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Everything posted by Kvath

  1. I'm at the position where I can full time on copywriting due to the kindness of my family having me at home and personal savings. The thing is, I don't want to be dead weight for them and I also want to take care of myself. This situations puts me on a crossroad with which i'd like the opinion of more experienced members: Advance more now and have the opportunity to earn a decent income quicker, or Play safe and earn some money through other means but keep working to build a copywriting career What does the community here think about this, is it a good idea go full time when I'm just starting out or is it better to do it as a side hustle? Thanks a lot for your input!
  2. Hi guys so much like my last post but now more focused. I would love to know the community's best money and wealth resources that you know, books, podcasts, blogs, videos and whatever you have out there. Advice is also received. Thanks a lot!
  3. Hi people, kinda weird request but I think it fits to the forum section. Does anyone know of the amount of time that is healthy for a human being to use for leisure time? A research would be great. Thanks a lot
  4. Definitely matter. The clothes that you use are a form of self expression if you pay attention to it. Per example: What do you think this says about a person? I would say that he/she takes care of him/herself and wants to portray an image of self care. In my case I like being formal when ocassion requires it but otherwise I'm kind of a punk wearing ripped jeans and boots, I also have long hair and piercings (that I keep even when I'm in formal ocassions). What do you think that says about me? I can say for me that that's a way of me expressing how I am and how I think to the world. Anyway you can also become an elightened being and be naked all the time or go around in robes but even that portrays an image of you (sobriety, humility, maybe some kind of life of vote or commitment). Hope that helps
  5. Hi community. I wanted to ask (and I don't know if this is correct to post here, if not feel free to remove this thread) for other resources that talk about self development and with the quality that we encounter in actualized.org I know it can be kind of a difficult request No grudge against Leo, actually I love this site and the community. I just want to take some other points of view and hear different discourses against this deep topic I'd love podcasts or videos as I like this format to go and hear them while I'm at the gym or taking a walk or whenever I have some time I'd love to hear more about the topic of masculinity, sexuality, ego, finances and I'd actually like some perspectives on our current global society I'll stay attentive
  6. Extremely helpful thanks a lot guys!
  7. Hi actualized, I've been in a long distance relationship for 2 months now with this girl with which I really really like. Before that we've been together for 3 months. I was always too skeptic about going on with a relationship on those terms (long distance, monogamous) and she knew about it, nevertheless I accepted because she has made me feel that it's worth it (And she passed my "filters" even though I'm picky). The thing is lately I've been feeling that things are starting to cool off on her side. It could be because of her work, which is apparently a lot, but I feel that she's been more aloof in the last weeks. I know that this can also be affected because of the fact that I'm shifting careers right now and I'm going from anthropology to online work with copywriting and I know she's worried about it (basically I'm living in my family's house now ). She's told me explicitly that she doesn't have so much time right now (she's turning 31 this year and me 25) and stability is important for her. About this I only want to say that I wouldn't mind being with her for more time but I'm not changing my mind on the career change topic. We will be seeing each other around august/september and we've spoke about me going to europe and living together for a while but that will only happen around january/february next year. If a question would be made it would be How do I change this? I don't want to loose her. Don't get me wrong... I'm someone with options (when comes to girls)... but I'd really love to be with her. If I've done something bad in all this proccess is, maybe, that I've been neurotic about this topic wanting to decide dates and plans to meet so we can make this thing work. Actions which I don't regret. I'd love to have a tailored answer for my specific case if someone wants to venture out to try it but if that's not possible I'd love to hear community's opinion on long distance relationships and any advice that you can have about them. Thanks
  8. Thanks a lot for your opinions people You nailed it. Obviously there's so much you can get to "know" someone in a short span of time as 3 months. I keep that in mind and can say that it also feeds my neuroticism jaja Yeah... actually I can say that I don't trust her. I wouldn't say she's a bad person -actually she has a lot of really good values and traits- but she's continuously partying and going out to drink so that doesn't makes me feel at ease with her. I was actually enjoying a good amount of femenine company when I met her and since some time before that but I just fell stupid for her. I'm quite unnatached to... everything, even with her! But in general what I feel for this relationship not fluorishing is that it would be a shame. Maybe sad, but definitely a shame. Hands down. I've always had problems with this but I'm trying hard this time to fix it. Partially true. Whenever I feel something's not right for me I always tell her and tell her what she can do to fix it. The thing is she doesn't do the same with me nor tries to (unless she's so in love with me that she can't see my flaws, thing that I'd love but find hard to believe). Whenever we're talking It's always pointless stuff (which I know it's neccesary) but... never, from her, about "us". Relationship stuff. But anyway I reckon that that's because I've been deep into personal development for at least a year so I'm more conscious of this kind of things whereas she's just oblivious to it (from my point of view). Anyway you're right when you say that this should be talked with her but I wanted to hear people's opinion here on the forum. Maybe I also just wanted someone to talk to... Thanks @FindingPeace @faithful @Annie for your opinions about this. I'd love to continue the conversation anyway as I find the long distance relationships theme intriguing because everyone says it's assured failure. I don't think that's the case, in my opinion it takes focus and a conscious effort but still possible as our friend Annie just implied
