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Everything posted by Hero in progress
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Anirban657 Wow that's sounds like quiet a party! Am I invited to the next one? -
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Joel3102 Thanks for sharing I will check it out -
Hero in progress posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
~ The Lense of the Absolute ~ What is this mysterious absolute? Direct consciousness of Infinity! There is no depth to it, it goes on forever! So there is never a limit of how deep you can go into it. Looking out of the eyes, there is the manifest world, the dynamic world full of movement & life. This is the creative consciousness, full of Light & colour. When there is a inward turning, one opens the doorknob of the absolute, it is the doorway between being & non being. This is the dimensionless. It has no beginning or end. There isn't anything there. It is the source of all. The Source of creation has its roots in all things & all beings. It is the substance, and essence of existence. who knows what else is out there? -
Hero in progress replied to electroBeam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@electroBeam I don't know anything about the dark night of the soul ( enlightenments evil twin?) And quiet frankly do not care. The only security one can find is in the grave. There is no security, security is for the dead not the living. Any sense of security is a fleeting phenomenon. Isn't it? Look I am not trying to put you down at all, I have have tremendous fear come up for me many times, but this is the egos resistance, it doesn't want to let go, it wonts to survive any way it can. So the fear comes as a manipulation to get you to avoid doing what you doing. But by you asking how to avoid it shows you are getting intagled in this bluff of the mind. Letting go right now may have serious repercussions, or may allow for complete freedom instead. And why can't it be a joke, is not you trying to look for you! the biggest joke of all? Its like looking around your house for your favourite hat when its infact on top of your head lol Sounds like a pretty funny joke to me. -
Hero in progress replied to electroBeam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@electroBeam I know your looking for some advice on how to alleviate your fear, let me give the hard truth. There is no alleviation, the self that wants to escape the fear is the fear! And to put it frankly, if your ego can't even handle some gazing into the mirror, how the fuck are you ever going to reach the absolute. You won't. And you will waist years of your life. in theory all this enlightenment stuff sounds very nice to people. But when push comes to shove, who is gona take the leap into the unknown, Fear or no fear. You can lay down and surrender yourself right now! But not a lot wana do that. Most people wana work up to that. Fucking ridiculous! Do you think Leo didn't have mountains of fear when taking 5 meo for the second time? But fuck it! And fuck fear! Are you going to let it control you for the rest of your life? Or surrender the fearful ego, whether it goes kicking or screaming or not. Think about it. -
Hero in progress posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The crucial aspect overlooked is that you assume you are an object. without inspecting what's True and even with lots and lots of inspection, and thoroughly failing to truly locate yourself you still assume that you are a object of some sort. 5:44 Genius of being ~ Peter Ralston. Its a very interesting notion to hear, that you are not a object. For most people it would seem to far fetched and would be dismissed straight away prior to any investigation. Not to mention that this is something not many can stomach. But the fear maybe unnecessary because if it is the case that you are not a object, then its all ready true and your still fine. Now we find our sense of self in a (inner world) to which we are only privy. This inner world consist of thoughts & feelings. And off course with the power of belief this appears rather convincing. Take a look now, in your direct experience, do you feel like you are a object? Of course if you have had a taste of the absolute you will know that you are not a object and in fact all the apparent objects infront of you turn into a sort of vibration of being. Suggesting a formless oneness of all things. And with the belief of being a object whether some inner object residing in the body, or the body itself. Whatever you identify with is some form of a "object" And of course this comes with some consequences, first one that springs to mind is death. If you are a object you will die. And it really doesnt make a difference whether you believe you are not a object, when you are lying on your death bed probably won't give much comfort. This is why eckart tolle has been known to say something like " die before you die and realize there is no death " When you are not a object, like REALLY NOT A OBJECT! Then you will have no troubles of being insufficient in any way. You can not improve, you cannot be bad or good. Ugly or beautiful, right or wrong or whatever. Which if your honest with yourself these types of notions are probley what occupy your thought space a lot of the time. Comparing & contrasting with the apparent "other" worrying about how your not what you wana be and all this stuff that plagues the mind. Well anyway best wishes in your investigations. -
@Colin Yeah mindfulness is definitely a foundational skill that needs to be developed. It will pay back a 100 fold.
