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Everything posted by Hero in progress
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Real Eyes Its just a free PDF that I found, there may well be a more accurate version. As for my own experience, I don't think I should talk about it. There would be too much to explain. Put it this way, Infinity (what you are) can be heavenly or your worst nightmare. I have recently been through both versions and I feel this text helped me to reach the lighter version. -
Hero in progress replied to Mondsee's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm @Nahm I love you. -
Hero in progress replied to Mondsee's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Mondsee Understand the significants of this, ∆ YOU as a separate isolated distinction, that is wired to survive & persist can't love Hitler! You will of course have biases, and limited ways of looking at the world through perception & mind. But ones true nature is far away from these limited ways of seeing things. -
Hero in progress posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The Nature Of Perception In this post I am going to attempt to explain the nature of perception. Now bare in mind this is a difficult subject matter, and I am in no way the expert here. But I have had "conscious" contact with the truth of perception. I encourage you to contemplate this subject in depth intill you get several hits on this in your own experience. Now My explanation will not be the most comprehensive description that you can here, for more information on this subject I invite you to Read Peter Ralstons books on consciousness. Its Thanks to his consciousness in the matter and excellent explanations covered in his books that I was able to make these distinctions in my own experience. To put this in the right context, I would like to inform you that I have in no way finished my contemplations on the nature of perception. So bare that in mind. The reason I am bringing this to your attention is because I want to emphasize the point that there is always more to become conscious of. So just because you understand the communications here, does not mean you have "got it" in other words your job is to become directly conscious of this in your own experience, intill it has become apart of ones own personal daily life. We first need to understand that the truth is inherent in the thing itself, meaning you will find the truth directly in the matter itself. To give you a simple example, if I was to say to you I have two arms and two legs, don't believe me or disbelieve me! Look for yourself and find out if what I assert is true "DIRECTLY" that's a important distinction you need to make in consciousness work. So enough jibba jabba let's got to it. The sequence of encounter Our experience occurs for us as a proccess, this happens incredibly fast and is something we are not usually aware of. Let's go through the proccess together. Direct experience> Perception> interpretation> meaning> effect> reaction First of all we have direct experience, if you haven't had a direct experience of reality yet then you might be abit confused by what that means. But to put it into simple terms direct experience is were you are one with what's there, there isn't any separation involved, no distance, no proccess. Then we move from direct experience into the automatic proccess of the following, The next being perception. Perception is always indirect, implying separation from that which is being perceived. This is what people experience in daily life. If you feel and experience like you are a separate entity, separate from everything else its because perception dominates your daily experience of life. In order to persist and survive in life we need this function of perception to operate all the time, in order to receive feedback about what's encountered, perception itself implies that its indirect. Separate from, we never experience what the thing is itself but rather what that thing is to me, see? Perception is a for me phenomenon. The information we receive is not the thing encountered, for a analogy its like you are in your own separate room, and you encounter other things that are also in there own separate room, isn't that what its like for you? When you walk down the street doesnt it feel like your in your own separate box or room and you then perceive and encounter other separate rooms. Grasping this distinction of perception is rather difficult because it is happing all the time, your like a fish in water, its everywhere and because of this it goes unnoticed and is probably just considered to be what life Is like and is just a simply a reflection of reality, so this will need contemplation. The next step in this proccess is interpretation, this is were what has been perceived then becomes something specific for us, we are discerning what this "thing" is we have encountered and getting some feedback/ information about it. This is because in order for a self to persist we need to make sense of what something is in a immediate and basic way. The next step is meaning, this is were we discern what this thing means in relation to our self identity and self agenda, is it a threat? Is it valuable? Ect what does it mean to me? Is it good? Bad? is it useful and so on. Our automatic minds functions rapidly to relate what's perceived and interpreted to our overall and immediate survival needs. This meaning immediately shows up as a charged feeling, isolating it as a positive or negative, as well as providing the information about how we should relate to it. The charged feeling and its effect is what comes into our consciousness, the effect will arise as a feeling disposition motivating us to take the course of action that is deemed most appropriate by ourselves. The last step in the proccess is the reaction or action that we take that has been caused or motivated by the feeling disposition that arised. Now this may seem rather complicated so I will give you some example from my own experience that I spotted last night to help you better understand and help ground it for you in your own experience. Firstly I went into my sisters room last night I informed her that the pizza that she had been cooking was burned. So first of all she has perceived me that which she is separate from, she then interpreted what I said making sense of the communication, she then related what I said to her self agenda and what it means to her "the pizza is burned" and from that has a negative feeling disposition arise in her stomach, were she has determined that a burned pizza is not good for her self agenda, something along the lines of "I hate burned pizza how am I going to eat that" and thus the reaction or response that come from her was anger, the anger arises as a response from the emotional pain that came in the form of a internal state. Her reaction then came in the form of swearing and shouting, exclaiming "why didn't anyone fucking turn it off?" So you can see from this, how this sequence unfolds, it happens at lighting speed and you are not are of it, what comes into your consciousness is the meaning and effect, in my sisters case the negative feeling disposition, and anger is all she is conscious of, because what leads up to being motivated to act is not important to a self's survival & wellbeing what to do about it is the important thing to a self. This all takes serious contemplation and mindful observation to catch this happening in real time, these things are happening all the time. To live a truely transformed life of unity you will need to become deeply conscious of perception in the relative world. -