  9. That's a cute story. Congratulations for taking your chances and growing
  10. Hey guys, So i was checking the video of Leo "dropping the roles you play" and i think the main idea is good, to relax, be yourself and grow in which you feel its best for you (or at least thats how i see it) but i still dont get it why to drop from those roles. I mean, at least my roles have positive things and let me decide and focus on advancing on a path but the one of the question on the worksheet is hard for me and i have to admit that i have no idea, the question is "how are your roles limiting the growth of your consciousness?" Has anyone done the worksheet? Any insight about this? Im really interested. Thanks
  11. @Nahm That's harsh jaja I was reflecting on this last night and i think i understand how it limits me but i have to ask if it's that bad to limit oneself. To choose one path over the other
  12. Heya people, Yeah well, the question is pretty straightforward. I also think that meaning in life is not fixed as is an individual expression and everyone finds meaning on different things, not just happiness. I've been quite meditative the last days thinking about this issue because i don't really think that happiness is the meaning of life, not for me though; still, i wouldn't know what would that be (if there could be like a standard question for that which i don't think so either). I'd like to know what the community thinks about that here on Actualized I'm curious about it and actually i haven't found good material about it (maybe leo's videos but i haven't seen them yet and i'd like other points of view too) Is happiness the meaning of life? Is it something else? Pancakes? I'll be awaiting your responses cya
  13. Heya! Soo.. Entertainment, that big mammoth. I actually don't know what to think about entertainment besides it's an "interesting" manifestation of the human existence. My thinking about it actually goes more towards questions like, what's its function (as some theorics says leisure time is neccesary)? why is so strong in our actual world? how does it affect human life? I'm writing this new thread because lately i've been in this process of selecting which are the most important things (priorities) for my current life plan and i've had to do some cutting of extra fat here and there with things that aren't really contributing for my goals. Mostly it has been certain habits and thinking patterns but i've had to start cutting also big commitments like my participation on some choirs and teams of people in my university like editorial funds and research groups. That i did because i was feeling really exhausted and decided to keep with the essential things to keep advancing with my life so i'm sure that i am laser focused on them and with the amount of energy neccesary for that. It's been something like 2 weeks since i started cutting the "big" things and i definitely have a lot of energy now and feel lots more peaceful than before but i've started to see that i'm consuming more entertainment like series and web surfing (although i must say that my web surfing is mostly for finding things that i'm interested on like music theory, guitar tips, personal development, etc etc) which is making me not work on the projects i have now (i think). So, what do you think about that question according to my case. Is entertainment screwing with my performance? Cheers
  14. Well i know i don't want to be a monk but still i want to have a conscious life, i'm done with being a pleasure addict. Definitely. You know guys.. actually what i want to know is if entertainment gives some value to my life or if there's a reason to add it there more than for the sake of having a hit of pleasure. Most of the time that i'm tired i just go to pleasure and i really want to make my time count... i mean, why go watch a movie when i could play the guitar and cultivate a more profound and lasting pleasure as sharpening my musical skills? I don't know if im being neurotic about this. I just think that i want to give my life value creating it more than just by consuming it
  15. Heya people, I think things are as big as one makes them but this situation is my life is literally busting my balls and while i have some idea of what to do i'd really like to have someone to talk about it as.. I don’t know, I think it’s just because I’m afraid and would like some validation?. I have friends and family but to be sincere i don't want them to get judgemental over me and i know they are not the best people for that nor to get advice from in this particular topic, also I actually trust the community here in actualized I'd really appreciate any comment that can cross your mind in this.. Basically i'm finishing my career on the university but i have no intention on keeping that professional track for more than researching and writing by myself (which i'm pretty sure everyone in here knows that you don't need a diploma for that), anyway, i'm grateful with all the experience on my university for opening my mind to curiosity and helping society get better which I plan to keep doing the rest of my life even without it. My degree is on anthropology and while i somewhat liked the discipline a while ago (although it has never made me enter into passion mode, as I like to call it) today i just don't feel love nor interest for it and i'm actually beggining to hate it since i'm forcing myself to finish this. The reason for not keeping that track is mainly because it doesn’t fit on my life goals, nevertheless I have some specifics that I’d like to mention: 1. I made the decision to take that career when i got out of high school because of lack of options and a lack of knowledge over myself. 2. I know the utility (nevertheless it bores me and I feel I’m not made for it) of the scientific method/positivism but I prefer the dialectic method (eg: humanities and arts; excuse me if im not being specific but you get the idea), that is an old realization that I know from more than 3 years ago by my experience on the uni. 3. I feel that to be a good anthropologist (and any profession) you need to want it and I’m sure I don’t want to be an anthropologist. 