I am currently exploring the works of shinzen young, this guy knows what he is talking about. And could be a great asset in your consciousness work. This book I am currently listening too on audible. It is a great mix of science & mysticism and really brings this enlightenment stuff down to earth in this one. I haven't listened to all of it yet so wouldn't want to rate it at the moment, but I will say it is good so far. Check it out.
Hero in progress replied to The White Belt's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@BeginnerActualizer Have compassion for the unconscious tendencies of the mind, its not some vicious thing trying to make you suffer its simply been trained to be however it is being. And it can be trained another way now, through understanding & wisdom. Everything will be just fine -
Hero in progress posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hello Everyone I feel that a lot of us are making some serious progress now. Everyone is getting on board and taking this stuff seriously. In leos last video all of the stuff he talked about really resonated. I think we can all tell he is growing at a profound rate, like a lot of us. I know the nature of this work can be tough at times and sometimes we all feel a little bit isolated because this stuff we are all doing is quite rare in the human kingdom, and you might be the only one who is doing this stuff around you personally. I am grateful for each & everyone of you, and Leo as well for creating this place were we can come together and support each other on this journey. If anyone ever feels like they would like to talk over anything please feel free to message me. Keep going, marinate in the beingness of your true nature. The mind is not your enemy, be compationate to the mind. Its not some vicious entity trying to pull you back into unconsciousness and keep you feeling divided. It just needs to be retrained with compassion and it will be a great servant. The mind has been indoctrinated with cultural assumptions & beliefs and works through its own logic. Its sole purpose being to keep your body & self safe. So the infinite can experience Itself in this world. So all the best wishes in your inquiries, contemplations, and discoverys. Peace & love -
Hero in progress replied to LRyan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@LRyan I have also experienced this type of thing, eckart is right with what he is saying. And that may suffice for the time being. Eventually as you deepen your spiritual life and marinate in being, these frustrations will fall away and love will fill its place. So stay with your being and honour it and these things will melt away, like chocolate in the sun. I love you keep going. -
Hero in progress replied to The White Belt's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@BeginnerActualizer The mind can sometimes play up, there will be some resistance from the mind at first, but this won't last forever if your honour your being. It will become a great servant, rather than the master. "Fear is the bluff of the mind, all the power is with you" as mooji has been known to say. I love you keep going. -
Hero in progress replied to Shin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Shin great post, This is good news, align with your being. Fear will come, but know that this is a natural stage that all beings have to go through, the fear won't last, your being will. "Marinate in your being" as mooji has been known to say. I love you -
Hero in progress replied to FirstglimpseOMG's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@FirstglimpseOMG Great post I love you, keep going. -
Hero in progress posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The distinction between Self & other arise together. When you make the distinction of yourself, you are already Creating the distinction of other. Do you notice that? When you were young the distinction of you as a separate entity was created, and from that other as a separate entity was created also. See? Do you ever notice that the conceptual image of "you" arises more often around "others" There is a particular feeling that you get around others, something that indicates there is another entity that has sentience here. When you are walking down a road by yourself and then you suddenly see another person, the vibe of the moment changes doesn't it. This relationship that you have with other is created by thought and feeling. And is illusory. It is something you can only become directly conscious of. The whole social world that you live in pretty much 24/7 is all created by conceptual add ons over what's really occurring. For example when you are talking on this forum, in your experience you are not merely writing words on a screen. You are talking to other people. A whole community. But can you notice that this isn't really the case, this apparent whole social community is only thought, is only a concept layered over words and profile pictures. That might be difficult for some of you to understand for the moment. Do you notice that when you are around other people, what's really there is a animation, of somebody, with shape and colour ect. But we perceive through us as a self concept and image first and that self then interprets others self concept and image. Tricky stuff. you baffled yet? Let me try to explain further. If there was no thought there would be no sense of self or other, there would only be what is. See? The reason it can be so hard to get away from the sense of self you have is because there is a constant stream of thoughts showing you different right? Showing you that you do exist. But if its appearing for you, its not you. You don't have to silence the mind, its the belief in the mind that obscures you from seeing your true nature. if the image of you comes & goes, it can't be what you are. When you are watching TV you may forget about yourself and image and yet you don't disappear! hmm interesting All this stuff might not make sense at all right now, but that's the nature of this work. Its not like finding a answer and concluding from that. This stuff takes serious investigation. Peace. -
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@nightrider1435 The nature of this work is tricky, but the one with a sincere heart will find a way. -
