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Everything posted by Shin

  1. All of that works, only if the guy is independant emotionally with a purpose. The thing is, most guys who would accept to do all of that, consistently without exception, are nice guys. So what would really happen, is that you'd get bored of him, cause he has nothing else that he puts before you in his life. In contrast, a "bad boy", do what he pleases, and never care for you, not really, and will not do all of those things, not even 10% of it. But still, you are extremely attracted to those guys, way more than the guy who would do all the things you mentioned. What you really want is not what you said, that's what you like in a relationship, not what you're attracted to from a man. Eventually, for a successful relationship you need both, which means a man who has both. A man that is neither a nice guy or an asshole, and whose passionate by what he does genuinely and puts it before you. In that case, the relationship can work, if you are a woman with a healthy psychology. That's a lot of conditions, but this is why 95% of relationships don't work, and will never work.
  2. Anime are not (only) for children. In Japan, Anime are as important as series and movies in the western world. In the western world we have/had a lot of Shonen (Anime targeted for male teens), so it is very easy to make that conflation, since in the western world, most of cartoons are for children and most series are for adults. Seinen (anime targeted for male adult) are amazing, and are more consistent than most series, because most of them comes from an author. So the anime has already an end and a plan to get there from the very beginning, in most cases. Some series are like that in the west, but most of the time, series are a concept more than a story, and it isn't as satisfying to watch a concept repeating itself rather than a story unfolding towards a climax prepared years before. Imagine having only Dark, Westworld or The Watchmen as series, that's pretty much how it is, except you have way more room for imagination since it's a "cartoon", it doesn't cost as much money to put robots/dragons or create an entire new fantasy/sci-fi world with crazy art style. Also anime movies are very very good, everyone knows the Ghibli ones, but movies like Your name or Wolf Children are also quite amazing, 10/10 would cry again My rant is over, have a good day
  3. Sometimes it can feel like days, probably more. Hard to say since when you wake up here thinking it was a dream your brain rationalize it to be few hours.
  4. Ahah can't wait for you to consistently remember your dreams. The best part is when you randomly don't know if you're in a dream or not during the day. Changes everything hehehe PS: Don't go into supermarkets ...
  5. And people told me I was crazy to say a civil war or martial law are possible. You never know with a crazy authoritarian president.
  6. Don't. I almost got killed and used as oil for an extra terrestrial race of doppelganger. Those fuckers almost got me but I stole a car in the mall and drove out of the barricaded windows. Jesus, this girl was like the girl in Get out, total psychopat !
  7. When our Social influence teacher tells us that "What is real is what people think it is"
  8. No they aren't. They only are "inconsistent" and "backwards" when you wake up. When you dream, it make perfect sense Why is it so consistent, I can only assume, but I would guess it's because you REALLY wanted to get lost in this one
  9. No you won't, you'll be put into jail ! TRAITOR SCUM !!!
  10. How could he be wrong if he's right ? Did you think about that ?
  11. Read this and apply it Be very wary of what you can watch on youtube, usually they have no idea what it means. Most videos on youtube which talk about being a man are about how to be an angry and sad incel or asshole
  12. What works for me, is to prepare the next day the day before. I set the intention for the next day before going to bed. So for example I say, I want to do x amount of study + x amount of meditation + x amount of whatever etc... Then I put a note on my mobile agenda about it (in case I forget anything). The next day I just do in whatever order what I told myself I want to do (it usually better to do the habits in the same sequence if possible). If you fail and be lazy, that's ok just keep up to your word most of the time. Like other said you're not a robot, sometimes you will "fail", but there is nothing wrong with that. Just don't use the "I'm only human" as an excuse to be lazy, it is very easy to do, I talk from experience ...
  13. Leo : It's all an hallucination, nothing you ever thought is real ! The ego-mind :
  14. What is radically different from your past timeline ? ?
  16. Yes it is NOT good or bad in and out of itself, except if you're ideological (cause there is huge abuses/coercion towards women in the porn industry). That being said, it IS better than nothing, cause in certain cases, porn can help an unbalanced dude to not rape women (which is debatable since there is abuse in the porn industry, but still). Most of the time though, there is no real benefices to watch porn, and only downsides if it's an habit (especially daily habit).
  17. Then maybe you're already there, what are you complaining about ?
  18. @arlin Even though I doubt you will find other spiritual guide that explains all of this with as much depth as Leo, I recommend you read other teachers and watch them on Youtube too. Also one other thing that is really big to do, is to do research and see the commonalities between all mystical traditions/religions. The main reason you want to do this is to see empirically that what Leo talks about is something very tangible that has been talked about from millennia.