4. Anthropology has not given me any practical skills to get my livelihood more than to learn to read a lot (and everything that comes with it) and to wait to a land a good paying job (which sucks and anyway is not very likely to happen in this career choice anyway, not without transforming into a modern slave) 5. I’m currently working on other skills such as digital marketing (which I’m actually using now while working for 2 hostels so I can start making a portfolio and I’m gonna set up my personal blog when I have more free time) and music when i can which I’m pretty certain I love : ). I’m certain of cultivating this skills and that they’re aligned to what I want in my future. And this are the reasons to finish the career: 1. I’m a semester away of finishing the career. 2. My family wants me to finish it. So… you get the picture. Maybe a month ago I was more commited to finish this but it was because I had so much free time and anyway I wasn’t really getting better at things but definitely progressing (an expected result of devoting time to something). Lately I got this part-time job that has made me confirm that one can’t just do everything, I was the type of person that thought that you can do everything at the same time but most of this year I’ve learned to prioritize, make plans, and reflect and a bunch load of other things for my personal development which has made me change my life. I’m grateful with this job because I actually like it and enjoy it as no other work I’ve had before (and also plan to stay there for at least another year while my other projects take flight) and it’s giving me the opportunity to grow in other aspects of my life such as digital marketing, music (since I have free time in the reception and there’s a guitar there :v), time to read, practice my English and socialize (I’ve been very shy most of my life and i’ve been working to get rid of it for some time, almost 2 years now). I’ve been actually thinking of leaving my career for quite a while, some months actually, but I’ve always convinced myself to keep going for the 2 reasons that you read up and since I had so much free time I just stayed on course just because. Today those 2 reasons hasn’t changed but now, with the new job and the whole lot of reflection I’ve been doing, it just feels so irrelevant to keep going with it, I don’t have enough energy nor time to do everything and adding one thing that needs so much effort and that I actually don’t care about, well… I just don’t see the point on it. The reason for doing this post it’s because I’ve had to learn to select which are the most important things that will get the most results on my life instead of trying to do everything at the same time (I see this post as the result of this other one about productivity that I wrote here almost a month ago) and with the new things on my life I need to decide on this. So yeah, I’d like to hear from you people what you think and if you could give me a perspective on things : ) I’ll be here for your responses. Cheers and sorry for the long post, Cheers.
  16. @Vercingetorix i think its a decision, im satisfied with it About the blog mostly free writing about whatever i want to write. Its not like a serious project, more like a canvas where i can create. I want to use it as a journal of some kind or to write about ideas i just have. This weekend i ended giving some friends a quick lecture (like 20min) on asian philosophy so why not have that written? Somebody could find some use for it and id like to sharpen my writing skills
  17. Well.. i don't want to repeat but yeah the more things you're attached to the more you're suceptible to suffer. It doesn't only applies to material things it also goes towards your psichology. I've been by most of this year on a journey of letting go. Actually it was fun, i started getting rid of all the unnecesary things i had on my room (and life) and my friends said to me all the time that if i was planning to suicide or what (i got rid of A LOT of things) jajajaja but actually i just found that although those things are nice and were good memories it was all in the past and most of those things were not relevant to my life now and just a way of manifestating my ego and my NEED to hold my past and that which i "built" although i knew i wouldnt need it anymore. At one point of my life i got to the realization that "it's better to travel light", first were the books, then clothing.. then other things like my gaming pc and my unused electric guitar.. but then it started shifting towards more deep things like pleasing other people, my relationship with money, my relationship with friends, family and romantic partners... and then it was towards just changing my life and accepting that yeah, life changes; i'll say no more as that is the moment that i am now If i could say anything is that.. yeah, it's better to travel light
  18. Thanks a lot for replying (even though i already decided) it means a lot to me
  19. @Vercingetorix @Schulzy jeje thanks guys, actually i just decided to keep doing it but with way less time allocated to it on the week so i won't be signing on the university next semester, that way i can give myself more space to work on the things are relevant and coherent with myself now but keep working towards finishing this thing and as @Vercingetorix said "for the sake of finishing things" which actually is important to me and something that i've learnt from my life experience. I know the diploma will be useful to me in the future (but more like future future, like 5+ years maybe) because i do am interested on keep working on philosophy (although my degree is on anthropology but so you know my main areas of work while i studied where philosopic anthropology and technology) and preparing lectures on various topics so a certified degree can give me weight and legimacy towards my audience, but while that works out i'll keep reading and writing on my personal blog which i hope i'll be launching before this year ends . So i'm not on a rush to graduate but definitely am in a rush to learning the skills that are relevant know to me and my goals for the next 5 years.
