perception & direct experience, that's important. When you turn your head, or raise your arm, you experience a conceptual image of that activity Happening, and this is a special effect of consciousness, were your beliefs are infused with your perception, and with high enough consciousness You will see with very clear eyes, and then it won't be a problem. you still have the experience of Being Human you still have emotions, perceptions, relationships and the life to live, but at the same time you can rest and a abide in your being at will.
  18. First of all Peter Ralston is defo someone you can check out for enlightenment. The book of not knowing Zen body being Pursuing consciousness And he also has a new book coming out sometime in February that I am really looking forward to. Its called "Genius of being" Contemplation on the vast intelligence of reality Also Osho Awareness And basically anything you can find on jiddu krishnamurti he contemplated for many years and is defo someone who will help you in your contemplations. My advice when reading books like this deeply contemplate every chapter as your reading along and see what they are saying in your own experience so it is verified in your own experience. And is not taken just intellectually but also experientially. Bye
  19. @Sevi The perfect time then to adhere to a practice of honesty. Spotting when you are not being 100% authentic with yourself & others is a fantastic contemplation to get you started.
  20. HONESTY Honesty is a very important principal, If you can be honest with yourself & also other people this will help your growth on all levels. Being honest isn't about morality, because most of the lies we tell ourselves and others, are unconscious! meaning consciousness is unconscious of some aspect of the self mind activities, maybe there is still some stubborn belief In the self. There is a lot of bias in the self, because it is a living organism that needs to persist, and survive. Its capacity for self deception is rather amazing. There are so many forms of deception, the list is endless. And this needs attention. Not Keeping your word Not Being aware when there is some self biased activity When you are projecting onto others When you are defensive When you are afraid When you lie When you are judging others Truth & wisdom go hand in hand. The Self is constructed on a essential principle of living organisms, that is survival. That's why we have the fight of flight response when danger is perceived, these types of automatic impulses are a clear sign of this very principle of survival work. It goes much deeper than that. So look into it for yourself. But don't underestimate the power of being as truthful as possible. So theres no time like now to get started, write something honest is the comment section to get you on the road to truth. peace
  21. @Bodhi123 its scary to you as a "self" the main function of being a self is to survive & promote well being for itself. Being brutally honest with oneself could be seen as threatening because at times it might not align with that. Truth is what I will align myself with, regardless of fear. Join me.
  22. @Leo Gura That is a very good idea, let's do it!
  23. This book hasn't come out yet, it is coming out toward the end of the month. There is a bit of a preview on Google books that you can check out if you want to before buying. This book is going to go deep into truth, what is true? Truth is different from knowledge, it's having conscious insight into what is already true there's a big difference. if going deep into truth is something that you are compelled to do in your life then this book is going to be a highly invaluable aid. as you may know Peter Ralston has not only become absolutely conscious of his true Nature he has also spent many years enquiring into the subtleties as well, that other enlightened ones may not have. The book of not knowing, pursuing consciousness, and of course this new one, the genius of being. Are books that should be looked through over and over again, throughout your consciousness work, not because these words have any inherent truth in them but the simple fact that Peter Ralston is not as ignorant as you and has become conscious of many things that he can point out for you to become conscious of as well, this is different from reading something then holding onto it. So if your serious, check it out.