Hero in progress posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
In Leos video about the ten things you want but don't know you want, one of them he mentioned was "you want reality to be magical again" Well there is this really interesting phenomenon, and I get it rather often. During everyday life, for most people reality is mundane, "same old" and this is because we become very acclimated to existence. And our time is more occupied with attainment and managing ones life & circumstances. But as I said there is this very interesting phenomenon, that is very difficult to explain because its experiential. So I encourage you to have these moments for yourself. I will call it "The Waking up to the ridiculousness" Its a moment were for a split second you become very conscious of the now, Your entire life & history grind to a halt. And you realise that you exist, that now exist. And its Mind blowing!! For example I was on a train, and I got a hit of this in that moment and it was almost as if I had awaken from the dream of mundane existence and everything is just unbelievable!! In that I exist & there's such thing as existence, and none of it makes sense, that why would existence be, verses not be, and there is this miracle we call consciousness! And how did this happen ect. You may be able to relate better to this if you have had these sort of moments on drugs. Were suddenly everything is magical. The point is, reality is magic! There is no other way to explain it. And you can wake up to this at any moment by really being awake to existing. Of course enlightenment will be a amplifier too this but is not requisite. you can have this happen any moment. Its not a case of doing "this that & the other" to get this kind of experience or insight, but really being awake! the opposite of mechanical "lucid" And this magic will reveal itself. The fact that your consciousness is operating through this flesh entity is enough to blow your fucking socks off is you get a real hit of this! Remember & I can not stress this point enough, it is EXPERIENTIAL!! Reading this and thinking you got it, is like mistaking The menu for the food. Reality has always been magical.. And as the great Einstein Said, "you can live your life as if nothing is a miracle or as if everything is a miracle" And I think there is probably enough people & animals that live there life as though is was anything but! a miracle. So what one will you take a stand for? Will you really cherish this pure gift! And live in true contact with Life ( The Now) because it won't be around forever. -
Hero in progress replied to Visionary's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Visionary The nothingness is not scary, that is the self's interpretation. There may be an initial stage were fear comes up, this is to be expected. Why? Its very simple the Self or ego is designed to survive. The fear arises as a manipulation to move the self away from perceived danger. But actually the self is not a concrete entity as it seems, but rather a activity, like a current or wave. The ego isn't real. If you don't want to face the truth then dont, listen to the fear that YOU create. But just remember your body/self will die one day whether you are ready or not. Better to surrender too it now. -
Hero in progress replied to John Iverson's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@John Iverson what happened did you have your first enlightenment? if so well done. I would suggest you keep going, there is much further to go.. dont over think it, the more you think about it, the further you distance yourself from the truth that is ever present. the mind has a tendency to over think it, create it into a memory and from there you try to attempt to get back to that experience. Dont try to own anything or hold onto it as treasure because you will lose it. the truth is always now. So stay in the now. Empty your mind. good luck. -
Hero in progress posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I would like to share something that you can expect when your enlightenment is deepening. The ego, is actually trapped energy, there is a heavyness to it, a weight. I would call it self survival. Its a trapped tension. I had no idea it was there, intill it started happening. So keep that in mind. And I have had some very interesting things pop up recently. One that I have been going through is what I would call "energy release" In order for this to happen you have to die, there's no two ways about it, your ego is going to vanish, and will be replaced by eternity. Literally! FWI this is beyond all words, the only way you can truely know this is to take the leap. If you can surrender, and you do this through love. You sacrifice your comfortable sense of self and world for love, you surrender because you love God like Jesus did, or Buddha and many others. Your body has become a empty vessel for the holyspirit, this holy spirit, will come with its wisdom, insight, and love. The more you love this spirit, the more it will love you. Because its the same love. Anyway, after a while, a few days of infinity, some energy started to release out of the top of my arm, it was like a tiny pinprick that started releasing what felt like air, it felt great. So after a while of these releases, I noticed it was moving up into my head, and eventually the energy started releasing from the eyes. This is were there has been such a acceptance of this whole thing that it had completely permeated the body. With what I can only describe as the holy spirit, or infinite nothing. If you can let it happen, without getting sucked back into self survival, you will have much more control over the mind, and can choose whether to think or not. Literally! If you don't want to think then fine, it will be replaced by silents. Don't fear the "void" you can make it the womb of devine love, if you choose it to be so. Just to warn you it wasn't all sunshine & roses at times, self survival is a very strong force and may manifest a devil before you! And try and give you a real hard time. Because it thrives on fear, lives on it, and will try and pull you back with it. Beyond self survival its fearless, selfless & love. A Enlightened Master is one who is on the path of devoted surrender, the surrender comes because of love. Moral of the story, let infinity take over your eyes... -
When I refer to the word "Self" I am talking about, the me, the ego, the whole sense of self that one experiences. You could do a video covering what the self is all about, how we live from the context of self survival. How self creates perception, by relating everything it perceives back to itself. You could go into the whole world of social survival and all of the subtleties That go on there. Any organism has only its perception to allow it to survive, to find food, to avoid danger, to know when to piss and whether its pissing ect. humans have several sophisticated forms of perception, on top of which we have some even more sophisticated means of interpretation. we know what something is, and we know what to do with it. this knowing however is not what we think it is. ~ Peter Ralston ~ The book of not knowing 15:7 If one is to truely transform, one must deeply investigate this area of oneself. As far as I am aware this isn't something you have covered yet. There's so many angles of Self, and so much to become conscious of. This will help others not only understand there own experience more, but will also help push closer to enlightenment. As I am sure you know peter Ralston goes into such things in a lot of depth in his books, so you could take some important points from there ect. It would be cool to here your input on this subject also.
