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Everything posted by assx95

  1. @Anna1 I have mixed feelings about this. I don't always feel this way. I could end up loving her regardless with time. I don't know. Just yesterday i was thinking about going on long walks on the beach with her, and today it will blew up in my face. I feel like a jerk. Maybe, I will tell her that I am no longer attracted to her.
  2. @Anna1 Your advice is destructive. It will destroy her. To be fair, i didn't mention that she is developing some low self esteem. Also it will kind of destroy my chances for any future relationships if i am to be completely honest with every girl I meet. Don't take it personally though. Thanks for taking the time to post your opinion.
  3. I am preparing for competitive exams which are in 2 months, and i am getting distracted, watching porn and youtube, and i can't stop doing it. In a certain way, i have this subconscious desire to fail. This other side of me, which wants to keep getting pleasure all day is overpowering me. What do i do? I need this to stop.
  4. My hand shivered a bit while I read this. I already know that whatever I do, i.e, the words i am typing right now, I don't control it. That there is expression through me, an expression which i cannot claim as mine.
  5. Context here is that i sent a text to someone i love (We know each other for 3+ years). it was wild but yet acceptable. She's ignoring my text. This has happened to me in the past, to which i have reacted emotionally by getting angry, frustrated and even crying. Same girl. She does this sometimes, when i text her something a bit unconventional. It's not the text which is the problem though. All these other times, i would double text her, and would try to break the ice, after she gave me a silent treatment. We rarely meet, as she lives far away now. I have told her my feelings before, she hasn't reacted to that. Not that a no, and not a yes. This time though, i am a bit tired of all this. Not that i love her any less. But it looks futile. Every time, my ego or I, which is the same thing would emotionally react, this time, i can calmly sit back and say - She has rejected me. Indifference from someone you love is like death. I have contemplated about it before. It's like the universe has an unusual tendency to script tragedies. Whatever. MY question was: There's this popular saying- Don't quit. Don't give up until the very end. I mean, sure, She is worth every last sweat and blood drop. But the truth is, she has rejected me for the nth time. I would leave her alone this time, unless she gets back, and knowing her fully well, she won't. Edit: Isn't it my job as a man to keep pursuing for she won't, as a woman, especially when she hasn't directly said no. What do you think?
  6. @arina456 True story. It does happen like that.
  7. This is a common problem men might face. And i have personally faced a lot of time, still on a few. If i text her something, and i don't get a reply within 48 hours (This is huge, since i respond almost instantly and spontaneously) . What could be the things going on in her mind? Does she actually expect me to double text to save the friendship or relationship? Why have i noticed that they usually don't respond back? And i have to somehow fill the void. Is this neediness on my part? Or simply "I don't give a f about you" from their part?
  8. Being dead feels exactly like being alive. What if i am dead, and i am doing the same things i did, when i was alive? I wouldn't have known when death happened, and i would have continued on, like its' another moment. For a moment, i thought i was a spirit trapped in a spirit world. There was a sense of calm, everything seemed unreal as in a dream, i felt like i knew nothing, and then the terror kicked in, that if i am dead, what am i actually doing? And i threw up. I couldn't stomach the idea that I might be dead, and the people in my life could be the figments of my imagination like in a dream, and that i left the real world behind. There was this feeling of eerieness and horror. Like what now? I am trapped. This is hell. This is horrible. Even though i could have moments where i am at peace with everything, and it's a thing of beauty. Kind of like an LSD trip, and i am fully sober. TL;DR: A re-contextualization happened, that i am in a spirit world, and for it be that way, i must be dead in the material one.
  9. @Wisebaxter Her retelling of Tim's misadventures was hilarious. She loves Tim, despite how condescendingly she speaks of him. Hearing your story, i feel like she was trying to tell you not to fuck up like Tim, but also acting, influencing and misdirecting you in a way that you fuck up. It's all about Tim, for her. Be less emotionally invested in her, than you are in yourself (This is from Mark Manson's models). Surprisingly, even thinking about what could be wrong, and that you might have fucked up is neediness. You just tell her what you want tell her ( Be less invested in her opinion of what it will sound like, and more invested in what you want to convey). And this is from RSD- Maintain your frame. One moment you are killing it, and then she gives you dead silence, or texts something harsh. You react to it : you play it to her ends. What's your vision of how you'd want it to be like? Don't buy into what's trying to sell, instead sell your own thing. I have this situation, right? it's with a new girl. Not the one i talked about earlier. I told her one day, that i went offline for a while, and i don't where to start. Whatever we had between us, we are stuck. And she just went dead silent on me. I reacted to her Insta story a few days later saying she's cute and all that, and she reacted positively, seeing that response, i asked her out for french fries? This girl, is posting stories on Insta, and has not even seen my DM. I feel rejected af. What am i going to do? I ask myself- No matter how cute she was, do I really want to have french fries with this girl now? The answer is a resounding no. Who she was earlier, and what she is now, how would she actually face the fact that she left me stranded? And still have fun with me? Unless she has a good excuse, in which case she'll respond. So, i think rejection is a win-win. Although it hurts.