Hero in progress posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hi guys, Something amazing has happened! Know that these words come from a sincere heart, and from a place of truth. I have had profound awakenings from very dedicated work. Everytime its happened is after taking cannabis. It has the effect of full body awareness & a still mind, which is great at consciously accessing infinity. Just like 5 meo. of course I am aware that 5 meo will be much more explosive. But last night after a day by my self staying in that still emptyness. I went to sleep but at some point i woke up to infinity. It is indescribable. And I don't want to get into trying to explain it again. But it was the first time I consciously became infinite sober. Which is great. today I am out & about buying my mum presents for mothers day. And I have come to the realization that although I knew what "other" was, it wasn't experiential. walking around at complete ease and peace, I am not seeing other like I have been my whole life. I see them as infinity. Even though they don't know it themselves. All I can say is you are all beautiful. Perfect. this is the point you want to get to if you want to know what true love for other feels like. I love you all. leo Thankyou, it was you that exposed me to the truth. You have know idea what impact that has had for all of us. You will always have a huge place in our heart. Peace & love my infinite friends. Xxxxx -
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@WaveInTheOcean Theres only the one self, the infinite. -
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@aurum Thanks, you are right its so tricky, really there's no way you can explain this stuff! Its gets to a point were words just are not worthy enough for this stuff. But hey like you said in terms of practicality you have to try say something, its like trying to explain the phenomena of water to someone who's never been exposed to it, and not only that there mind is designed & programmed to obscure any real communication happening. Tricky stuff. But yey wouldn't have it any other way. -
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@nightrider1435 hello mate, thanks for sharing some words with us, I don't really care how you get there my friend, all that matters is you come home, that you find the light of you, you are the source of everything but it doesn't really matter if you believe it, its got to be experiential for you, you have to be Infinity without being afraid. you have to truly Trust in order for you to embody and truly be yourself. And love will find your doorway. @nightrider1435 -
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@nightrider1435 Yeah you are completely right the cannabis can definitely become crutch. And that's something one should be mindful of, the ego could use that as a tool to stay in control. As for the mixed opinions on cannabis and spirituality I completely understand because it affects everyone differently, and for someone who hasn't done some serious consciousness work its not gona have the same effect that it has for me. But I kid you not and I don't know why but cannabis is like my 5 meo! Every time I take it I consciously access infinity. And after the awakening, the after affect is increased consciousness that stays with me. The less often I take it the more profound the awakening is, so I won't do it to often. And your right it is a altered state of consciousness when smoking it, ( merging with the cosmos) But its the after effects that you want to be looking for. Honestly I don't think I would be were I am if I hadn't used this as a tool for consciousness, but like you said everyone is different, and it will have different effects. -
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Danielle Much love too you. Xxx -
Hero in progress replied to AstralProjection's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AstralProjection My heart goes out to you my friend. Just know that although in physical form your dad is know longer with you. But in the non physical realm you and your dad are one & always will be. If you ever miss you dad just close your eyes, he's right there. X -
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Loreena Your both x -
Hero in progress posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Does God exist God is a word that we all no well, its of course a symbol for something or other. When most people hear that word they will get a conceptual image of man with a white beard (sitting on clouds). That sort of thing. And he is very judgmental because he thinks like a human, and then it becomes more of a case of moralizing, judging, obeying (following commandments) and going to church or temple, praying ect This is the religious God. "God has no religion" Now I want to say something about what I mean with that word God. I would define as the source of creating. What is doing this? How are we awake and alive? That sort of thing. Is there a god that is doing all of this or is there not? Well I would like to hear what you say about this? So if we are to say there is a god, then of course we need to answer the question of who created god? The source of all creation right? What is the source of the source? Mind boggling Well let me shed some light If there is a man with a white beard, or a cosmic entity that is doing this I know how it came into being. Radical claim! But I do & I don't care what you believe. There is being itself Being has given birth to everything It is alive It is conscious It is intelligent Creative It has the capacity to do all this There is nothing that is not being Look at your door, look at your phone are they not being? Being is what is doing this, that is why you are awake and tasting this life. Being is infinite (meaning no beginning & no end) It doesn't have rules of duration or limitations of any kind because it isn't a thing. It is no thing. But at the same time not separate of different from anything. Being is the source of the cosmos. Being is silent, meaning it doesn't talk. It just is. It is timeless, eternal (outside of time) It is a invisible field of aware being And it is you. So moral of the story is if there is a man in the clouds giving orders, what gave birth to him? You did.