Hero in progress posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Enlightenment has occurred, without a shadow of a doubt. It is unmistakable. I have been going deeper & deeper for months. I am at the point where Infinity is getting very intense to deal with. Its happening right now and its not gona stop. There are waves of fear that keep coming, and I know that I am creating this, so do you have any words of advice please. I know I need to keep going forward, how can I make the love come & the fear go. I am having trouble sleeping at night time aswell because its very intense trying to go to sleep while the vibration of being is intense and I hear the humming of empty space in my ears. I know that this is a blessing and I have worked relentlessly for this, the seamless self image has almost stopped completely and I think that this is a permanent enlightenment this time. How can it not be! It is me. But its very intense. Is there a way I can bring forth the bliss & love more quickly? -
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura Ok I will. -
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura Thankyou -
Hero in progress posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hey guys I would like to give to all that are interested. I can share my audible book/talks with you. I have a few so I will put a list below and each of you who private message me I will send you 1 that you pick. If you don't have audible you can always sign up to it. You get a free 30 day trial and can keep all the books. Its because I love you guys and would like to help you on your journey to Self Actualization. So pick what one you would like and send me your email address and I will send you the book of your choice. ~The end of your world by~ adyashanti The secret of secrets by osho True meditation by adyashanti The goose is out, zen in action by osho Dhammappa The way of Buddha by osho The science of enlightenment by shinzen young Just so by Alan watts Your it by Alan watts Still the mind by Alan watts Guided meditations, evoking the divine ground of being by adyashanti Reflections on self by krishnamurti The power of now Eckhart tolle A new earth by Eckhart tolle Meditations by Marcus Aurelius Take you pick and.let me know. We are one. -
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Toby That is very kind -
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Toby its let's you share them, I sent one to a fellow user yesterday. -
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Garuda Only osho knows that for sure. But I will go out on a limb and suggest he was fully enlightened. -
Hero in progress posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Hello to all, I hope you are all well? My names Callum I have a free gift for someone! If anyone has audible? And is A serious seeker of truth & all the unspeakable joys it brings. I am giving away a free Audiobook to someone who is really genuine & fully committed to enlightenment and all that it brings. The times of confusion, the times of fear, the times of illusion. And of course love, and the nectar of immortality. This is a beautiful talk By osho. A enlightened master. This is your chance! I only want someone who is prepared to be enlightened fully and surrender yourself for God right there and then. If you feel that you are not serious, be kind and allow someone else to really get something from it. So the first genuine seeker, who has audible, message me on here. And I will send you my free gift by email. The Way of the Buddha, talk by osho. My gift to one of you. -
Hero in progress replied to Brivido's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Dodoster @Dodoster @Dodoster this may clear up some confusion as to why I said it like that. This is from the book genuis of being ( peter Ralston) outside the distinction of being an internal self object the reason it seems like you're a body is that you are a body but existing as a body or the by-product of a body doesn't provide a consciousness of your true Nature. the central mistake made about the idea of not being a body is that you then tend to experience yourself as a one inside or Elsewhere and then this becomes the non material object that implies you're something other than a body. here is where the belief arises that the self is a little man within or so or an entity or some other form of being a self object. this is not what I'm asserting when I suggest you're not any of it as far as your experience goes the only thing that you are is a body without it you don't show up or exist. if you entertain a fantasy that you're something else in another form perhaps immaterial, then you're just designating that as your body, because it is inconceivable to you that your true Nature is not an object or substance of any kind, you invent a distinction of an immaterial self object one that's not your body maybe you see yourself as "pure awareness" or the witness or some other notion of a real or source self, it may seem like this is a advance but you would actually be closer to the truth if you were to say I am nothing but a body. Your identification with objects may be necessary in living life, but this insistence you exist in some form, no matter however ethereal it maybe is an obstacle to becoming conscious of your true Nature. even those who've Directly experienced their true Nature most often don't get this point because the mind will insist on formulating something to be known and this will inevitably become something, even though it is the "nothing thing" getting beyond this takes a much deeper enlightenment about the real nature of reality and existence. I know this may not help much without the experience but it warns you of a mistake that pretty much everyone makes so as you pump out enlightenments like pez, be mindful of this inevitable trap. ~ peter Ralston. This is why I tryed to stress this point home. -