  20. Woah great responses from everyone thanks a lot @Schulzy i think this is right purpose gives us direction which i think gives us a sense of advancement and growth (towards a specific goal) and that definitely gives anyone happiness, even if it's directed towards something harmful cause, heck! at least you're doing what you decided to do, you got control over your actions and your life. Without purpose we're just lost, like i read somewhere (not exact quote): "A ship needs a dock to get to" @Frogfucius That's fun to think of, i think i can take the grasp of it because all the personal development work i had on myself and my advances on different fields of philosophy in the last years but i have to confess that something's still making short circuit on my brain and i actually think it's from most teachings that i received from my family, church and school on my childhood as @Prabhaker said, we westerners have this bad habit of judging and trying to make universal laws for life while life is filled with chaos and uncertainty (although is fun and useful to know how things work but we can't expect to comprehend everything! E.g: Sagan's Tesseract). Actually i just saw leo's video on the purpose of life and it gave me a lot of insights about this topic (and a good book to read "Carlos Castañeda: The wheel of time"). Leo said something there that i think gave me a good point of view and it's just that meaning is something we give to life, it's not written on some ancient stones or given to some kind of superior being, its for us humans to live and create : ) (actually everyone in here made a contribution to that point of view so thanks again to all : D ) @Extreme Z7 i'll eat some of that meaning now : p i'm glad i could share you a bit of inspiration : ) I don't know if i could say that this is a closed thread now but i could finish this post saying that i learned that meaning is given everyday, every minute with every action, thought and hope : )
  21. Actually, anyone who reads this just ignore it. This is just me deceiving myself to not be true to myself and wait for validation of others, pleasing people that don't know what you know about yourself is just incoherent, if you know what you want to do and you've meditated on what's good for you just do it. Be true to yourself, that's what i got from this. Now onto more meaningful things! Swoosh!
  22. Hey all, I wanted to ask this because i've been "rearranging" my life and i'm getting tons more productive with my projects and study, for that i'm very happy and grateful for all this journey. Nevertheless i feel that i still can do more, i still have time on my day for doing some other things. Mainly I'd like more writing and hitting my guitar skills as well as reading and some online courses that interest me. Thing is i've been finishing my days pretty tired, some days even had light headaches. I can say i'm not working that much, something between 6-8 productive hours top. I don't know if it's healthy to be working 24/7 but i'd just like getting the most of my day. 10 productive hours is a good goal. I've been using my spare time watching series, playing some video games and reading blogs about things i'm interested about. What do you think about it? Is it possible getting more productive by sheer willpower (currently independent worker and finishing my studies-thesis writing only)? Is it healthy to work that much? How productive can one get? Finally i want to say that i've come a far way since i started here on actualized with the aim to change my life. Today i can say i feel healthier, more active, productive and somewhat happier (leaving a life behind is not that easy) and i'm really grateful with Leo and everyone here on actualized that has helped in this journey
  23. Hey people, I would like that anyone who has read this post please check this one here which i think its result from the reflecting made on this topic and i'd really like some thoughts on this situation, here's the link: @Saarah @Leo Gura @aurum @strwbrycough @TeenVisionary98
  24. Thanks a lot to everyone who replied, it has been some crazy weeks with much work to do. I've reflected and acted upon what you have told me here but i must say that i still can't get the grasp of it. I definitely take this advice by @Saarah and @TeenVisionary98: "(...) be selective and go at those few things that will yield the best results for your life" & "There's really no point in allocating your energy and resources on activities you don't plan to master." Although my schedule has been filling with commitments lately i've managed to remove some non essentials successfully recovering time, nevertheless i still feel that i'm doing a lot. According to @Leo Gura: "If you really get clear about your priorities, you can work half as much with twice the satisfaction and twice the long-term results." I think i've reflected a lot about this topic most of this year and although i have somewhat defined priorities i think i could get a better job on them. I really want to dive into this topic since it's of the utmost relevance to me at this point of my life. Could members here (the ones i quoted or anyoone who reads this) recommend some resource on this topic? Books, seminars, authors..? I'd be very grateful Update 12 hours later: So i just found this video of Leo "Work less to accomplis more" and it's really helping out but i'd really like some more resources about it