  10. @Pav Thanks. Thing is, I am familiar with Todd valentine. Watched his vid, and got an idea. And texted her something cute, and now she's responding positively.. A reply to silence couldn't be questions or making plans, but something funny, witting or interesting. He was kinda right. Also Owen is a legend.
  11. @Simon Håkansson Such a wonderful advice. Wow. Just wow.
  12. @Leo Gura Similar experience, except it was a black beetle in me. Wanted to ask this - Could you stay calm with like 5 insects inside both of your ears? Of,course it makes sense to panic and try to get them out as soon as possible, But could you if you wanted just let it be cause you don't care about your survival no more?
  13. Don't think. Go with the flow.
  14. @Paul92 As men, we should always strive to express ourselves fully. Somehow ignite a similar feeling in her. Easier said than done though.
  15. @Enizeo I am not the OP. But thanks haha.
  16. @Solonius Good idea, but i'll probably not do it. I am distracted by too many things at the moment inspite of listening to Leo's video on lifestyle minimalism.
  17. 25 minute strong determination sitting. I was not very focused, and got a lot of monkey chatter in the beginning, and then silence descended upon me, in waves, i usually focus on sounds in the surrounding environment, and body awareness. I focused on my eyes ( They were closed), and out of the yellowish and purple hue, i saw stone carvings quite similar to mount rushmore, and then saw some Indian temples, and going deep, there were complex art in the form of structures. Am i going into dream phase while meditating? Does this happen to most of the people?
  18. @seeking_brilliance Yeah, it's amazing. Just my first time though.
  19. @Keyhole @Lubomir Yeah. Not that i feel any better about it, but i'll focus on other things.
  20. @Paul92 @Western Buddha @universe @Gili Trawangan @SFRL Wow. Five non-similar responses. Reading all your responses, Not reaching conclusions right now, and letting things be like they are, until either she replies or I really want to tell her something, seems like the thing to do. To let go of outcome as Gili said, counter-intuitively, is what i should work towards. Also, it took a while to realize that( although it sounds fucked up), but wanting her to reply to my text is needy.
  21. @Wisebaxter Sorry to hear that. You do realize that you should have acted counter-intuitively? But that isn't easy. What happened with you, as happens with many men- Women intentionally mess up the situation, sometimes unconsciously. It's one of those manipulative things they do, and the best response is to retreat and fight the battle another day. It's happened with me, multiple times, and i have not come out unscathed. My mindset currently has changed, and it somehow allows me to dirty texts, and she responds as well- The mindset is this- I want her to reject me as quickly as possible, for with rejection comes freedom. Freedom which is bit like death (when you contemplate about how it feels when a woman you love is indifferent to you) but also liberating. Although it may not feel like that at first.
  22. I was meditating for two weeks, and all of life felt like it was slowing down, and blissful, until one day, the manipulative machinery within my mind took over, i started getting distracted with little things, i still am. And i didn't do any meditation, didn't go to the gym, would spend all day going on twitter, youtube and watching TV. Two weeks ago, i thought i was on the path to renounce material life, and this seems like a 180 degree flip. I need to get back on the path i was, but it feels like it's not in my control. I know that i need to just sit there and do nothing, but something in me, isn't allowing me to do so, in fact, it's been a week i have been lowkey looking for solutions, and the best thing that happened this week, might be that i decided to post this. Trust me, i am in trouble, what do i do?
  23. I have this girl in my life whom i have confessed my feelings to, and she's ignoring me. I am meeting a new girl this week but i strongly feel like this one girl ( the one who i had feelings for) is the one. It becomes difficult when you know that there is only one of her and that she is irreplacable. How is everyone able to let go when you know that if you don't fight for her, she'll be in someone else's arms? What is the thought process through which you let go?
  24. @Leo Gura What do i have to do to see it? In my current state of mind, i can't. The thing i don't understand with detachment is this : If i am detached from her, why would I even try? Don't I have to make moves after moves to get her attracted to me? Like, the first time i saw her, i took the initiative to talk to her and get her phone number. If i hadn't tried, and if i was detached, she'd not be in my life. I would have thought- That's just another girl. Maybe, i wouldn't even have gone to that place. Lol. I don't get it. How can one be detached and attract women?