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Everything posted by Lyra

  1. I also tried doing some chakra meditation and did cry too, a lot. Recently I started meditating to guided meditation by Leo after I realized how depressed I really am and how much of letting go I have to do. I've got a compulsive, resistant mind and very strong emotions and anxiety that are most definitely the cause of my physical ailments. Most of the time and during meditation I experience frustration and resistance towards these emotions and psysical sensations. It doesn't seem like I've started releasing anything yet. It's more like I'm becoming higly aware of those negative reactions the more present I become during meditation and otherwise. That baggage I'm carrying around made me suffer a lot in life and now I'm trying to clear my mind. It's hard to watch those thoughts and emotions that are causing my breathing issues. Then I can't help not to focus on the shortness of breath and tightness in my chest or racing heart and it makes me even more anxious and so it goes in circles. What a journey...and I'm really tired of fighting it.