Hero in progress replied to Brivido's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Dodoster I understand your point, and yes you are right, you are not what you take yourself to be "person" And when the body dies you will continue, because you are not anything that you can be aware of. this is true as well. But your still the body as well, this is why you have the experience of being a body. Because although you are not an experience fundamentally, the fabric of reality is not separate from you. Thus one experiences having a body. Its like when you go into space you have to put on a space suit, and when you come into this world you get a phenomenal body, to interact with a phenomenol world. Its a paradox that will only make sense through direct consciousness. There's a difference between "BEING" A body and being identified with the body -
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I still don't have any takers for this free audio book, so if anyone's interested private message me your email address and I will send it through to you -
Hero in progress replied to Brivido's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Brivido You are the body, but the true nature of the body is consciousness, the true nature of consciousness is no-thing-ness. So the true nature of you is fundamentally nothingness. The nature of nothingness is infinite. So we could say right now you are in a dream. Its up to you to wake up. ~ rise & shine~ After a deep enough enlightenment it will make sense & you won't be identified with your body anymore. -
Hero in progress posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The human self is consciousness. Consciousness is in the absolute. The absolute is. Now this may seem confusing, but I would like you to consider that there is no difference between the 3. These are only distinctions that I have made. But really the self, consciousness, and the absolute are not separate. There is no separation at all. But all experience is composed of distinctions, which gives the experience of separate "things" distinct from one another. This way there is a diverse world, of relativity. The play of opposites. Good~bad, big~small, light~ dark, love~ hate, pain~ pleasure. Just imagine that before there was anything there was nothing. No- thing- ness. No quality, no sound, no sight ect. Just timeless nothing. Now imagine that you are currently inside this timeless nothing. And everything you perceive around you is floating in this. Right now. The 5 apertures (Doorways) into this realm we can call objective experience, composed of sight, sound, touch, smell, and audio phenomena. Obviously. And also we have the "mind" which is immaterial words & images (concepts) All of experience is objective, meaning it can be grasped is some way, held onto, or known in someway or other. So the one that experiences, is the subject. The subject is the timeless nothing. It can't be objectively grasped or held because its not a object or "thing" this is one of the biggest obstacles to understand because the mind will try desperately To grasp it, and it can't. it just can't. There is no grabbing onto it, there's nothing to grab. You can only be it. You already are in fact. but the whole thing of enlightenment is to consciously be it. Become a empty vessel, and it will be obvious. You can't lose it, it is you. Consciousness is infinite But the absolute is the infinitude of infinity. The deeper you go, the wider it gets. Don't be afraid, fear comes from personhood, but infinity is not afraid, because its nothing. Its invincible. This may be one of the reasons that there is inherent peace in your true nature. Because it is literally Immortal, indestructible. And once the ego fully melts away there won't be anyone to be afraid. So think about that. -
Hero in progress replied to Hero in progress's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@electroBeam its a audio book -
Hero in progress replied to WaterfallMachine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@WaterfallMachine @WaterfallMachine I will give you some free books... 1-I-Am-That-Nisargadatta-Maharaj- AlanWatts-The Way of Zen.pdf Resumo.pdf -
Hero in progress replied to Chrissy j's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@MochaSlap Its actually very simple, your perception, beliefs, all of the conceptual activities that occur in what we call the mind, not only influence your perception of reality but also create it! What most humans don't see is that we are mechanical creatures that run on the principle of survival, and this influences how we experience and perceive. Because we only perceive "from" what runs us rather than what runs us, this creates a breading ground for illusion. Consciousness work is about getting deep into what is actually true. A central part/aspect of this work is what can be called enlightenment, where one discoveres the true nature of being. The true nature of you and everything else. From this it has the effect of openess & not knowing providing the possibility of a investigation into anything from what is emotion, existence, other, self, ect through what can be called "direct consciousness" which is a real possibility that most of humanity are not aware of. That's the gist of this work.