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I came across a wonderful article, written by Dr. Harsh Luthar, about nirvikalpa samadhi. He has a wonderful blog about enlightenment. If you have time, read it. Hereis a link: https://luthar.com/2013/06/06/nirvikalpa-samadhi-two-different-perspectives/ Nirvikalpa translates to "without differences" and samadhi means merging with the Self. To summarize the article, Dr. Luthar says there are two types of nirvikalpa samadhi: Nirvikalpa samadhi #1- In this samadhi, the Kundalini shakti goes from the base of the spine, to the Sahasrara (crown chakra). It goes through all the chakras and the person experiences bliss. The experience feels so GOOD that the person doesn't want to come back to egoic consciousness. This is the most common one we hear about. Nirvikalpa samadhi #2- In this samadhi, the Kundalini shakti can bypass the chakras and go straight to the Sahasrara. Afterwards it goes to the Spiritual Heart at the right side of the chest. This is taught by Ramana Maharshi (RM). According to Ramana Maharshi, Sahaja samadhi is more advanced than nirvikalpa. Here is a conversation where RM talks about the difference between nirvikalpa and sahaja: In sleep the mind is alive but merged in oblivion (see (4) above). - In kevala nirvikalpa samAdhi, the mind is alive but merged in light, like a bucket with rope lowered into a well, that can be drawn out again. - In sahaja nirvikalpa samAdhi, the mind is dead , resolved into the Self, like a river discharged into the ocean - its identity lost - and which can never be re-directed from the ocean, once discharged into it. (Talk 187) Link: http://www.advaita.org.uk/discourses/teachers/samadhi_ramana.htm In many conversations, RM says sahaja samadhi is the natural state. The natural state can mean anything. It can mean whatever we're experiencing right now. It can mean being in a child-like state. A lot of masters say nice things out of compassion. I'm guessing Sahaja samadhi is when the kundalini remains at the Spiritual Heart permanently. Here are some people who claim to have a kundalini awakening (experienced nirvikalpa samadhi) in the west: Vivek Govekar Craig Holliday channel: Val secrets
No, it's not the first time. I said it before in another thread, but I can't find that. Okay I'll be more humble.
How many times do I have to tell you? I am SERIOUSLY walking the spiritual path. I practice Yoga 24/7. I never said anyone has to do what I'm doing. I'm didn't talk about Ashtanga yoga to impress people. I talked about it because it's genuine information. People can learn about it on their own. If they disagree with what I say, they can ignore it. They can think for themselves. Your implying I shouldn't talk about anything if I'm not enlightened myself. Then what should I do? Should I ask newbie questions all the time?
No, you can only be a guru if people consider you to be. You're a good writer, but it doesn't mean you are further on the path than we are. If you give unwanted advice, it's rude. You were accusing me of thinking that I am superior to others on this forum. Are you sure you're not just projecting your mindset onto me? I noticed you behaved rudely with another member on another thread. You should allow people to have their own opinions, even if they are wrong. If they're wrong they will figure it out on their own. They don't need you to tell them that. If you're so confident in what you know, maybe you can start a mega thread like Shanmugam's Guide to Enlightenment. There you can bombard people with your "wisdom".
It depends on how you choose to define enlightenment. If you say one has to experience deeper consciousness states to be considered enlightened, than no they aren't equally as enlightened. Some consciousness states can't be described with words. Our present experience can't be described with words either. For example, I can say I'm writing this but that's what I'm doing, not the totality of my experience. The opinions vary from person to person. In my opinion, it's necessary to experience something that helps us wake from the dream. It has to be dramatic enough that we completely dis-identify with the dream character.
We can be friends. @Shanmugam Thanks for the help. I am whatever you say I am; if I'm not what you say I am, I'm nothing at all. I'm seeking enlightenment, but I'm not desperate for it. This is my secret: When I post ideas here, I like to post contradictory ideas to see how people react. Some times I post ideas which are pro enlightenment. Some times I post ideas which are anti enlightenment. I think people here have been brainwashed to think enlightenment is the best thing ever. There are downsides to enlightenment as well. Plus I think enlightenment only happens through God's grace. Here is my experience: 1. I feel a wide range of emotions daily. 2. I don't need a lot of material possessions. 3. I don't need a high paying job, but I don't mind working in one. 4. I don't fear death. 5. I don't worry about what will happen to me. 6. I feel heat in various parts of my body. 7. I don't feel attached to things that "Deep" was previously attached to. 8. There is a strange feeling that I can't explain. Yes, I admit I can be arrogant sometimes. I agree that enlightenment is not an achievement. I disagree about words such as kundalini, Brahman, Atman, etc. being deceitful to the human mind. Those words are pointing to something about reality. Kundalini can definitely be experienced in the body. Atman can certainly be realized. Yes, I admit I don't know many things.
No, I'm not offended. I don't want to mentally masturbate over something that can't be described in words. I know how to attain enlightenment and I have spiritual practice. How does coming to this forum benefit me? No my understanding about enlightenment comes from experience, not just books. I am reading books to compare my experience with masters to see if I'm on the right track. Yes, I think of myself as superior to other people. I never denied that they had glimpses. I don't have any reason to believe or disbelieve them. I don't know them personally. If they had glimpses, great, I'm happy for them. If they haven't had glimpses, great, I'm still happy for them. If I thought I was superior to others on this forum, I wouldn't have posted videos of common people sharing their kundalini awakening. It was to show that everyone is capable of attaining enlightenment. If you're enlightened why do you have a strong desire to be right? Why should I believe you are enlightened?
