Endless Skies

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About Endless Skies

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  • Birthday 10/29/1991

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    Abbotsford, BC
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  1. I would most definitely be interested in receiving coaching if given the opportunity. My time zone is pacific and I'm available whenever pretty much. Best of luck with your training.
  2. I showed my older sister an Actualized.org video once. Her response was "How can you watch this Leo guy? He's like Mr. Clean on crack." In moments like that, I try to remember the quote from Leo. "I am completely independent of the good or bad opinions of others!" I want to reach the absolute pinnacle highest form of my true self in this lifetime and no one including my lower self is going to stop that!
  3. 24 years old here. I discovered Leo's videos less than a year ago. I saw his first video on enlightenment and have been hooked ever since. As far as age group goes it seems like a fair share of the forums users are pretty young.
  4. I believe if used for the right intent cannabis can be a useful tool for revealing you to yourself. Meditating a little before consuming and setting the intent and what you want to get out of it could help. If you don't and just consume without an intent then I think the unconscious mind will decide for you so to speak. Such as revealing all your biggest fears to you in order to get you to face them. That also seems fine in its own right but I think with most peoples egos once that happens they think "this stuff is scary get it away from me it's not helping!" And you know how much the ego loves to run from its problems and pretend they are not there. But that's just my current interpretation.
  5. Abbotsford, BC, Canada over here! It would definitely be interesting to meet other nearby followers of self-actualization.