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About SoulSugar64

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  1. I'm familiar with this, I do also. I don't call it a phobia I call it an "aversion" to answering the phone or engaging in the conversations. You are disinclined to answer those calls for a reason and you might want to explore those reasons. A couple of my reasons were- 1. It is so hard for me to get focused that I didn't want to be distracted and it took me a while to not feel guilt and realize it was ok to have boundaries. 2. I don't feel like making small talk or having the uncomfortable conversation with someone who I don't have that much in common with. 3. I felt like it was frivolous. 4. Since I don't call them, I know most of the time when they call its with bad news or petty news or gossip - something I am not interested in or the want me to do something and I am going to have a hard time saying no. 4. I was going to be made to feel guilty for not keeping in touch. 5. I am not inclined to talk to anyone at the moment. 6. I was in my zone (my mind)and didn't want to be impeded upon. 6. ...and the list goes on....I might be having anxiety that day and just don't want to engage with other people. It seems that they way you feel is all about you and you can either accept it and get comfortable with it, or let it bother you. I finally just started telling people that by now they know how I am, and I am that way across the board- I want friends and people in my life who allow me to be me. Leave a message, or send a text, or note me on Facebook - when I am in a place where I can engage I will. For me its more about having my space and time and thoughts to myself, but that is how artist function. I have learned to feel no quilt about it, and now I expect people to meet with were I am and how and am don't try to be who others want me to be. I accept this about me, its not something I want to change. Is this something you really want to change? It sound like you value your time, and space and boundaries but feel like you should be like everyone else who is walking around distracted almost 24-7 with mindless conversations, and just engaging others in order to not focus on themselves. They are outward focused and you are inward focused that is just the way it is, and I bet you have always been that way.