@Shanmugam I regret coming on this forum now. Goodbye and good luck on your spiritual journey. Peace and love to all!
@Shanmugam It's okay, let them think whatever they want. It doesn't make any difference to us. This is what I think about enlightenment: I think a person can take up spiritual practice such as Bhakti yoga, Gyana yoga, Raj yoga or anything else. Then they can experience kundalini because their mind is being harnessed. Enlightenment can happen even before kundalini reaches Sahasrara. While the Kundalini is buzzing at the base of the spine, it still changes awareness. As it rises higher awareness starts to increase exponentially. While the awareness increases a person can have lots of realizations along the way, BUT it doesn't have to rise all the way up for enlightenment. That's my experience with it.
Some experiences help to turn on the light bulb of enlightenment. They help us realize we aren't the body and mind.
That's a superimposition of thought onto our present experience. Experience is present even after thoughts are eliminated.
@Nahm Sorry, I misunderstood what you said earlier.
@Leo Gura @Nahm Both of you are speaking from ego. It's the ego's job to be discontent and hope for something more or "higher". Let me break down what you said. When you say highest stage of awakening, that's you trying to conceptualize awareness. Awareness can never be described with words. Sahaja samadhi is not described as the "highest" stage by any master. It's a permanent ego death so there is no more seeking. That's you trying to push your psychedelic propaganda there. That's not going to help people gain mastery. I agree but I'm not in a hurry to get to the end. I'm God so I don't have any ending. Why do you assume people here haven't experienced anything? While it's true that experiencing God is more fun than being on actualized.org, some people could be here out of the goodness of their heart. They can't say, "they haven't reached the end" because they're eternal. They have feeling of being eternal. You've had a few glimpses of the Truth on 5-meo (God knows if that's even true) and now you're trying to conceptualize it. It's clear you haven't experienced any samadhi. I agree with @Shanmugam that enlightenment is binary. Typically the end is described as all of our past lives flashing before us like a movie reel. Then we've broken free from the cycle of karma.
Isn't experience independent of thought? Yes our perception is flawed. @LastThursday Thanks, these are just self inquiry questions. I'm not looking for a correct answer. These are just self inquiry questions (except for the 3rd) to help other people. I'm not looking for a right answer. My answer to the 1st two questions is based on my experience.
@brovakhiin Yes, we have to experience it to know if it's true or not.
I think Leo was saying there are a lot of realizations along the way to sahaja but sahaja is the highest. Since Sahaja is a permanent, nirvikalpa there can't be any levels within it. According to the article, when the kundalini goes to Sahasrara (crown chakra), the person loses body consciousness. They can no longer feel the body or use it. If they don't come back from samadhi (the kundalini comes down from Sahasrara), they can die in 21 days. I said it "feels good" because the body is a limitation we have. We have to take care of the body and so it's like "burden" we carry while we're experiencing it. You're right, there is no such thing as good or bad, but that was the only way I could describe it.
I think the mind is a part of our consciousness which tries to make sense of the world. The mind doesn't exist separate from consciousness; it's just a part of it.
Deep replied to Charlotte's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Great! -
@Steph1988 I think MGTOW is against marriage because the courts favor women. The men are afraid of losing their wealth and custody of children. If you find a good woman, marriage is definitely worth it. Relationships with good women are worth it.
According to the article, it's kevala (only) nirvikalpa samadhi because the mind can come out of it. I assumed sahaja samadhi is when the kundalini permanently rests in the Spiritual Heart because Sri Ramana says sahaja is unbroken, continuous samadhi. He hasn't specifically said kundalini is related to sahaja.
Deep replied to Charlotte's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Charlotte It's not really dangerous; it just requires more discipline than most people can handle. By Kundalini Yoga workshop, are you talking about physical exercise? Is your goal to attain enlightenment through kundalini yoga? -
Deep replied to Rilles's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Rilles Absolute Infinity refers to your internal being not an external object. This whole universe you see is nothing but your (God's) imagination. If you (as God) wanted to imagine a universe with a Christian God, you would be able to. As of right now, you're not imagining such a thing. -
Deep replied to MarkusSweden's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
From an enlightened perspective, you would exist even if the white race was genocided. You can choose to fight or you can sit back and watch. The worst that could happen is you would be reincarnated somewhere else (if you die) or your enemies would be reincarnated somewhere else. -
I have an idea of what I want but I don't have concrete goals. I'm experiencing renunciation right now so I don't feel like going out and doing a bunch of things. I'll have to wait until this passes. There are so many things to do, we're spoiled for choice. I look at other people and wonder how they've always known what they wanted and they are happy doing it. Maybe I'm looking at the superficial aspect. I don't have a job right now. I'm living off savings. I'm looking at various jobs to see what I would enjoy. I have applied to a few jobs and waiting to here back. I want a job that doesn't involve customer service. My plan is to get a job and do something creative on the side. I studied biology in college but I dropped out in my senior year because I wanted to start a business and doing research can be boring sometimes. The business was going to be in astrology, but I decided not to do that. I don't want to judge people based on planetary positions and I feel like it involves belief. I can try a different business idea but I would have to work on the side. As far as what activity was most enjoyable, I can't specifically remember. I enjoy learning lots of subjects and I work hard at everything. I'm not in a relationship right now because I want to figure out what kind of lifestyle I want to live. Once I do that, I can invite a girl into my life. I didn't do a good job of planning my lifestyle when I was younger. Here are my options: Finish college, get a job in my field, and do something creative on the side. Get a job, go to college part time, and do something creative on the side. Fuck getting a job/degree and do something creative hoping it will work out.