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Everything posted by Shin

  1. Don't worry, I'll be here for you Relatively and Absolutely speaking
  2. Not just foreplay per say. First and foremost, he needs to really wants to please you in his mind (not just through physical actions), because as a woman you are a feeling being, and you will sense consciously or not that he's sexing you for him or for you, and that already makes a huge difference. For example, he might do everything perfectly physically, but you could still feel that he's mostly doing it because he thinks it's necessary and he would be seen as selfish not to do it, not because he wants you to have an amazing time. In the first case it's a transaction, in the second case he actually cares. Then long foreplay or not isn't really a problem in and out of itself, it's about the (above) mindset before, during and even after sex. If he has this mindset, the sex is gonna be great, even if it last 10 minutes, if he does not, you might be physically pleased, but you'd still feel psychologically unsatisfied and used. If a guy has this mindset, even if he hardly even had sex, it would be 10 times more satisfying than a guy without this mindset but with lots of experience. That's because you don't really care about performance, you care about how the guy makes you feel, and that's not something that can be quantifiable by how long he can last, what kind of crazy positions he can do, or how much technical precision he has with his fingers.
  3. Sex for women is extremely dependent on how open they are emotionally. If you're emotionally open and vibrant, sex will be much much MUCH more satisfying. The guy needs to play with that openness though, if he just rub his penis for 10 minutes in your vagina, that's not sex, that's masturbation through a warm whole.
  4. Go direct ass to God ! The only wise move to make in life
  5. Yeah but think of it this way. The first time you had the balls to ask a girl out The first time you had to pass an important exam The first time you had to go to school and be separate from your parents The first time you drove a car The first time you had sex The first time you've gone on a roller coaster The first time you didn't had enough money for your rent The first time you got fired The first time you entered a fight The first time you got dumped etc ... It's always scary, now the degree is maybe higher, but you're gonna be fine
  6. Ok let me rephrase it. If you want a healthy, fulfilling, long lasting, and sexually amazing relationship. You have to play the game.
  7. No no, it's time to wake up Wake up with me pal, no time to be little scared pussies anymore
  8. You say it's not an awakening, but what else could it be ? You fear that everything will get out of control, that you'd have a panic attack/maybe dying. That it's too real, and that you prefer to go to sleep again ... What do you think that implies ?
  9. Then you should do that now, that's actually pretty smart. But if you want a relationship, and you seem to struggle with that, then you have to improve at the game one way or another. It's not like both are mutually exclusive. Game isn't a bad word, your whole life is a game you decided to play after all.
  10. In my experience, dreams are never random. They always means something about how I feel and what I want/fear.
  11. Of course If we take the belief that everything happens simultaneously, in infinite realities, then that's not shocking at all
  12. Amazing how both men and women just want everything without giving anything If only it was that easy, there wouldn't be threads like that
  13. There is very few guys that are actually : Extremely attractive (personality wise and with a purpose he diligently follows) Caring Seek monogamous relationship Good listener Know how to have good sex 99% of other guys don't have all that, and thus you will break up with them or not have sex at all with them. And it doesn't stop there, cause if you want a guy like that, you need to give as much value if not more, otherwise he will just keep seeking for a girl with as much value as him, which is extremely rare too. Every other relationship ends in divorce or break up. This is the game you refuse to play
  14. Ok that's maybe a lot of guys, but not all of them. Jesus, of course sex is bad if you have that kind of beliefs running in your head everytime you meet a guy. If he is your first guy you have sex with, the chance of him lying about his experience is quite high. Either he doesn't know how to have good sex, or you're not as attracted to him as you might think. The sex should be good according to what you said, so what you said is probably not true. Not that you lied, but what you believe is true probably isn't. @somegirl
  15. False awakening ? Again it was more real than anything I ever experienced, all senses were more accute, zero doubt I was awake and fully in the now. Then there is the smoothest transition between dream and waking dream I ever had, from seeing the dark sky to the dark ceiling of the room, thinking «ok I got it now !». Then I wake up to write this message. I was so ready to surrender, too bad ???
  16. You can say whatever you want, I don't believe you ???
  17. It looks like you are. If I concentrate on the feeling of you being real, I don't really know. Sometimes it feels like all of this is just a circlejerk of my imagination. Why do I even care about it I don't know, but I do.
  18. If I could, maybe I wouldn't even talk to you. I can't see the point to talk to a figment of my imagination, except to have fun. In a sense you'd be a mirror with a different shape reflected, I don't talk to my mirror very often personally ?
  19. What they mean is more radical than we think. Sometimes I have to force myself to take other people seriously, and I still have the impression that they are somewhat real. That must be too funny, I need it ?
  20. When you think about it, it's really funny. We prefer to go back to sleep rather than experiencing what's real. In Ivankiss case, he wants to go back to the waking sleep rather than being awake in a dream ^^
  21. How can this even a thing ? Don't you have to be registered to a specific place to vote ? With a specific list, and then when you already voted they don't let you vote anymore ?