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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. Take care with that. It is not a random logical decision. First you have to go into a journey of self discovering to reach what you really ultimately want (love). I'm doing Leo's life purpose course what is helping me a lot with that.
  2. Name: Pedro Silva Age: 24 Gender: Male Location: Lisboa , Portugal Occupation: biomedical engineering, student Marital Status: Single Kids: No Hobbies: meditation, personal development, reading, learning, muay Thai, ultimate life purpose course, exercise My English isn't perfect, reason that I unfortunately didn't apply to be moderator :(. I got into personal development in 2006, I when I discovered a torrent about how to attract women. Since that I studied a lot of personal development stuff and I commit myself to be happy for the first time in my life. Now I can say that I'm happy, but I still want to achieve big things in my life. The first time that I saw a Leo's video I became immediately excited! The way he speaks and explain many things is very special and let me to understand things much better. Now I'm doing his Ultimate life purpose course, and finally I'm discovering the reason to be here, that course is priceless and definitely will change my all life! Personal challenges I've overcame: - Now I'm happy! -I've started two startups without success but it was a beginning -I can understand the way people function and I accept it, which is so important. What I'm working now: -I'm finishing the ultimate life purpose course (I'll miss it) -meditating every single day -Reading some that Leo recommends -programing my unconsciont mind I'm very excited to be a part of this forum. Together we will achieve big things!