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Everything posted by Shin

  1. I ask because I want to know how is your experience right now, not because I don't believe you. I don't think anyone doubt something is happening.
  2. What do you mean exactly by "I'm dreaming right now" ?
  3. Not realistic. I doubt Trump have air spray in his bathroom.
  4. Don't know if it was a very vivid dream or an astral projection, but I had a very interesting experience while having a nap. I could create a "spirit" and have sex with it. I couldn't see his form, but I could feel everything else. It was fun because I could create an entire being out of thin air just by sheer willpower (not because of the sex, even though that was cool ). The next second, I could stop believing in it, and she wasn't there anymore, and think again about her and she was there again. Very practical if you need a quick fuck while traveling, you can have sex in every public toilet in the world !
  5. Repost because it's gold "So many beautiful birds" (If you understand German it's amazing)
  6. I can't find the video of Leo in which he explains this. In a nutshell, the more the word depict an abstract concept, the more this word will be used differently by people.
  7. 100% ego. If you like misery, go deeper into that.
  8. What is your job ? I'm an Evangelical preacher. What are your hobbies ? Molestation, praying to Satan, and trying to laugh. That makes sense, thank you.
  9. Ahah, pray not to have loops of several lifetime
  10. How much time does he dedicate to foreplay ? Does he even do it without you asking ?
  11. I even think we remove post count too. It serves the same purpose than the reputation points, showing who has the biggest dick. Except in that case it's based an nothing of worth, you can just spam useless messages.
  12. Did you have an awakening around the time you started having sex ?
  13. How do you feel when you have sex ? When there is a man that is super attractive, do you want to have sex with him (sexual drive in your body, not thoughts) or just to be around him ?
  14. Sorry I forgot to answer. Except that the "monster" felt infinitely large and powerful, I don't remember anything else.
  15. Can someone explain what is this : Before waking up, I sometimes am in a sort of between world reality. I try to get up but can't entirely, I can move and try to exit the room (that's the best I can do) and then I am again lying in bed. This can happen in a loop for a long time.
  16. There may be other reasons, But have you heard of asexuality and greysexuality ?
  17. This would just divide the forum by creating some sort of elite part of the forum.
  18. For example I could say that Nazis were good for Europe. You probably want to kill me now.
  19. Protons are only made of turtles. According to great guru Leo, it's turtles all the way down !
  20. New age bullshit. Get real man ! Don't believe in God, believe in the Big Bang !
  21. Only temporarily. There is no loss in consciousness, only gains. Look at democracies in the world, how many have really gone backward ? The only example that comes to my mind is Germany, but you see how limited in time that backlash was ?